Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

Aries Pov

"I think it's time for a change," Harry mumbled as he twirled my blondish hair around his slender fingers. Mmm his fingers. Shit. As he kept talking I still had the cruel thought spinning in the back of my head. I could be preggers. Not only that but we were both vampires, so would that make it a little vampire love child? "Arie?" Harry's raspy voice snapped me out of my thoughts. "Yeah?" I innocently said. "I said maybe you should you know, get a new look?" He suggested. I burst our laughing and rolled around to the other side of the bed. "New look? Am I just to ugly right now for you to bear?" I giggled putting on my ugliest faces. I saw him cringe and look away. "Arie you know I didn't mean it like that! But like maybe just dye your hair I don't know maybe try something new?" He said. He did have a point. I wasn't going to age, and well why not try something new I had all the time in the world. "Harry there's one problem," I said. "And that would be?" He asked. "We, us, vampires, are going to go into the real world like full of humans just running around. What if people recognise me?" I screeched. Humans were at the top of my things to worry about list. God I could literally attack a human right now like a steak. Boy did that sound good. "Arie you worry to much," Harry chuckled, getting off the bed and pulling up his Calvin Klein boxers. I gawked at his god carved abs, then down to his ginormous butterfly tattoo on his stomach. His tattoos were what majorly attracted me to him they just felt so full of meaning. Wow that was actually slightly deep for me to be thinking. "Like what you see love?" Harry's voice asked, ringing in my ears. "Mm babe I think that's a bit of an understatement," I winked. "Someone's a little ball of confidence aren't ya?" He smirked. "I wonder why?" I challenged him. "It couldn't have to do with last night," he challenged, sending back my wink. Shit god why did Harry have to bring me back to those thoughts. "Maybe maybe not. Just don't flatter yourself," I said before hopping off the bed, the comforter wrapped around me as I walked to the bathroom. As I turned the corner to my target I bumper into a hard surface. "Oh hey Zayn!" I said, quiet bubbly if you ask me. I grinned as I saw him check me out, scanning me from head to toe in Harry's blanket. "Ah- UHM hey Arie. Have fun last night?" He said smugly. I felt a heated blush rise into my cheeks. I moved my hair into my face and sucked in my lips. "A bit exciting yeah. You?" I nervously laughed. Well wasn't this awkward. "It was interesting, you know I think I could've heard you moan my name twice," Zayn said scratching the back of his neck. My lips parted and I widened my eyes. God was I that loud?! I mean yes HARRY was a sex god but jesus. "It was a uhm little teasing you know role play shit?" I managed to get out. Zayns lips turned up into a smile and he winked. Where the heck was Perrie? "You know you wouldn't have to role play," he trailed off, not meeting my eyes. "What's that supposed to mean?" I snapped. Was he seriously trying this on me right now? As he opened his mouth I slipped by him making sure to clutch the cloth tighter to me. "Hey Arie!" A cheery Perrie chirped. I put on my best fake smile and nodded my head. Boy was Harry gonna be pissed if he found this out. I trudged into the bathroom and slipped the cloth from me and peering into the mirror. My neck was showered in love bites, and dang marks, while the rest of my body was only slightly bruised and still it's pale glowing white. My red eyes burned back into my reflection, causing me to look away. Bells Swan is so 2008, Arie is so 2013. I snickered at my dumb thought and stepped into the steamy shower. The warm water trickled down my arm and I hummed along to the pit pat of the water hitting the tiled ground. As I was stroking the coconut shampoo through my locks I felt strong arms wrap around my waist. I gasped but smiled once I saw the damp curly haired vampire I adored. "What in the world Harry can I not take a shower in peace?" I sarcastically said, rolling my eyes. "Psh like you'd want me to leave, but if you insist," he said stepping one foot out of the shower but only for me to grab his hairy arm. "Your right," I insisted pulling him back in. I gave him a small smile before picking up the conditioner bottle and squeezing some into the palm of my hand. "Lemme my lady," Harry poshly said making me giggle. He scraped some into his large palms as he caressed it into my scalp. "Mmm," I moaned as he kept massaging. "Feel good?" He asked as he lathered in more. I nodded as I felt myself getting sucked into the steam and coconut air. These were the times I felt as if I weren't vampire. That I was at home, human, with my parents at work and my friends blasting my iPhone that awaited outside the bathroom, while I stood in the shower with my human boyfriend. But guess what? That was all in a land called imagination. I snapped out of my thoughts as I felt Harry's hand creep up my leg and press me against the wet well. I crashed my hungry lips against his and didn't even mind his fangs, slightly biting into my bottom lip. Only one thing could stop this. "Harry I- I uhm sorta wanted to mention something that's been bothering me," I slowly spoke as concern washed over his lustful features. He nodded signalling for me to go ahead. "So remember last night? Well anyway I sorta remembered afterward that well- you never used protection," I stuttered out nervously. His confused and concerned look was replaced with pure humour as he burst out laughing and began kissing me once again.

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