Tagged Again

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Sorry, not an update. I was tagged again by the lovely @HuneNekoChan . Go check her out. Here are the rules:
1) You must post the rules
2) You can't refuse
3) You have to tag 10-15 people
4) You can post it in any book
5) You have to post 10-15 facts about yourself

Okay then! Here we go!

1) I have glasses in real life.
2) My favorite anime is InuYasha, but then again I have only watched three animes. 😂😂😂
3) I know a Katelyn, Jessica, Dante, Travis (3 or 4), James, Haylee, Brook, Isabella, Aaron, and others IRL.... Fangirl every time I hear someone has a name of an MCD character.
4) A lot of the people I know hate me... but I still have those few BFFs that make it better!
5) A lot of people in real life think I actually have a brother named Laurence, in Laurence's discription, and think my friend Tori, has a brother named Travis. But in reality, I have one half-sister, and she has about 3-4 sibs.
6) I have a cousin named Connor who is JUST like Zane. I was talking to him earlier and he said he was emo and I said, "You remind me of one of my favorite MCD characters..." He is super Kawaii too! (not like that) His hair is almost long enough on one side that he could probably cover an eye with it too!!!
7) I have more friends on Wattpad than I do in real life.
8) My favorite color is blue...
9) I look a little like Lauren herself probably would.
10) I got my best friend to join the Laurmau side!!!
11) I've thought about making an X Reader... (comment if I should..)
12) I wuv hugz!
13) I can probably understand every perverted joke in about two seconds.
14) I roleplay with my friends at school. I'm always Cadenza, my friends do Kawaii~Chan, Katelyn, a few OCs, Garroth, Dante, and a few others.
Finally, 15) I get to go to Didney Wurld this Summer!!

Well, enough boring facts about me. I tag these peeps:

1 -SkysNotTheLimit
2 2AgLovers
3 Aarmaushiperlife626
4 awesomesos63
5 JustAnothaFanGurl 
6 cookies2004
7 Majestickittycat
8 firefangOC
9 TheTurtleShaman
10 (don't think I wasn't going to, Brook.) brookcupcakez

Laurmau; A Love Like No Other (Book 1) Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant