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Adrien was over the moon when he realized that THE Marinette Dupain-Cheng is his girlfriend.
After the kiss; he never left Marinette's side. His hand was always on hers, and Marinette didn't show any sign of wanting to let go.

"This is the best day of my life," the blonde said to the blunette beside him as the class was returning to the bus.

"Oh really? And why is that?" He raised her intertwined hand up to his lips; placing a gentle kiss upon it.

"There is a purr-etty girl holding my hand right now, and is also currently meow girlfriend." He gave her a cheshire cat smile while she went wide-eyed.

"Did you just... Did you just make a pun back there?"

His eyes widened in realization. Maybe she didn't like puns. What if she didn't like the other side of him?!

"You don't like the puns do you?" He said with a small pout.

She looked at him,"Nonono! It's nothing like that... I just wasn't expecting you to be a punny person," she said while giving him a small peck on the nose,"Also you remind me of someone who is very close to my heart, and that is a very big deal." Adrien was in awe. Marinette liked him. Not because he's a model. Not because he's got the looks (AN: His looks are a bonus 😻😻😻). No, she liked him because she saw something beyond all of those things, and this made him only love her more.

They were going up the bus and Ling was helping each of the students up. Finally, the two lovebirds went up the bus. Marinette went up first, Adrien trailing from behind; hands still intertwined. Ling was speechless. His mouth dropped 'til it reached the floor, his eyes were so wide; you could almost mistake them for actual saucers.

Marinette was about to go to her seat next to Alya, but Nino was already there.

"Uh uh gurl. You," Alya pointed at Marinette,"are sitting next to Adrien."

Marinette gave Alya a thankful look and sat beside Adrien. Everyone was finally inside, and they started moving.

Marinette laid her head on Adrien's shoulder while he opened the book he was reading earlier.

Marinette read each and every word with him silently, while her head was still resting on his shoulder.

A few hours later Marinette had to serve the dinner she and her nana packed for the class. She was just about to get up, but something-no, someone held her back.

"Don't go." Marinette looked to see Adrien's pleading eyes.

"I'm just going get the class their food." Adrien made a pout. Still trying to convince her to stay.

She giggled,"I'll come back in a while."

Adrien offered to help, but Marinette declined. So, he waited for her return.

Marinette returned with their food. They started with a little small talk until they were already telling each other embarrassing moments and secrets.

"Wait. So you're telling me that you have my face plastered all over your bedroom walls?" Adrien asked.

"Yes, I do have your face plastered everywhere. You probably think I'm a stalker or something huh?" Marinette lowered her head.

"I think it's adorable," Adrien raised her head up gently so she could look at him, then gave her a peck on the lips which Marinette giggled to.

Later on, Marinette passed down the fortune cookies they baked not so long ago.

"Okay so my fortune is-" Adrien cracked open his cookie to see his 'fortune',"you will see a wonderful being when your eyes leave this fortune." He looked at Marinette.

"What do y'know. My fortune came true."

Marinette laughed,"You're such a dork."

He gave her a smirk,"But I'm your dork."

They arrived at a hotel since the inn they were staying was too far from where they were.

She, Alya, Nino, and Adrien got a co-ed room since the hotel couldn't offer anymore rooms.

But instead of sleeping girl-girl and boy-boy. Alya, being Marinette's most amazing friend; decided that she and Adrien sleep together.

Marinette was already lying on the bed, and was starting to doze off when she felt the bed dip from her side and strong arms wrap around her torso. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Adrien nuzzled his face in her hair. Relishing in her scent,"you smell like cookies and sugar."

Maeinette giggled and truned around to look at him,"And you, smell like shampoo."

"Shampoo? Really?" He said as he stroked my bangs off my face.

I hummed and started to doze off. Feeling Adrien's relaxing touch.

The next few days were amazing for Adrien and Marinette. They were officially the cutest couple ever. Even 'the' Chloe Bourgeois thought so; even if she didn't want to admit it.

The romance between them grew stronger by the minute. Secret kisses and midnight visits in each others room were their thing now. Adrien couldn't ask for anything more purrfect.

He even woke up really early just to be with Marinette, and help her prepare the class's food and other supplies for the trip.

5 days of being a couple and they're both happy as can be. One morning nana came into the kitchen to see Adrien and Marinette preparing the supplies.

In her hand she held two prcious jewels to give to the young couple.

Marinette laughed at a joke Adrien said. Still not noticing her grandma standing at the kitchen entrance.

"Y'know, both of you are so inlove. You don't see me anymore." The two were startled.

"Nana! Good morning and sorry."
Adrien too greeted Marinette's grandma.

"What brings you here nana?"

"Oh, I just wanted to give you two a family heirloom. Something to remind you of your love for one another." The two blushed.

She showed them two necklaces. Two smooth stones that looked like a curved teardrop. One was black with a white spot, and the other was white with a black spot.
The yin and yang.

"Nana, they're so beautiful thank you." Grandma place the yin(black) around Adrien's neck, while the yang around Marinette's.

"A couple is like a yin and yang. So different, but when you look deeper they might not be different at all; creating balance in the relationship. Just remember my children the problems that you will face in the future. Both of you must fix it together."

And with that she left the two gushing about their new necklaces with love and adoration in their eyes.

This. This was their happily ever after.

NAW! I'm just messing with ya'll. I still have something in store for both of them. AND I GOT THE NECKLACE IDEA FROM MULAN HEHEHEEHEH. AND THOSE NECKLACES WILL BE IMPORTANT IN THE FUTURE.

I hoped you liked it my duckies and I love ya'll so much.


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