Chapter 33

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WOW. I used to struggle so much writing stories, still do. But this, this is just outstanding! I can't believe I made it this far. Like usually my stories only end up being like 50 words lmfao. But gosh. I can't believe I have 2.2k reads already I think? But then again I shared my book on my Facebook page. Lol. By the way, like my page?


..................RAEGANS POV..................

"I should stop by my mums too to tell her goodbye and stuff," I said, agreeing with the boys.

"Alright hun. Want me to watch Kylie for you?" He replies.

"Yeah, that'd be nice. I won't be too long." I grab my purse and drive away in my car.

"Hello?" I yell. "Anyone home?"

"Raegan!" My mum shouts. "How's the apartment going? How's Kylie?"

"She's great. She's home with Niall." I reply. "Listen mum--"

"Riana already told me," She started. What the hell. I'm going to murder her. "And I think it's a great idea!"

Whoa. THAT was unexpected. Especially from MY mum. I hug her so tight.

"Thank you thank you thank you thank you!" I yelled. "But I'm still going to murder Riana, I wanted to be the one to tell you!"

"Ha-ha," she said. "Don't make me change my mind!"

I stopped. "Okay okay." I said. "Well, I came over here to tell you I'll see you soon. I'll call you everyday!"

"Alright sweety, I'll be here to answer!"

I kiss her on the cheek and hug her, the last kiss and hug I will ever give her for 10 months. I'm going to miss her, and Riana of course.

I drive home, seeing Niall outside with the boys watching Kylie crawl around in the grass.

"Raegan, my love!" Niall shouted. "How'd it go?"

"Quite lovely and unexpected." I added. "She actually wants me to go!"

"You're mums a badass that's why." Zayn said, winking at me. What's a bad ass? What the hell did they do in America? I laughed.

"Her mum never liked me, for some odd reason." Niall said, looking down.

"She's still not over the fact that we have a daughter, she'll come around love." I replied.

Niall kisses me on the cheek. I kiss him back.

I pick up Kylie off the ground and kiss her, heading back inside to start dinner.

"If you're cooking dinner babe, don't worry, I got it." Niall shouted in the background. He always beats me to it.

"Hamburgers on the grill, got to celebrate before we head back!" Liam said.

"So Harry!" I gave him a weird look, how about my sister?"

"She's good in bed." He said, finally stopping and giving me a surprised look. I could tell he didn't mean to say that.

The boys mouth dropped. Mine dropped too.

Did he seriously sleep with my 16 year old sister! Oh I'm going to beat him, and murder her!

"Just.... Keep.. Quiet.." I said slowly, trying to hold back my fists.

I slowly walk inside with Kylie in my arms.

"Did you hear that Kylie?" I said angrily. "He slept with my bloody sister!"

What am I saying. She's just a baby.

"You realize I was joking right?" Harry said, walking in the house. "She said she doesn't want to do it until we're married."

"And when exactly do you think this wedding will happen?" I ask, furiously.

"In 2 years." He replies with a serious face.

"WHAT." I screamed. This time he was really serious.

"We were going to tell you," he said, looking guilty. "But you went to your mums so I figured Riana would tell you herself!"

"She wasn't there," I replied. "Probably at her friends or something."

"Oh well," he said, smiling. "Now you know!"

Great. I'm going to America for 10 months, my sister is getting married, and my boyfriend is a celebrity. Can this day get any better?

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