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I walked out of my shop and placed the new order outside for people to see around my shop. I looked out at the street and waved at the kids going to school. "Ms (L/n)!", shouted Luffy. "Hi Luffy-chan! Wheres Sabo and Ace?", i asked the eight year old. "Luffy!", shouted the blonde as grabbed Luffys hand. "Good Morning Ms. (L/n)!", said Sabo with a wide grin. "Good Morning, Sabo! Oh, wheres Ace?", i asked. Sabo snickered and pointed behind him to a walking Ace. "Good Morning, Ace!", i chirped. "Morning...", responded the raven hair boy, not looking at me. The boys walked away and waved at me; i walked back inside my store and turned on the coffee machine for my breakfast. Suddenly i heard the trash cans fall from behind my shop; i ran and found a injured boy on the pavement of the alleyway, his chest rose slowly up and down. "Oh my god...", i whispered. I pulled the boy up and noticed he looked very sick and he was probably homeless, i brought him inside my house and called my friend.

"You called me over to watch over your shop?", sighed Mihawk. "Please! I need to take care of something up stairs!", i begged him. He sighed and signaled me to go upstairs; i smiled and ran up stairs. I looked at the boy, he looked around 15 maybe 16; i looked at his busted lip and the bruises on his body. "Okay, Sweetheart. I have to fix you up, please dont wake up while I bathe you...", i whispered as i saw the boy breathing softly. I took off his dirty white t shirt to reveal his tattooed chest; the tattoos looked infected, i noted that and i would need to clean it. It was just red and swollen, so i hoped that it was nothing but I would have to take him to the hospital if it got worse. I sighed and ran down stairs, only to see Mihawk watching me. "Spill it, or Im leaving.", said Mihawk coldly. "Okay but help me put all this away first.", i begged and he got up to helped me.

After explaining everything, Mihawk smacked me lightly on my head and walked up stairs; while i placed the 'CLOSED' sign on the door. I ran to the downstair break room and turned off my coffee machine and then ran up stairs, when i got to the top i heard the shower on. I walked over to see Mihawk place the boy down carefully into the tub with his boxers still on his body. "Ill go buy him some clothes, ill be back.", he sighed and he walked back down. I washed the boy carefully and the best i could, once he was washed; i started to nudge him softly so he could finish washing his self.

"Mother?", he called softly, caressing my cheek. "Sorry, sweetheart... Im not your mother but i want to help you out, right now i need you to finish bathing yourself.", i whispered holding his hand. His gold eyes warily took his surroundings and then my face, his eyes widen. "Its okay... I wanna help you. I found you in the back alley.", i told him. He looked frantically around the bathroom, he looked down at where he was sitting. "Wheres my clothes besides the boxers? Who are you? I have to leave...", he said the last part coldly. "I kinda threw them away... Sorry about that. My name is (l/n) (f/n), i own this flower shop... Whats your name?", i asked him offering a smile. The boy sighed and slumped into the now half filled tub. "Im Trafalgar D. Law... Can you have to get me some clothes, so i can leave your house as soon as possible...", said the boy. I smiled sadly, still holding his hand i gave it a small squeeze and he looked at me but didnt pull his hand away.

"(Y/n), heres the clothes... I see you're awake, boy. (Y/n) took you into her home... So tell us whats going on...", said Mihawk. Law looked a bit uncomfortable as Mihawk asked this from him; i looked at Mihawk. Suddenly there was a knock on the door from downstairs, Mihawk simply nodded; I let go of Law's hand and walked down stairs to the store part of my house, as i opened the door to the front of the shop, a tall man walked in. "Sorry, Im opening late, sir. I had some issues.. What can i get for you?", i asked with a friendly smile. His shades hid his eyes, his blonde hair was spiked up, and his pink coat that hanged from his shoulders told me he wasn't from around my neighborhood. "Im looking for some red roses...", he said as he examined my shop. I nodded and walked over to the flower case. "Anything else, sir?", i asked as he kept looking at the flowers. "Ranunculus, white roses, and irises.", he finished. "Your choices in flowers... Are you going to declare yourself to someone, sir?", i asked teasing the man. "Indeed, she is someone i have admired for a while now, fufufu.", he chuckled. I finished arranging the bouquet and showed him the finish product. "Beautiful work, Im sure she'll love it. How much will it be?", he asked. "2,000 beri, sir.", i smiled. He frowned and looked at me for a while. "Are you sure, this work looks like it might cost 9,000 beri?", he asked as he pulled out his wallet. I nodded, he smiled and handed me the money; i handed the man his change and thanked him. "Ill probably be back, this a really nice store.", he complimented. "Id like that, thank you again. I hope everything goes well, sir.", i said. He thanked me and left.

"(Y/n)...", said Mihawk. I looked up and saw him with Law on his side, i smiled at them. Law looked more like a regular teen than a homeless one. "Ms. (L/n), thank you for giving me these.", said Law as he bowed his head. Mihawk had probably had a talk with Law; i sighed and walked over to the boy who was an inch or two taller than me. "Law! Call me (f/n)... As of today, im hiring you here...", i stated as i pointed at him. This of course took everyone by surprise, but i didnt mind an extra person in my house. "Really?!", asked Law. "Yes but first, we're going to take you to the doctor to make sure you're okay!", i said as i pulled him out with Mihawk following behind. I heard the door lock and opened the door to the car, Law looked at me and I smiled and nodded at the boy. "Nice that you feel that you own my car,(y/n).", chuckled Mihawk. I stuck my tongue out at him and walked over to the passengers side.

Doffy P.O.V.

I walked out of the shop and into my car. "Home, Doffy?", asked Vergo. I hummed and looked at the bouquet.

That girl has a great talent...

I entered the mansion, i was greeted by everyone. "Onii-san! Its great to finally have you back home!", shouted Rocinante. I smiled and gave him a quick hug, then I looked around and saw her walking towards me. "Hello Doffy!", said Lucia. I smiled and handed her the bouquet, she squealed and thanked me; she ran back to Rocinante. "Roci! Look! Can we have bouquets like these at our wedding?", she asked excitedly. I stood there shocked; the woman i loved was getting married to my little brother. "Wedding?", i managed to ask. "Thats right! Onii-san, you've been gone for a while and well i was meaning to tell you that me and Lucia are getting married in 2 weeks.", smiled Rocinante as he hugged Lucia from the waist. I mustered my best "congratulations" act and congratulated them on the upcoming event; my heart ached and i excused myself to my bedroom.

2 weeks, huh...

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