Chapter 2: Pizza vs. Ryou

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"Joey! Stop eating all of the pizzas!"

"No way! This is my pizza! Get another one over there."

Josey pointed at another stake of pizza boxes that we just order for lunch. Malik glare at Joey for hogging before he shouted, "BUT THOSE KIND OF PIZZAS HAVE MUSHROOMS INSIDE!"

"....So." Joey stares at Malik for a second as he tried to slip away 'his' favorite pizza. Unfortunately, Joey is just too slow, and Malik caught him in the act.


The two men started wrestling, while trying to rip the pizza box out from the other's grasp. Just then, Ryou and I entered. Discussing about the past job that we took and, successively, completed it.

"She was actually nervous. The way she keeps pacing from one place to another, and not even trying to take any merchandizes until later on proves that she's going to steal something."

I nodded; agreeing with him.

"Yes, Ryou. I can agree with you there. It is most likely that she doesn't want to steal in the first place."

"What do you mean by that, Yugi?"

"You said that she was really nervous, correct?"

Ryou nodded as he pay attention closely to what I'm trying to say.

"In this world, everyone must follow the rules. Including rules that relates to stealing. Everyone already knew that it is wrong to steal. But most just ignore the fact, and ended up in jail for that reason. The women was just afraid. Afraid to lose and get caught."

"You make it sound so much like a game, Yugi."

I gave him a close-eyes-half-hearted smile. When I open them. They already have a tint of crimson inside as I smirk.

"They called me the 'King of Games' for a reason, Ryou. And I plan on staying that way."

"Of course."

Ryou was about to say something else, until....

"Ryou look out!"

Both Joey and Malik accidently made the pizza box slip out of their hands and is now heading straight towards where Ryou is before it was too late.

Ryou's beautiful, white, fluffy hair is now ruined.

At first, Ryou just stood there; trying to process what had just happen. Then he started shaking in anger as both of his hands turn into fists.

"You guys~"


Joey and Malik screamed girlishly when Ryou suddenly pulled a dagger out of no where and started chasing them around like a hunter trying to catch his prey.



Ryou almost cut them, but they quickly dodge it from going anywhere near their own hairs. Almost.

"Yugi! Help us!"

Both Joey and Malik begged me to stop crazy Ryou, while anime tears starts to come out of their eyes.


I just sigh at the bizarre scene before me until the phone started ringing. Hearing it first; I went up to the desk. But before I can answer it...

"Ryou, you can stop now."

Ryou stop chasing them, which both Joey and Malik sigh in relief.

"Joey. Mailk. Zip it."

They close their mouth when they were about to talk.

I press the callers button, before speaking.

"Hello, this is Mutou speaking. How may I help you today?"

"Oh! Thank goodness! Is this the RedHanded organization?"

"Yes ma'm. What may I help you with?"

(Yugi: I knew that this caller is a women because her voice sounds like one.)


She began explaining the details. I listen closely to her; not wanting to miss any of it. After she's done, I said, "Alright, we'll be there to inspect your shop. Can you tell me where it is?"

"It's in Renka."

'Renka? Isn't that across from where Domino City is?'

She gave me the address, before I hung up. I turn back to my teammates to see that they are already all pack up and ready to go. Kind of.

"So where to now, Yug'?" Joey asked.

"It's in Renka. Unfortunately, we would need to use the train to get there."

"Alright, can we ask Kaiba to give us a private ride?" Ryou was the one who suggested the idea.

"Yeah, let's get their as soon as possible."

"I'll call him."

Joey took out his phone and called Seto, while walking somewhere that is quiet.

The RedHanded Organization have many friends in high and low places. Seto Kaiba, President of Kaiba Corps, is one of them. He's basically the one who gives us the high security cameras and private rides ever since we saved his company from being robbed by another company called 'Gozaburo'. We were actually shocked that he is actually Seto's stepfather who recently found out that Seto was going to make a company of his own and is growing faster than his. Gozabura took it upon himself to stop Seto no matter what. Using lowly tactics such as kidnapping Seto's little brother, Mokuba. Luckily, we were able to stop him and is now put in jail for using an innocent child within his criminal plan. During that time, Seto and Joey started having those hate-and-love thing, until they finally got into a relationship. Most of the time they would argue with each other until someone have to cut in and make them stop, but.....that just shows how much they love each other.

Joey came back from his 'talk' and said that our ride will be here shortly.


I pause for a bit before turning towards Ryou.

"Ryou, I think you should go and wash yourself. You still have some sauce on your head."

Ryou blushed; completely forgot about the incident that involved with him using his daggar to chop someone. Ryou glared really hard towards the two no-gooders as he quickly went to the door, open it, and slammed it. When he's gone I turn to Joey and Malik to see that they are hugging each other shakinly, while their eyes shows great fear. Clearly getting the message that their punishment is not over yet. So, while we are waiting for Ryou to clean himself up....

"Who wants some more pizzas?" I happily said.

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