Chapter 45

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..................KYLIE'S POV.....................

"Mummy? Can I go outside with Gavin?" I ask with my puppy eyes that always works on my mummy and daddy.

"Sure, don't get dirty though, daddy should be home any minute then we're taking you two to the park!"

I skip outside holding Gavin's hand. Gavin is my best friend. He's only 4 months older than me. I'm 4, he's 4.

"Your mummy and daddy rock!" Gavin says as he puts his two thumbs up.

"Yeah, I'm glad were friends! Want to play hide and seek?" I ask.

"Sure I'll count!!" He says excitedly. I run to go hide as he starts to count.

"One, two, tee, seven, nine!" I hear him say, as I'm hiding in the bushes.

I watch him as he looks everywhere for me. I can't help but giggle. Oh rats. He heard me. I cover my mouth trying not to laugh.

"I see you Kylie!" He says. Laughing on the floor.

"Cheater cheater cheater!" I say, tickling him in the stomach. We walk back inside.

"DADDY!" I yell, running to him. He picks me up and throws me into the air. I giggle.

"How's my little princess doing? I brought you a present for you and Gavin!" He hands me 2 presents. I hand one to Gavin.

I open it. It's a coloring book. Yay! I hug my daddy and head straight to my room with Gavin and his new race car.

"I'm going to color you a picture Gav!" I say, his cheeks turn red.

"Aw shucks," he says. "I want to watch!"

He watches me color. I think I'm doing this right. Hmm, red, pink, blue and oh! Purple, yes purple. My mummy's been teaching me colors of the rainbow.

I show Gavin my picture. He starts to laugh.

"You're supposed to color in the lines not out!" He says.

I start to cry. I run to my mummy and daddy.

Tears fall down my face. Daddy picks me up.

"Oh princess what's wrong?"

"Gavin doesn't.. Doesn't.. Like my picture!" I scream. Crying into my daddy's shoulder.

"Oh honey I'm sure it's beautiful!" He says, patting my head and setting me down. I go back in the room.

"My daddy says my picture is bee-yoo-tif-ful! Nananana booboo!" I stick my tongue out. Gavin laughs.

"I'm sorry KyKy." He says. We give each other a big hug and colored a picture together.

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