Part 17- Haylee's Past

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BTW, this is a made-up past thingy. I was just in the mood to make a sad chapter xD Also, Notice. If you guys read the Boy Trouble story, comment if you want me to continue it! Aaand, if I DO continue that story, parts here will take longer to come out. Also, sorry for the long wait for this chapter. I have been really busy this week, I was honestly just barely lucky enough to post Boy Trouble on time! xD Well, on to the story! Shout out to brookcupcakez . If you're reading this, hope you like this chapter. Everyone go give Brook some love! Life's been hittin' us both lately so you guys go be the adorable little fangirl/boys you are and help cheer her up! Love you guys!! ~Lauren

Haylee's POV

"Haylee, it's okay. You can come out." someones's soft voice says, in a calming tone. I crawl out from under my bed, my heart racing. A teenage girl with purple hair and brown eyes reaching her hand out for me to take. She had a black biker-like jacket on and a white tank top underneath. She had dark jeans and  a pair of purple and black boots. She also had a white bandana tied around her head as a headband. "Wh-who are you?" I ask, my eyes stinging. "My name is Akayla. I'll help you get somewhere safe, now come with me." Akayla says, helping me up. "Analese! Lily! Come on, we're clear." she says, guiding me through my house, in shambles. We walk past two people, lying lifeless on the ground, bled out in multiple places. My eyes start stinging and I try to hold back my tears. "M-Mom.. D-Dad..." I say, my voice cracking. Akayla turns around to me, a sad look in her eyes. "I'm so sorry.. But we need to leave. It's no longer safe here." she says, grabbing my hand. "H-Hold on.." I mutter, kneeling down beside my mother's dead body. I unhook a necklace she had worn for years and put it on. It held an amethyst and gold amulet. (Wink Wink) My dad had the exact same necklace, so I unhooked his too and put it on. "I love you..." I say, tears streaming down my face. I hear some explosions outside. "Haylee we need to go, now!" Akayla says, tugging my arm. Rest in piece, Adam and Alesa. (IM SORRY DON'T KILL ME PLEASE) Then it dawned on me. "MASON!!!" I yelled, racing back to my room of rubble. I find a little baby laying on the ground lifeless. "NO! M-MASON! WHY IS THIS HAPPENING TO ME!?!?!" I scream and get jerked out of my house in tears. Akayla is pulling me along, me staying absolutely silent. My whole family.. I have nothing left.... All the fun memories and thoughts with them all are roaming through my head, anger and sadness and rage storming through my head.. I scream in anger and drop to my knees in tears. "...Haylee, I'm really sorry for your loss, but please, escape now, mourn later!" Akayla says, pulling me up and wiping a few tears from my face. "Do you not have a heart!?!? I JUST LOST EVERYTHING I EVER LOVED!" I yell, following her quickly. "Yes I do, I've also gone through this. Our parents were murdered in front of us." Akayla says and gestures to the two other girls. "Wait.. S-So you're all related?" I ask. "Yeah. We're sisters. We know what it's like, we've just learned to get over it quicker. And we're in a dangerous situation, so we need to get back to the base!" she says, breaking into a jog. After about twenty minutes we arrive at a mountain. "Akayla, this is a dead end.." I say. She smirked and pushed on the mountainside. A jagged square shaped piece of the wall disappeared and we stepped inside. Then it re-sealed itself. We walked in deeper and the hallway opened up into a room about the size of a miniature theater. There were about seven others spread out around the room doing different things. One person was doing stuff with special effects, for no apparent reason, and another was fussing at them for setting off some fireworks and making poofs everywhere. I giggled and glanced around the room. There was a girl sitting on a stool with a guitar strumming, and another standing beside her with a mic. There was one guy sitting in a chair watching the 'show'. Finally, there were two people on the other side of the room, one leaning against the wall with her arms crossed and the other sitting on the ground with a book in his hands, reading. The girl looked up and grinned. We walked over to them and the guy jumped, dropping his book. "James, really?" she laughed. He blushed in embarrassment and weakly smiled, grabbing his book and standing up. "James, Lauren, this is Haylee. We found her on our search for survivors.... She was the only person we could save before... yeah." Akayla introduces us. "Everyone, c'mere!" Lauren said, banging a pan against the brick wall to get everyone's attention. "This, my friends, is Haylee! She is new to our group and we saved her less than an hour ago. Any questions?" The guy who was messing with special effects raised his hand. "Yes?" Lauren asks. "Is she single?" he grinned, only to get whacked in the head by the girl who was fussing at him. I blush and Akayla whispers in my ear, "That's Travis. (HE HAS A DIFF. INTRO IN MAH STORY SO DEAL WIT IT) He's like.. a freaking Casanova slash pervert in our group." "Ah. I see. Well then, we're all free to whack 'im one when he does that?" I reply quietly. She smiles and nods. "Hey! I'm not a whack-a-mole!" he whines. "That's right! You're a whack-a-Travis!" Lauren laughs.
"Everyone! Get outside!" Lauren yells as a bit of the wall caves in. Soon everyone is outside and everyone watches as the left side of the mountain explodes and caves in. "Brook, you know what this means." Lauren whispers to the girl who was holding the mic earlier. "Yes.. I promise I'll see you again." they hug and James turns to Lauren. "Lauren... I promise we'll meet again.." he says and pulls her into a kiss. She kisses back and blushes. Akayla, Analese, Brook and Lily all look like their ship just happened, which apparently did. Everyone hugs one another and do some sort of promise-thingy. "No matter how far apart, we will always be in one another's heart." they say in unison. "I love you guys. But.. We need to go.. now." Lauren says. "Wait! L-Lauren! I want to come with you!" I say, grabbing her arm. She nods, and then says goodbye to everyone. "J-James... I l-love you.." she mutters. James runs off with the others in separate directions. "We're heading to a village." "What village?" I ask as we start walking. "I... I don't know yet... But I had a bro- ....f-friend." she says, looking down. We begin our journey to.. who knows where.


