Chapter 41

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.....................RAEGANS POV................

Harry, Liam, Zayn, and Louis dropped their microphones, eyes wide open with their mouths dropped.

"Oh my god," I say, tears rushing down my face.

The crowd stops chanting, they stare at me hoping I would say yes. They were right.

"Yes, Niall Horan, I will be your wife."

Here comes all the screaming and chanting again. But this time, it didn't bother me.

Niall picks me up and we kiss in front of thousands of people. It felt like a dream.

He carries me backstage, still kissing me. I'm engaged.

"I have a little gift for you baby," he starts to say. "But it'll have to wait after the meet and greet."

I knew what it was. My heart started pounding. Now I'm really happy.

I spot my daughter in the nannys arms, along with Payton.

"Over here!" I shout, raising my hand.

"Mama." I hear Kylie say.

My heart stopped. At least, I thought it did.

"She's been saying it the whole time you were gone!" The nanny said, discovering her name was Laura. "Such a little angel, this child."

"Niall!" Payton shouted, running to him and giving him a big hug.

"Hey kiddo!" He says, picking her up and spinning her around.

"Hey boys!" Payton says.

"Hey Payton!" They all say at the same time.

"I heard you guys are engaged, comgratulations!" Laura said, hugging me and Niall.

"Yeah, you're invited as well!" Niall says smiling at Laura.

"Wonderful! Should I make some goodies?" She asks.

"That would be nice!" I tell her.

I dial Perrie on the phone. I had to tell her. Hopefully she's not performing at the moment.

"Hello?" She says questionably.

"Perrie," I start to say. "Niall proposed to me!"

She screams. "Oh my god that's great!!! When is it? I'll be there!"

"After the tour is over," I tell her. "I want you to be my maid of honor."

She starts to cry. "I'd love to! Wow! Congratulations! Unfortunately I have to go. I have an interview.."

"Alright girl, talk to you later!" I hang up the phone and look at Niall and the boys shaking hands and hugging the fans. Payton is playing with Kylie on the floor. I join them and sit down.

"Payton," I say. "How would you and your mum like to be part of the wedding yeah?"

"Oh my gosh, really?!" She asks.

"Of course sweetie! Kylie really likes you. Maybe you and her can be flower girls!"

"Oh my gosh, I feel like this is a dream! I'm one lucky kid! I meet One Direction on the elevator, became friends with Kylie, and now I'm going to be apart of a huge wedding!"

I smile as she skips over to her mum. I see her mum look at me and nod.

Payton skips back to me and Kylie.

She screams.

"This is going to be great!" She adds, bringing Kylie some apple juice that her mum packed in the diaper bag.

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