Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

Aries Pov

I gasped as I watched Kaiann's fit figure trail into the doorway. "Hello fellow vamps," her cool voice said. "K-Kaiann?" Niall stuttered. I stared in disbelief as her unharmed, healthy body walk in and pull Niall into a right hug. "K-Kaiann?" Niall broke down. Kaiann giggled and nuzzled her face into the crook of his neck. "Where's my baby?" She asked. I stared at her, my eyes probably as wide as saucers by down, and just gaped at her. "U-upstairs," Niall stuttered. She nodded her head a simply glided up the stairs. "It's not her," a low voice growled from the doorway. I twist around to see Harry, drenched in the trickling blood of Zayn or Bambi, standing with his eyes burning into the trail Kaiann had walked in. "What?" I asked. It wasn't her? I'm pretty sure it was. The same perky, motherly Kaiann. "I just can sense it. Somebody morphed into her dead body," he rasping spoke. As Harry spoke the harsh words Niall flinched away. "Don't say the d word," he quietly said. "Dick? Douchenuggets?" Harry cockily spoke. I glared at him and shook my head at him. "Stop talking about yourself," I harshly said and made my way over to comfort Niall. Obviously Harry wasn't the most comforting kind of guy, he wasn't used to these situations. I rubbed Nialls back and patted his back. Harry's jaw clenched and I could just feel his jealousy radiating off of him. "No no Harry your wrong! It's her! It's my Kaiann! We have a family! A-a family of vampires!" He broke down. I gasped as he choked and fell to the floor, spazing as if he were a 7 year old at a Justin Bieber concert. "What's happening?!" I screamed as I bent down. Niall lay on the floor twitching, fangs bared and eyes a glowing red with a drop of blood spurting from each fang, screaming the same word over and over. Death. We were already dead...weren't we? "Niall!" I screamed. Harry stood frozen in the same exact spot not even moving a muscle. "Harry?! Kaiann help me!" I screamed, my fangs biting down hard on my lip, drawing my own blood. Not a single movement could be heard only the sounds of Nialls chanting, Harry's raged breaths and a baby screaming. A baby. My mouth dropped open as I heard a baby's struggled scream from upstairs. I stared in horror as Niall completely passed out with a hand on his dead heart. I ran my numb fingers over his chilling skin and focused my eyes on Harry who was hovering above me, watching me with fiery eyes. "Harry?" I choked out. It wasn't him, this was something else inside him. My own screams joined the newborn vampires upstairs as Harry roughly grabbed my wrist and threw me against the wall. "You stupid bitch," he spat. "What the fuck is your problem!" I screamed at him, feeling my skin heating up like half of a hot pocket. I bit the inside of my cheek and slapped him hard in the face. He gulped and reached up to touch his stinging cheek. Then he did the unexpected, he laughed. He laughed hard, throwing his head back and tears streaming down his face. He's psychotic. He softly took my hand in his and then gripped it so tight I thought he had broken my inhuman like bones. I winced and pulled away. "Aw baby! You thought you could hurt me! Just because your a vampire and have good strength, doesn't change shit because you still hit like a woman," he chuckled. "Shut up! This isn't you! What is happening!" My voice screamed out. His emotionless face flinched away. What was happening? Where was everybody? "Baby were just getting yourself ready for a never ending hell date," he whispered as I felt something press against my skin. "Harryy stoppp!" I sobbed. Hell in everything I've seen and read crying usually will stop shit. Harry obviously isn't that shit. The knife blade was traced in a cordial shape over my heart. His plump lips hung open a little, his eyes hooded while he began to shake. "I-I can't," he backed away and threw the knife behind him. I choked up the air I had been losing as I watched Harry rock himself back and forth on the ground while he sobbed loudly. "I can't!" He screamed. "Harry what can't you do?!" I shook out. "Kill you," an eerily familiar voice said. I screamed out as I saw Kaiann's body tumble down the stairs, and Megan's horrifying figure at the top. "You monstrous bitch!" I screamed as she held a baby, a baby now covered in blood in her pale hands. "Therefore another life shall be taken," she evilly laughed, before my arms were twisted behind my back by the one and only Ashton and a gun hit against the side of my head.

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