"AAAHHHH!!!!!!!" I scream, shooting up. I was laying on my bag. Apparently I fell asleep packing. "Haylee? What's wrong?" Lauren asks, helping me up. I hug her suddenly and she looks down at me surprised, but hugs back. "Are you having nightmares again?" she asks. "More like a flashback.. This time it was way more vivid." I reply. "Did you see..?" she asks. "Yes..but I didn't see anything but the usual." she sighs and I reassure her. "We'll see James and Brook again. I promise." I tell her. She smiles weakly and pats my back. "C'mon, we gotta get going. We're going to Phoenix Drop today!" I grab my bag and she does the same. We head outside to see everyone saying their goodbyes and farewells. Garroth and Laurence are blushing and refusing to look at each other and the others are just laughing their heads off. "I think Garrence happened." Lauren suggested. We walk up to them and set our bags down. Aphmau walks up to us and struggles to tell us what happened from laughing so much. "S-so, L-Laurence is blind until Lucinda finishes the potion and... thought Garroth was me, and accidentally kissed him... HAHA!" she bursts out laughing. We join her in laughter and they blush harder. "Good job L-Laurence!" I laugh. He growls and crosses his arms. "Well, everyone from Phoenix Drop, let's get going!" Aphmau yells and grabs her bag, waving for everyone to follow. We pick up our bags again and set off, waving to Cadenza and others of Meteli. Lucinda cheers and runs up to Laurence, her bag of potions jingling. She hands him a potion and explains it. "Your vision will be blurry for a few days and it'll slowly return, okay?" she says. "Mhm." he chugs it in one go and sticks the bottle in his satchel. He blinks really hard and shakes his head. "Whoa.. I can tell the blurry part- Gah!" he says and trips over a log imbedded in the ground. We giggle and Lucinda helps him up as Garroth just says, "Hmph!" and walks on ahead. I swear I thought I heard Garroth mumble something about a 'great kisser' or something which made me nearly burst out laughing. "Phoenix Drop, here we come!"

I hope you guys liked this chapter! Also, Brook (brookcupcakez )  wanted me to add dis pic of her for some reason, Isn't she hawt? All u dudes, she's taken so no touchie! 😂😂😂

I hope you guys liked this chapter! Also, Brook (brookcupcakez )  wanted me to add dis pic of her for some reason, Isn't she hawt? All u dudes, she's taken so no touchie! 😂😂😂

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Have a great weekend guys!

Laurmau; A Love Like No Other (Book 1) Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant