Part 7

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HEHEHEHEHEHE..... I feel really evil right now. Probably because I was looking at pictures of Flowey XD Lol, Also. Everyone. JOIN THE ARMY! WE MUST SAVE GARROTH! Lol.  I can't wait for tomorrow's video! WE GET TO SEE WHAT HAPPENS TO GARROTH GAHHH I'M SO WORRIED FOR HIM AHHHHHH xD Also, yaassss!!!! I nearly or already have I already forgot -almost or already have 300 or more views! Thank you guys so much for reading this crappy fangirl fanfic I have spent many days of fun making XD Last thing: I WANT TO HUG (kill him in MCD) ZANE AND TRAVIS RIGHT NOW! THEY ARE SO CUTE IN THE NEW SERIES! :3 Okay.  I need to shut up and write before I start fangirling and faint. xD Hope you guys enjoy this! Love you guys! (As friends, of course xD) ~Lauren :D


-=+=-Aphmau's POV-=+=-

"Garroth! GARROTH!" Aphmau yelled as she grabbed Garroth's arm. "LEAVE ME ALONE!" Garroth yelled and shook her arm off. His cheeks were cherry-red, and his eyes were red as if he was/had been crying or at least tearing up.  He gritted his teeth and sped up and after a few minutes broke into a run. (Wow Garroth.. Are you mad at Laurence, or did you remember something from your past or something? Geez.. I honestly don't know where this is going... My writing has a mind of its own!) Aphmau ran after him screaming Garroth's name. They ran into the forest. After a few minutes of running Garroth dropped to his knees, sobbing. Aphmau slowly sat down on the ground next to him. She was worried about him. He had been acting strange lately. "G-Garroth?" she asked softly. Garroth buried his head in his knees. He had stopped sobbing. He was now just faintly mumbling between sniffles. Aphmau couldn't hear what he was mumbling. She gently rubbed his shoulder. He tensed up, but didn't brush her hand away. "I-I'm s-sorry you have t-to see m-me like th-this... Aphmau.." He managed. (Wow... I feel bad for messing with Garroth now... xD) Garroth looked up. His cheeks were tear-stained. He was blushing slightly, and looked extremely embarrassed. Aphmau scooted closer to him and hugged him. He hugged her back and relaxed a little. Aphmau looked into his eyes. "Now tell me, what's wrong, Garroth?" she asked softly. She could tell he didn't want to say anything. She sighed and looked at the ground. "N-now isn't the time I should tell you.." he whispered. Aphmau stayed silent and processed everything that had happened within the last couple hours. "Garroth.. Why did you punch Laurence...?" she asked. He tensed, but answered quietly. "Because I am angry with him." After a few minutes, Aphmau convinced Garroth that they needed to head back into Meteli. He refused at first, but at last he reluctantly agreed and followed her. It was sundown, and they were back on the road near the gate. The guards were about to change post, so they locked the gate, but Aphmau caught them in time. They let them back in, and the gate slammed shut behind them, making Garroth and Aphmau both jump. Garroth walked Aphmau to her tent, and quickly ran off to his own. He zipped up the door, and turned off the lantern making his tent go dark. After five minutes he was softly snoring. Aphmau giggled and sat down on the blanket-covered ground. Someone's voice said, "Aphmau? May I come in?" she recognized the voice to be Laurence's. "Sure." she replied and wrote in her diary. Laurence unzipped the door and ducked underneath. He sat down cross legged. "Where were you earlier?" he asked. Aphmau put her diary down and sighed. "Chasing Garroth down. He's super- upset about something.." she narrowed her eyes at him. He shrugged. "What?! I didn't do anything." he said innocently. She rolled her eyes. "Uh~huh." she said. "What?! Stop it.." Laurence whined. He scooted closer to her. "Whatcha writing?" he asked. She blushed and closed her diary. "Nothin'..." she said. Laurence raised his eye brow. "Okay then. So you just write the word 'Nothin'' every time you open that diary?" he asked laughing. Aphmau playfully punched his arm and giggled. "Garroth snores loudly." Laurence said looking in his tent's direction. They both giggled. Laurence wrapped his arm around her waist. She tensed, but then relaxed. She laid her head on Laurence's shoulder. She must've been really tired, because she was asleep within the next couple minutes. Laurence gently laid her down on her bed, and put a blanket over her. He turned her lantern off and carefully came out of the tent. Cadenza was making her last round before bed. She saw Laurence and walked up to him. She hugged him good night. "Sleep good Laurence, I'll see you in the morning." Cadenza said and then walked off. Laurence went to his tent and crawled inside. He turned his light out and laid down on his bed. He went to sleep after two minutes and snuggled up under his blanket.


Hi Guys! Hope you enjoyed this chapper! Sorry if you got depressed reading the first parts with Garroth.... GEEZ I SERIOUSLY MESSED WITH GARROTH XD Hope you guys have a good day or night or whatever time zone you live in :D Enjoy tomorrows video too! Also: Sorry for the short-ish chapter... I was just a little tired writing this. Well, I'm gonna stop talking now. Bye guys! ;D

Keep Being Awesome! ~Lauren

Laurmau; A Love Like No Other (Book 1) Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant