Chapter 19: Unexpected Fate

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"Yugi! Yugi where are you!?"

The sound of Ryou's voice echo through the hallways as the team walk cautiously and searching their surroundings for any clues. Or any movements.

Ryou decided in the end that all three of the Yamis are going to make sure that Noah doesn't escape. Despite their complaints, this pushed Ryou's limit of patient before he snapped.

For now, his mind if full of alert and cautious; taking in his surrounding as a maze that must have an exit to safety. Including Yugi's location of where he is being held, hostage.

No one did not expect the surprising condition within the mansion, though from the outside look; it looked like it was going to collapse for another few years. However, from an inside point of view, they can see that the rooms, hallways, wall, ceiling, and even the tables seem to be in good shape and is properly taken cared of.

'Are these people neat freaks?'

"Huh? Guys?"

All three of them paused before Malik and Ryou turn towards Joey's confused expression.

"Where did the little guy go?"

Ryou flinched. Malik stood still like an idiot. Joey scratched his cheek as he can almost feel the atmosphere changing almost instantly.

'Okay~.......That was embarrassing.'

"Did we-"

"Actually just-"

"Lost him."

~Moment of Silence~


Heba POV:

"That was easier than I thought," I muttered to myself. Now having doubt about this so-called 'RedHanded Organization'.

'They totally forgot about me! Me! I don't know if I should be glad about it or just insult them for their plain rudeness. Sheesh!'

Currently, I am making my way towards the third floor and into my room. There I unlocked it silently before closing the door with a soft click. My room is larger in comparison; consisted of my personal queen size bed, desk, drawer, closet, posters, flat TV, refrigerator (snacks, sodas, and water), black couch, a mini table, bookshelf, a six feet window, and my very own bathroom.

I smirked before heading towards the bookshelf and began searching through the books before finally found the one that I am searching for. I pulled the book out at a 45-degree angle; causing the shelf to move forward on the wall before disappearing.

I walked inside the secret elevator that will take me down to our underground base.

Unknown that someone had secretly followed my lead.


Atem POV:

I finally woke up to find my arms bond together, including my other allies: Noah, Valon, Alister.

"Hey, Buka! Yami's look-alike has finally woke up."

I look up to see a man with tan skin and almost bleach blond that went straight up all over the place while the other has white hair, almost as the other guy, while crossing his arm.

"So~ Who are you?" The tan asked.

'Why would I tell you that?'

"Ohh~~~ He's the silent type. Let's try have some fun with him, Buka!"

"For the last time! Stop calling me that!"

"Let's see......."

The tan one began going through some bags that are attached to one of the black motorcycles that do not belong to us as the white one shouted, "You're crazy! Ryou's going to kill us if he found out that you're snooping inside his bag."

"That's your problem then."

"What?! Me!? No way, I am not going to be a scrape goat to the likes of you."

"Aww~ Sure sure. Now shut up while I work."

The white one growled before he began fighting with him.

I took out my pocket knife from my pocket and began cutting through the rope.


Bakura POV:

I continue to hit Marik for being stupid as Marik goof off and dodged my attacks. However, when I was about to make another punch on his chest; a sudden chill came out of nowhere on my neck as I was frozen in place.

Marik looked at the person behind me in shocked before he growled menacingly.


A deeper, very close to Yami's, baritone voice spoke with the addition that the man behind me is warning me not to mess with him.

"Where is Heba?"

The sound of a 'click' indicated that the bullet is now in place; ready to fire at any moment.

'I am so dead.'


Yugi POV:

"There just got to be another way to escape this place," I muttered irritatingly as I run through some crates that are being stored within the room. Raphael, likewise, is also helping me search for our way of escape.

"This is not easy, Mr. Motou-"

"Oh for Ra's sake! Please don't speak so formally to me. I have enough on my head for one day. Especially people (Yugi: *cough cough* Seto Kaiba *cough cough*) who makes it a habit of their's in order to annoy the heck out of me."

Raphael nodded before continuing on the search.

The atmosphere returns to its silence of tension. I didn't like it one bit, which sometimes caused me to feel the need to say something or else I'll be like Joey who can't keep his mouth shut. Though in my experience, not once did Joey every try to stop talking for as least a minute or two. That could have been a new record for him if he passed 380700 milliseconds of 6.345 minutes. Short, but peaceful. Though I have to say this, Malik is the worst prankster of them all. Literally.

Then again, I wouldn't be surprised if I found Malik hanging out with his other look-alike

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Then again, I wouldn't be surprised if I found Malik hanging out with his other look-alike. Though this might sound mean, I don't really care if Malik is either being kidnapped by him or forced him to watch romance movies, Romeo + Juliet, instead of horror movies, "The Mummy". (Yugi: That's my favorite movie actually because it's mainly about Egypt and has a lot of undead mummies for Rike O'Connell and his family to kill. *shrug*)

In the slightest, I don't even want to know what kind of common 'relationship' that they might have for the next few weeks.

I sigh.

'I wonder if I can find someone who can match MY own proficiency and nature. Or better yet, someone who can surpass the knowledge that my friends doesn't even know about me.'

I shook my head at the silly thoughts.

'That's just impossible.'




There it goes again.

"The door.....someone's opening it."

I narrowed my eyes before hiding myself to get ready; if needed to attack.

'Who is it?'

Caught RedHanded: LoverBoysWhere stories live. Discover now