Part 23- When We Met, Years Ago

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Aphmau's POV

There was a knock on the door, as Lauren, Brook, Haylee and myself sat at the table, eating. I got up and walked towards the door. I pulled it open to see Laurence standing there, clutching a bouquet of flowers to his chest, grinning. "Hey Aph!" he says. I smile and he hands me the bouquet. "These are for y-" "They're beautiful!" I interrupt him, and pull him in a hug, holding the flowers out of my embrace with one hand. He smiles, and pulls back. "Reminds me of the first time we met..."


I sat at the table with a plate of breakfast, eating. Zoey, Levin, and Malachi had just woken up and come down and upstairs, and they thanked me for cooking breakfast so early. There was a knock on the door all of a sudden. "I'll get it." I said, and stood up. I walked towards the door and opened it. Laurence was standing there, with a very nervous smile on his face. He was blushing a bright red and was clutching a bouquet of bright colored flowers.
"Th-These are f-for you..." He said, handing me the bundle.
"They're beautiful... Thank you!" I replied.
He smiled nervously at me again and stood there, not sure what to do next. He brushed off his clammy hands on his pants, and tried to gather up some courage. I took the next move and hugged him, making him relax, and stop shaking. When I pulled back, his face was an even brighter shade of red, but the nervous smile turned into a confident grin. I invited him in for breakfast and he hesitantly accepted, following me in the door. I opened the cabinet under the sink and pulled a vase out. I poured some water in it, then gently placed the flowers into the vase. I put the vase down next to the windowsill and started fixing a plate for him. When I was finished, I handed him his plate and sat down. Levin was poking at his food, while Malachi tried to get him to eat it. "Levin! Don't play with your food! Mommy made it for us!" he whispered. Laurence and I giggled, and Zoey raised a brow with a playful smile plastered on her face. "O~Okay, I see how it is." Zoey said, giggling, making it harder for both of us to withhold our laughter. Levin suddenly started eating quickly, smiling with his mouth full of food.
"So... What was the occasion?" Zoey asked, looking at Laurence.
"....I-I dunno?" Laurence said, looking a little nervous again.
"Is that a question?"
"That was definitely a question." Malachi piped in, making Laurence blush.
I tried to keep from laughing, but I could barely stifle my giggles.
Zoey high-five'd Malachi and I lost control. We all bursted out laughing, except for Laurence, who was practically silent with nervousness. 'Help me...' he mouthed at his plate...
I snap back into reality as Laurence waves his hand in front of my face continuously. "Hello~?" he says. "H-Huh? O-Oh. Just.. remembering.." I smile. He smiles back and we walk inside. "I remember how shy you could be some mornings.." I giggle, tapping his nose lightly. He blushes a bit then smiles. We go to the table and sit down.. It's weird how many chairs we've had to add to the dining table... We've got about... Well, Zoey, Levin, Malachi, Laurence, Brook, Lauren, Haylee, James.... So about seven people. (Holy Crap OC Overload Amirite?) I make sure everyone's at the table ready to eat, and I pass out the remaining plates of food for everyone to eat. I sit down with the gang and finish eating. After we've all finished eating, most of us have dispersed to go do random things. I look out the window, remembering more things in the past couple years....

FLASHBACKS!!!!!!! ~Lauren

Laurmau; A Love Like No Other (Book 1) Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant