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Adrien's POV

Once we arrived at the inn it was late at night and we ate dinner in the bus. I was so exhausted that once I arrived at my room I collapsed on my bed.

I opened my eyes immediately.

"PLAGG!" I glared at the kwami. Can't I have peace for once? I sighed and went to my bag to get a wheel of camembert. Once I gave him his cheese I went to bed.

I was woken up by a soft patter coming from the window. Drops if water were streaming down the window. Rain. It was raining.

I looked at the time and it was 7:00 in the morning. I dressed up and went to the dining room.

Surprisigly no one was there yet. Except for Marinette, her grandparents, and LING?!

"Good morning Adrien," I looked at the owner of the sweet voice and looked at her.

"Good morning Marinette, Mr. and Mrs. Cheng." And I flashed her my sweetest smile.

"Good morning child, sit!" I sat down in the left side of the table near mrs. Cheng since Ling was sitting next to Marinette at the right side.

"Why up so early child?" Mrs. Cheng asked.

"It's a habit I guess," Mr. and Mrs. Cheng nodded in understanding.

"We heard from Mari that you work as a model," Mr. Cheng asked, and I nodded my head.

"I do, but sometimes it's such a bore especially with my father forcing me into it," I don't even know why I was so open to them. I've never told this to anyone. But then again, it might be the the homy aura that appears to be surrounding them.

It also appears whenever I enter Marinette's family bakery. Amazing right?

"You poor thing. But atleast you've got people who care about you," Mrs. Cheng smiled at me and I smiled.

"If you don't mind me asking, but why didn't Marinette wake us up like yesterday?"

"Don't you see the rain outside? There's a storm coming and it's not safe," Ling told me with a hint of annoyance.

"Sorry I was just asking," we did our little small talk and ate breakfast. Little by little our classmates came down to join us. By 9 o'clock we were done with breakfast. It was still raining hard and the sun wasn't shining. It was pure gray.

"UGH! Pathetic rain! It ruins hair y'know!" I sighed nothing is ever gonna change Chloe.

"And what are we even gonna do here?! Ugh!"

"Well since you metioned that why not help Marinette make some fortune cookies. Maybe there you'll learn some respect," Mrs. Cheng said sternly.

"Ugh, as if I'm going to have my hands dirty, and why would I need to know respect? Everyone practically adores me." I shook my head, Chloe is never gonna help, but then an idea struck me like lightning.

"I can go help Marinette Mrs. Cheng," I offered. Marinette's eyes lit up for a moment.

"I'll help her too Mrs. Cheng. She might need an extra hand." I looked at Ling who offered to help her aswell. Why was he even here shouldn't he be at home?

Anyway, I was stuck with Ling, in a kitchen. With Marinette.

"I'll help too. I need sometime with my bestie." Great. Now Alya's coming too. I sighed. Can't I have Marinette alone for once?

Mrs. Cheng chuckled at Alya.

"Alright, but the rest of you, could you all kindly help me clean up the attic un the upper floor?"

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