Part 5!!

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Hi guys! If you didn't know, I'm setting a goal for 100 views, or votes. Either one! >•< so, everyone! Leave a vote and a comment if you are liking this story! I will try to add more Laurmau scenes!!! Also, da famous, Laurence Wink! *wink wink* hehe! Also guys, you can start calling me Lauren for short. Well, I need to shut up and start writing now! ~Lauren

She spent the whole rest of her evening talking to Laurence. When it was almost midnight, Laurence and Aphmau fell asleep, Aphmau, with her head laying on Laurence's chest, and Laurence, with his arm around her.
(Ye!!! Laurmauuuu!!!) Aphmau opened and eye, and yawned. She jumped at the fact that she was laying on Laurence's chest. She blushed and sat up. Laurence slowly opened his other eye, (Laurence sleeps with one eye open, his good guard thing)looking at her and smiling. "Good morning?" He said. "G-good m-morning..!" She said shyly. "Uh..." He said and realized he was in her tent. He sprung up and blushed crimson. "I'm gonna go see Cadenza.. Want to come?" He suggested. She nodded and stood up. He took her by the hand (Yay!!) and led her out from the tent's small zip up door. She blushed a little, but didn't seem to mind. Garroth saw them as he passed by, and raised an eyebrow. Laurence smirked at him, and he muttered something under his breath. His cheeks were a little red afterwards, but Laurence led Aphmau off. The library's door swung open, and a flash of red, fiery hair zip past. Laurence face palmed. "Cadenza!" He yelled. "LAURENCE!" She shrieked and it seemed like she just appeared, but she was soon right beside Aphmau, holding Laurence in a hug. "My Irene you are fast," Aphmau said astonished. "Yep.." He managed. "Cadenza, look beside you.." He said. She turned her head and gasped. Aphmau slowly inched back, but nevertheless, Cadenza was hugging Aphmau. When she stepped back, Aphmau gasped for breath. "Oh mai gawd woman... You hug meh too tight..." She managed. Laurence laughed a little and Cadenza giggled. Laurence took Aphmau's hand again and just stood there. Cadenza looked confused at first, then got a giddy look on her face. "Oh no..." Laurence said and backed up. Cadenza exploded with giggles. "YUSH!!!" She said and hugged them both. Laurence face palmed. "She... Er- ships us." Laurence sighed. "Yush I do.." She giggled. Laurence let go of Aphmau's hand and blushed. "Why are YOU blushing? YOU'RE the Cassanova here, ya big dummy." Cadenza smirked. Laurence glared at her. "K den," she said and zipped off. She seemed to of got the message. "Sorry.. Some sort of thing with 'fangirling'." Laurence said. "YUSH!" Aphmau said excitedly. Laurence raised a brow. Aphmau hugged him. "Lady Aphmau- ..." Garroth said walking up. He growled at Laurence and walked away. "Brotherly love... Screw that!" He said as he walked away. Laurence laughed. (I don't know why, but saying chuckle sounds like Santa Claus, it just seems like the kind of word you would use for an old guy or something.. >~<)
"You two are such jerks to each other.." Aphmau laughed. "Yup." Laurence agreed and laughed. "Wang to go walk in the forest?" Laurence suggested. "Uh.. Sure!" Aphmau said. They took off for the forest. "Race ya!" Aphmau said, and ran. "Gah! Hey! You got a head start!" Laurence said, breathing heavily as he got to Aphmau. He held her hand, and walked the path.

Aphmau started singing a song. (Play the song above )

"You and I
We're like fireworks and symphonies
Exploding in the sky,
With you, I'm alive,
Like all the missing pieces of my heart they finally collide, so stop time right here in the moonlight, 'cause I don't ever wanna close my eyes...
Without you I feel broke,
Like I'm half of a whole
Without you I've got no hand to hold
Without you I feel torn
Like a sail in a storm
Without you
I'm just a sad song
I'm just a sad song
With you
I fall
It's like I'm leaving all my past in silhouettes upon the wall
With you I'm a beautiful mess
It's like we're standing hand in hand with all our fears upon the edge,
So stop, time right here in the moonlight,
'Cause I don't ever wanna close my eyes,
Without you, I feel broke
Like I'm half of a whole
Without you
I've got no hand to hold
Without you I feel torn
Like a sail in a storm
Without you
I'm just a sad song
You're the perfect melody
The only harmony
That I wanna hear,
You're my favorite part of me
With you standing next to me
I've got nothing to fear!
Without you, I feel broke,
Like I'm half of a whole. Without you-" she was cut off by Laurence, "I've got no hand to hold, without you, I feel torn, like a sail in a storm, without you, I'm just a sad song," Aphmau sang along, "-Without you, I feel broke, like I'm half of a whole, without you, I've got no hand to hold, without you, I feel torn, like a sail in a storm!" "Without you, I'm just a sad song. I'm just a sad song." They sang together. Aphmau and Laurence stared into each others eyes. Aphmau leaned in, and Laurence leaned in too. Their lips touched, and didn't separate until Aphmau couldn't breathe. Laurence had his arms around her waist, and they were both blushing like crazy. "You sing beautifully." Laurence said. "Y-you sing really good yourself.." Aphmau said awkwardly. Aphmau took Laurence's hand and they walked back towards Meteli. (Hey guys! If you think I should start doing POV's and 1st Person stuff, leave a comment below! :D) They kept walking and finally found the path up into Meteli again. Cadenza was talking with a guard from a different village, and he started yelling at her. She remained calm and tried to reason with him. He raised his fist to punch her, and Laurence saw. "CADENZA!" Laurence yelled and ran for her. He got to them as the guard swung his fist, and took the blow for her. The guard gasped, and everyone around them stood there stunned at what just happened. Laurence looked winded, and had a busted lip, and a bloody nose. Aphmau ran to him and asked him if he was okay. Laurence was swaying a little, but said he was fine. Aphmau rubbed his shoulder. Then she looked up at the guard. He was backing away, but Aphmau got very angry and grabbed his arm. "If you ever, EVER hurt my friends again, you'll be sorry." She said. He nodded quickly and ran off. Cadenza had fallen down because Laurence pushed her out of the way, so she got up and hugged Laurence. "Laurence... You shouldn't have done that for me! You know I'm always armed with a very sharp sewing needle." Cadenza said, tearing up. "I... I'm f-fine... Cadenza..." He said and fell down. "Laurence!" Aphmau and Cadenza shrieked.


Hehe! I hope you guys liked this chapter! I finally had a way to update a part! Heheh.. If you've read my discussions tab, you will know that I have gone a little bit rebel. I was reading a lot of fanfiction... And I was like.. "OKAY I'M SORRY, I HAVE TO WRITE!" in my head. So I immediately logged on to my laptop and got on here. Just so you all know, there is a specific reason I was able to write... I won't say why, but I MIGHT not get another chance like this for a while. But aside from that, as I said before, if you guys want, comment down below if you guys want me to do some POV and first person stuff! =D Hope you guys haven't been too bummed out about update issues and stuff, I will try to update sometimes. Thank you all so much for the views and votes, and comments too! *Famous Laurence Wink* Hehe! ('・ω・')

-Keep Being Awesome! -Laurence ('・ω・')

Laurmau; A Love Like No Other (Book 1) Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant