Part 30- This Means War...

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I. Freaking. Love. The. Picture. Okay, let's get serious here. The thing with 500-700 word count thing has switched back. I don't know how lengthy this part is gonna be, but yeah.. Now seriously. As you all know, all good stories come to an end... This will be the last STORY chapter of this book. But, you never know how it's gonna end... Just know that I can SE something for this story. (If you caught that terrible pun, have a cookie.) Without further ado, let the end begin!

Garroth's POV

"Okay, every family who isn't participating in this is packed up on the ship and ready to set sail. I can escort you to say your goodbyes, m'lady.." I say, walking up to Aphmau. "Y-Yes p-please." she says. I look down at her, and notice her tears rolling down her cheeks. "Aphmau.. What's wrong?" I ask, gently wiping her tears away. "I-It's j-just.. Th-They're my babies.. My baby boys..." she mutters. "I'll take you to see them, then.." I tell her, and start walking towards the docks with my arm wrapped around her shoulders comfortingly. "Mom!" the boys squeal, running out of the door of the ship. She kneels down and hugs them, her tears falling. "I love you.. So, so so much... I'll see you later." she manages. "Momma! Come with us!" Levin says, making Aphmau chew her lip, her tears falling worse. "I... I can't this time... But I-I'll see you soon." Malachi looks up at her with worry in his eyes. "W-We might not see you aga-" "Shh! No.. Don't say that.. I will see you again." she mumbles. "Now.. hurry along boys, the ship is gonna set sail soon.." She states, standing up. All of a sudden she hugs me, burying her face into my chest. I awkwardly hug back, resting my chin on her head. "It'll be okay, Aphmau. I know it will.." I say, trying my hardest not to sound uncertain."C'mon, we better get going before it gets too hard for you.." I say, and she pulls back.  We head up the hill, and go inside her house. She sits down at the table, holding her face in her hands. "Garroth.. Wh-What if we don't see them again?" she asks, looking up. "We will.. I promise." I tell her. Suddenly Dante bursts through the door, once again, followed by three people. Laurence, and two others. "Laurence! Are these your 'friends' you were talking about?" Garroth asks, right as Dante opens his mouth to speak. Laurence nods, but then Dante freaks. "Th-They're at the gates!!!" Everyone jumps up. "LAUREN! HAYLEE! BROOK! JAMES! GET IN HERE AND COME WITH US TO THE GATES!" Laurence yells. They run upstairs, Lauren and Brook in the lead. "I've fortunately been working on a device that senses heat, with X-Ray vision! We'll be able to find her, you guys just get to the gates!" the guy says. "That's Emmalyn and Kenmur." Laurence says, as the two run out the door. " The Phoenix Alliance are already waiting outside..." I say, as we run outside with our big glob of people. A mix of Bright Port guards, Meteli Guards, and werewolves were gathered a ways down the road, ready for command. "Everyone! Thank you for coming to fight with us. Now if you will, Scaleswind's army is at the gates, and we must meet them." Aphmau yells. Soon, our dangerously small army is gathered up behind us. "Good luck Phoenix Drop!" Aphmau yells, and we start marching to the gates. Aphmau, myself, Dante, and Laurence climb up the wall, to try and negotiate with Scaleswind, but my heart drops as the first person I notice is my corrupt brother at the very front. "Zane..." Aphmau mutters. "Looking fine, as always Lady Aphmau," he says. "Give me my daughter, NOW, Aphmau. I gave you three days, and I've had enough." the lord of Scaleswind growls. "Yes, Lady Aphmau, where is Nicole?" Zane asks, tapping his foot. "Zane, enough of your tricks! Where did you hide her?!" I yell. "O000h, accusing me, are we? I didn't do a thing!" he lies. "WHERE IS MY DAUGHTER?" "ENOUGH YELLING! WE DON'T HAVE YOUR PRECIOUS DAUGHTER, OKAY!?!" Brook yells, louder than anyone from below. "You're hiding her. If you don't give my daughter back in a matter of five bloody minutes, I will declare war on Phoenix Drop. I'm waiting!" the lord says impatiently. The guards of his army, a mix of O'khasis guards, and Scaleswind guards, are looking around uncomfortably. Aphmau shifts worriedly, unsure of what to do. After a few minutes, the lord speaks up again. "Well? Where is she?" he demands. "We.. Don't know." Aphmau mutters. "LIES! This means WAR!" he yells, and suddenly the gates come open. I jerk my head to look down at the other side of the gates, seeing Brian run off into the trees. The soldiers come flooding in, and everyone snaps into action. Aphmau hops over the wall, along with myself and Laurence. Dante and Dale were on the wall still, sharpshooting. Soon, Dante came down to put his sword fighting into action. I was following Aphmau along the wall, fighting off soldiers from the other side. There were fallen soldiers all over the place, a lot noticeably from our army. One O'khasis guard tries to stab me from behind, but I dodge and clear him off. "Garroth! Are you okay?" Aphmau asks.  "Irene, they just don't quit, do they?" Aphmau sighs, killing off a soldier.  "Nope.. O'khasis never does, neither does Scaleswind.." I reply. "We should head towards the plaza, I have a feeling we need to be there." Aphmau says, and we start jogging off to the plaza. We got there, fending off a trail of soldiers who followed us. Some of the surrounding soldiers stop at attention, as the lord of Scaleswind marches up to Aphmau. "Lord Aphmau, I am going to end this once and for all.." he says, drawing his sword. "Hey, back off my woman, jackass!" (sorry for the lang) Laurence says protectively, running up beside Aphmau. "Watch your tongue with me!" "I don't give a damn!" he tries to swing his word at Laurence, but Laurence parries his attack and knocks his sword to the ground. "Watch it Mr, you don't want to trigger him." I say. Then all of a sudden, Nicole runs up and punches her father in the face. "N-Nicole!?" everyone there says, except for Emmalyn and Kenmur who were still grinning because his goggles worked. What just happened? "Heh, I guess I deserved that." the lord laughs. "Truce?" the lord asks, outstretching his hand to Aphmau. "...Truce." she says, and grabs his hand, sealing it. "Now. Nicole, where the heck did you go?!" Aphmau asks. "Brian... He was working for Zane. He kidnapped me and hid me in the cellar beneath the old Lord's house.." she explains. "B-Brian? H-He betrayed us?" Aphmau asks, stunned. "I.. How is Molly going to take this?" she asks. "I don't know who Molly is, but I must help you clean up the village.. This is my doing, so it's the least I can do." He says, and Aphmau obliges. "Thank you, so much. Oh my Irene.. This place is a mess now.." she says, and everyone starts glancing around.. Most of the village is now in shambles... "Well, you should go get some rest. We'll start helping you rebuild tomorrow morning, alright m'lady?" the lord says. Aphmau nods, and we start heading up the road to her house.


Aphmau's POV


"Hey... Aphmau.. Can I take you on a kind of mini-date tonight?" Laurence asks me, walking up beside me. "Heh, sure? What's the occasion?" I reply. "Oh, nothing.. Just thought it'd be nice after a loooong day.." he says. I smile, and he intertwines his fingers with mine, and speaks up to everyone in the house. "Aphmau and I are going to head out for a little bit, we'll be back in a while." he says, winking at Garroth and Dante. Laurence planned something, didn't he? Oh well. He pulls me outside, and we head down to the docks. There was a picnic area set up, with some candles around it. He sits down, and I sit down across from him. "Thanks for going through the trouble to do this, you know you didn-" I got interrupted by him. "Of course I did! I did it for you. If I didn't care, I wouldn't of done it in the first place." (Little did we know that Garroth and the others were watching from the hill...) He starts opening the basket and pulls out some of the bowls and packages. He hands me a glass, and pours some wine in it. "O~Oh, fancy tonight, are we?" I say, giggling. "Yup!" he says, pouring some wine in his own glass. Once we've unwrapped and opened the packages and bowls of food and goodies, we start eating. "So, how're you holding up?" he asks. I giggle. "Fine, you?" "Great, and I'll be even better once you answer a question I have for you!" he replies. "And what would that be?" He helps me up, and pulls a small, black, leathery box out of his pocket. I gasp, cupping my hands over my mouth as he gets down on one knee and opens the box, revealing a small ring, dazzled up with some rubies, and a diamond in the middle. "Aphmau... Will you marry me?"


That is officially the end of Laurmau; A Love Like No Other (Book One)! Yup, your eyes didn't deceive you!!! Book One! I am going to make a sequel, but it'll probably take a while to come out

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That is officially the end of Laurmau; A Love Like No Other (Book One)! Yup, your eyes didn't deceive you!!! Book One! I am going to make a sequel, but it'll probably take a while to come out. I hope you guys have enjoyed this entire story, and thanks for sticking with me this whole time! This isn't the last PART of this story, but just the last CHAPTER of the story. I will post some parts on here, like ideas and different things, but I'll make a book 2, so don't worry. Hope you have a great day!! I'll see you guys next part! ~Lauren <3

(Future Lauren~Senpai here, I have continued book two a bunch of parts down so you can skip to part one 😊)

Laurmau; A Love Like No Other (Book 1) Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant