Part 19- Secrets Revealed

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Whoo-hoo!!!! We are so close to 20 parts!!!! To me this is just exciting to hit the 20 mark, so I will try to go to 3000 words or more on Part 20. Thank you guys for sticking with me through this journey, and for staying and reading this, even if you had to skip some of the oddballs part. *Cough*part 18*cough* 😂 Just know, this story isn't going away anywhere, anytime soon. From the bottom of my heart, thank you guys, so so much. Enjoy this chapter, my lovelies! ~Lauren
(Play the song if you want)
Brook's POV (#SmileForBrook)

I went out for a walk, about an hour after Lauren went out. I saw a dagger fall to the ground from a tree and someone sitting in the tree with their arm wrapped up. I run closer and realize it's Lauren... "L-Lauren? LAUREN?! WH-WHAT DID YOU DO!?!?!" I scream. Her head rolls over onto her shoulder, as if she'd passed out. The bandages on her arm are a bloody mess. "LAURENCE! GARROTH! SOMEONE HELP!" I yell out, tears coming to my eyes. I climb up the tree and place my fingers up under her neck. "Lauren, please... Please be okay..." I mutter, some tears rolling down my face. Her breathing is shallow, and her hand's a little bloody. I hold her arm and unwrap the bandage. .....Her wrist had been cut, many times.... thirteen to be exact. What did she do to herself? I remember sometimes when we were still together she would wear a black jacket most of the time... Normally after she had really gotten upset.. Never had her wrists exposed. Nor did she ever wear shorts. I just thought it was a cold thing. I glance down at her legs, she was wearing some stretchy jeans. I pulled up one of the pant legs to her thigh. She had several scars there, most just faint red. I pulled it back down, embracing her in a hug, tears rolling down my cheeks. "Brook?! Lauren?! What happened- WHY IS THERE A BLOODY DAGGER!?!" Laurence asks, terrified. I look down at him, words refusing to come out of my mouth. I just shake my head, holding up her unwrapped arm. His eyes go wide. I sling her other arm around my neck, and try to get down. Laurence outstretches his arms to grab Lauren, and I awkwardly manage to lower her down to him. I climb down. A tear rolls down Laurence's cheek. "Don't tell anyone about this." I tell Laurence. He hesitates, then nods. The reason why, is because I know Lauren. She wouldn't open up to anyone about this.. Most people wouldn't. "I know where we can go.." there was a hill that no-one ever really went to, but it was like a cliff, overhanging the ocean. I lead him to it, unseen. I take off my jacket and spread it out on the ground and Laurence lays Lauren down on it. I walk over to the water and pull a vile out of my satchel. I fill it halfway with water and go back to Lauren. I kneel down and pour the water over her arm, trying to clean it so it doesn't get infected. After a few minutes of caring for her her eyes open halfway. "B-Brook..? L-Laurence..?" she manages. "Yeah Lauren.. W-We're right here.." Laurence says, rubbing her cheek. She moves her arm a bit, but immediately stops, wincing. "O-Oh... R-Right.. Wait a minute...! Y-you guys s-saw?!" she jumps, her eyes shooting open. "Yes.. Lauren..? Why didn't you ever tell me!?" Laurence huffs. "I-I'm s-sorry..." she apologizes. I smack Laurence on the back of the head. "Ow!" "Really Laurence!?!" I whisper-yell. "You're lucky you were asleep so the water didn't burn while I fixed you up.. Now. I'm gonna re-wrap your arm up and we promise we won't tell anyone... That is, if you don't want us to." I tell her. She nods and I get what's left of the roll of bandages and gently wrap her wrist back up. It looks clean-ish, so I nod and she sits up, and crawls into Laurence's lap, in which he happily wraps his arms around her, resting his chin on her head. I gush at the cuteness, and smile. "Siblin' love! Aww.. ❤️" I giggle. "I just want to ask, I know it's not your fault, but.. Why in Irene's name would you do this to yourself, Lauren!? You are wayyyy too fearless, driven, gutsy, gentle, passionate, generous, selfless, fair, smart, thoughtful, inspiring, creative, outstanding, caring, giving, courageous, patient, brilliant, kind, compassionate, honest, strong, forgiving, confident, bold, and awesome of a kind of person to do this!" I say, taking a long breath afterwards, and hugging her. "You're... just saying that.. Heh.." she smiles. "Nope. I'd never lie about you, girl!" she giggles. "Yup. Every bit of those words she said." Laurence says, making us giggle. We spend pretty much the rest of our evening giggling, talking, and just being silly...

Jame's POV

Since this morning I haven't seen Lauren, or Brook.. It's about around nine o'clock at night and finally the door swings open. "Haha! Well, see you ladies tomorrow." I hear Laurence laugh. The girls walk inside, giggling. "I'm tired." Lauren yawns. "Me too.." Brook agrees. They head downstairs and I hear the guest room's door shut. Then a bang, then loads of giggling. I roll my eyes, smiling. I go down to the room we've all been staying in, and walk in, to find Brook, Haylee, and Lauren laughing their heads off. Brook is on the floor, sprawled out. They look at me, and laugh even harder, making me give in and join them. After a few minutes, we all grab some sleeping clothes and take turns changing. After a few minutes we're all curled up in our beds, fast asleep...

(Short POV I know, I just wanted to get to the good stuff.)

Lauren's POV

My eyes flutter open again, apparently thinking it's morning. It's probably only around midnight. Ugh.. I sit up straight and quietly get up, and wrap up in a blanket. Normally when I wake up like this, I'd go outside somewhere peaceful, and end up dosing off there. I head outside and remember the hill we were by when they cleaned me up.. I think the Irene statue is there? I start walking there, humming a small song in my head. When I get there I go up the hill, and sit down, holding my knees. I look at my arm, and frown. I look out at the ocean and get lost in thought. I don't notice James find me and sit down beside me, until he scoots closer wanting into the blanket. I lay my head on his shoulder, snuggling into him. He's really warm.. I glance at him and realize he doesn't have a shirt, making me blush. (Ooohhh u so blushin' too James XD) he wraps his arm around me and we sit there cuddling. My eyes get heavier and before I realize it we both fall asleep together..

Sorry for the short chapter guys, but I wanted to finish because I needed to post something else too. Also, don't think that 2k views just skipped past me. This is how I found out: I was at school, and wanted to show my friend my story. I looked it up on google and said: "Laurmau; A Love Like No Other, a 27 part story with 2074 rea- OMI YES!!!" It made me so happy... I legit teared up. Thank you guys so so so so SO much. Have a great day guys!!! ~Lauren

Laurmau; A Love Like No Other (Book 1) Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant