Part 11- Meeting Lucinda

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Hi Pplz! Hope you like this chapper! Also: STUFFS IS GOINZ DOWNZ and, I am sooooo freaking mad at Aaron, I have two theory's for what he is about to do at the end of episode 79... 1. He is going to destroy the fragment and make the one possibility of saving Garroth go bye-bye. 2. He will sacrifice himself to open the portal. Is it bad that I'm okay if he does theory 2? (Sorry Aaron likers, I just always knew he was never to be trusted...) I think he might actually do number two because he may WANT to die. If he does he'll get to be with his wife and child so, it's a two way thing. Well, enough from me. Enjoy!

Laurence's POV

"Ow.." My eyes flutter open and I see a girl with a broom in her hand say and walk inside from the balcony. She has red eyes and orange hair. I jump and she mouths: 'Shh! Don't wake Aphmau!' I look at her confused. She pulls me out into the hall and shuts the door. "And you are.." I say. "Lucinda. I met Aphmau a few years ago in the Pikoro Village. I am a witch... But not a bad one." she says leaning up against the wall. "Sorry about bumping into the room a second ago.. My broom swerved." she says. "Heh, it's fine. Aphmau sleeps like a log, so she's probably still snoring." I laugh. I rub my head. "Ugh.. What happened to me yesterday?" I mumble. "Hm?" Lucinda says. "Oh.. Nothing." I reply. We hear Aphmau snore loudly and we laugh quietly. "Well, I'm gonna go set up a campsite in the plaza-" Lucinda began. "Oh, you don't have to.. There are two beds in our room, you can have one." I say, stopping her. She raises a brow. "Okay, I'll gladly accept that offer." she says. I open the door and we walk inside the room quietly. Lucinda props her broom up on the wall and she goes into the bathroom. I hear a muffled Poof! and Lucinda suddenly walked back out in pajamas and bunny slippers. "Whoa.. You change fast." I whisper. She twirls her wand in her fingers and winks. "Spells are the life." she says and lays down on her bed. I lay back down with Aphmau and I wrap my arm around her. After a minute we are all sound asleep again.


Okay, did I just legitimately roll off the bed? Obviously, because when I open my eyes I see the floor, instead of Aphmau. I must of hit the ground loudly because I woke the girls up. "Are you okay Laurence?" Aphmau says helping me up. "Y-yeah.." I say embarrassed. Lucinda is sitting up in her bed waiting for Aphmau to notice her. I withhold a laugh and after a second Aphmau sees her and squeals. "Ahh! Lucinda! Long time no see! Wait.. When did you get here?" she says. "Last night. Raven gave me the note you sent me and I immediately took off on my broom." Lucinda replies. I go to the dresser and groan annoyed. "Dammit." I mumble. "What's wrong?" Lucinda asks. "I don't have any more clothes for today.. And I can't go out in public with my sleepwear. Lucinda holds up her wand. "I can give you some. With a spell." she says. "You sure?" I ask. She nods and points her wand at me and mumbles a spell. There's a purple flash and suddenly I am wearing... A PINK PRINCESS DRESS?! My cheeks go red in embarrassment and I just stand there, dumbfounded. The girls burst out laughing and Lucinda manages to say, "Oops! That's the wrong spell!" She says another spell and suddenly I am wearing a white striped long sleeve shirt and jeans. I sigh and thank her. "You looked verwy pwetty in dat pwincess dwess..." Aphmau says playfully and kisses my cheek. Lucinda's eyes go wide and before she says anything I say, "Yes, Lucinda. We are a thing." "Doesn't mean I can't still fangirl! Eeeee!" she squeals and I start laughing. Aphmau giggles and gives Lucinda puppy eyes. Lucinda rolls her eyes and nods. Aphmau jumps up and down and giggles. I stare at them like they are crazy and Lucinda holds up her wand. She points it at Aphmau and says a spell. A flash of purple and now Aphmau is wearing a light purple dress and black tights, along with black boots going up to her knees. "How do I look?" she asks and twirls. "You... You look like an angel." I say. (HEHEHEH.... ZANEMAU  REF.) She giggles. Suddenly the whole tavern shakes.
"What's going on?!" Lucinda says. I run to the balcony and look. By the gates there is an entire army. Cadenza is on her balcony and Hayden and Garroth are too. "Oh no.." Garroth says. I see what- or... who he is pointing at. I see a tall man with black hair covering one eye, a mask over his face, and a white cloak with a black cross on it. "Zane..." Garroth mutters, disgusted. Zane's hand is on a cannon, and the wick had been lit again. The cannon fires, and the tavern shakes again. The cannon ball hit the part of the building just below us. It throws me off the balcony. I grab ahold of the balcony ledge. I don't have a very good grip. Aphmau grabs my hand and tries to hoist me up. Zane fires the cannon again and it shoots right underneath my foot. It dawns on me. "HE'S AIMING FOR ME!" I shout. I was correct. He fires another and laughs viciously. The  ball hits my ankle and then falls into the building. I scream in pain and  I let go of Aphmau's hand. I fall to the ground. I think I broke my ankle... I am in tears from the pain in my ankle. "H-help..." I mutter. I see Garroth running to the gates with his sword out. He throws the gate open and tries to stab Zane. They brake into a fight. The guards try to defend Zane, but Garroth swings his sword and cuts through each of them. Aphmau runs up to me. I can't focus very good. I see two of each person and I tilt my head. Aphmau touches my ankle and I yell in pain. "GAH! ...WHY DID YOU! GAHH!" I yell. She rolls her eyes and ignores my anger. There's a flash of white light and my ankle stops throbbing.
Garroth's POV

I am fighting with Zane. "You weak... Pathetic... Fool." he says. I  thrust my sword at him and he dodges. I thrusted so hard that I was thrown onto the ground by gravity. Zane takes that opportunity to stab me in the back. I scream in pain and I drop my sword. He tries to stab me again and I roll somewhat weakly out of the way. I leave a trail of blood behind me. I don't have my sword in my hand, so I can't strike at Zane. I slowly stand, slightly woozy. I get in a fighting position and Zane looks at me with a murderous gleam in his eye. His mask slid down to his neck, and for the first time in years, I saw him grin wickedly. "It's been a long time since you've ever smiled, brother." I smirk at him. He narrows his eyes at me and forgets all about his weapon and drops it. He tries to punch me. I grab his fist and then grab his wrist with both hands. I use all my strength to thrust him into the ground. I barely faze him. He has a bloody nose, but he gets up and punches me in the face. He keeps hitting me. I barely block any of the blows, and drop to my knees. My vision is fading in and out and I can't focus. I catch a glimpse of my sword and I slowly crawl over to it. I grab it and use all my force to stand. I am leaning on my sword. "Pathetic. I always knew you were weak." he sneers. I wipe my lip off, and my hand gets a stain of blood on it. I pick up my sword and swing as hard as I can. I manage to cut him, but just barely. He gasps and grips him upper arm. I sheath my sword and punch him in the stomach, then in the mouth. That takes a lot of energy, but I don't care. Zane looks up to me. I push him down, and kneel down beside him. "Next time, don't even try it." I threaten. Zane is breathing slowly and I don't care if he's fine or not. I feel like leaving him alone for now. I want to see if he dares to get up. He opens his eye and I don't notice. My back is turned to him for the moment. He slowly gets up and grabs his sword. He stabs me through the back. I can't even breathe to yell. When he stabbed me, I saw the sword tip appear from my stomach. I fall to the ground and can't breathe. He pulls his sword up and laughs. My ears are ringing and I can't see anything. I think I'm dead, or at least dying. A tear rolls down my cheek. My mind stops and everything goes black...

HAHAHAHAHA CLIFFHANGER yeah I know I freaking suck. Don't worry, next part will probably come out tomorrow. Okay: I have an announcement.

            I have created a new book. It's the Minecraft Diaries 30 Day  OTP Challenge! I did not pick a specific ship, I am doing a mix of them all. I really hope you guys read it, and enjoy it. So far I have 3 parts on it. 1: Laurmau 2:....Garmau 3:Dancole. So be sure to read if you want! Hope you guys like it!!!
Bye!!!!! ~Lauren

Laurmau; A Love Like No Other (Book 1) Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant