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"You... DID YOU START THAT FIRE?!", I shouted. Crocodile smirked and came closer to me, i round kicked him but he grabbed my leg. "Join me, and Ill leave the pawns and your king alone...", grinned Crocodile. "Fuck no!", i growled. He kicked my leg I was standing on and i fell to the floor; his hook against my neck. "Come on, sweetheart. Dont be so cold towards me when you use to warm my bed.", he grinned.

"Let her go...", growled someone behind Crocodile, a gun clicked. I looked over and saw Shanks with Law and Killer. "S-Shanks...", I mumbled. Crocodile smiled and raised his hook from my neck, he slowly raised his hands. "Wouldn't be so cocky, brats.", chuckled Crocodile.

Suddenly Shanks yelled and fell to the floor, a huge man was standing behind him with knife. "M-Mr. 1...", I growled. Law and Killer ran to grabbed me, Shanks just tried to breath. "(Y/n)!", shouted Law. Killer helped me up, Law stood in front of Killer, Crocodile noticed this and snapped his fingers.

A woman appeared from the doorway, her form of walking exaggerated her entrance. "Doublefinger...", snarled Law. "Hello, Lil Death Surgeon...", she sneered. "Get them out of my way.", ordered Crocodile.

Law wont be able to go against her...

I pulled Law back and round house kicked Ms. Doublefinger, she gasped on the impact, she was now against a wall. I looked at Shanks and frowned, he wouldnt last long with that knife wound.

"Crow!", she barked as she got up. "Get Shanks out of here...", i ordered Law and Killer. They hesitated but managed to grab Shanks; Crocodile tried to hit them with his hook but missed as I punched him. Crocodile started laughing, Ms. Doublefinger stayed awaiting orders. I wanted this all to be a bad dream, I was happy, I wanted to be with Doffy right now...

"You think your king will appear and save you, Crow?", mocked Crocodile. "I dont need saving! He knows it too!", i shouted. "Do you think he really loves you?", asked Crocodile. "Of course he does!", I boomed. Doffy had proven it many times, I loved him and wouldnt believe otherwise.

Of course... He does... Right?...

Crocodile noticed my small hesitation, he grinned and threw a yellow envelope at me. I caught it and glared at him, he jestered me to open it; which I did.

Inside, where pictures, not just any pictures. Pictures of Doflamingo with other women; they were either eating dinner, coming out of a bar, at the movies, even walking down the street. The dates on the corner of each picture were dates that proved he had dated them while he was still with me, some days before the resort idea.

"N-No...", i whispered, as I dropped the pictures. They scattered all over the floor, just like my hopes. "So, have I convinced you? Come on, (y/n). Im different from before.", smiled Crocodile. My mind was blank, no comment, no thoughts, nothing. Everything was muddled. I wanted to cry. I wanted to punch Crocodile for giving this to me. I wanted to beat the shit out of myself for trusting Doffy, no Doflamingo...

"(Y/n), I need you.", said Crocodile, his expression serious. "I dont care.... Leave me alone, I just want to live in peace with my kids! Why do you keep coming after me!", I screamed. "You know Im not the only one going after the pawns... If you join me, I swear that those brats will never be harmed...", stated Crocodile. "You just harmed my friend and tried to hit my kids.", i growled. He wasnt any better than Doflamingo, to trust him and go back to that life was a mistake.

"Lets make a deal, (y/n)...", said Crocodile.

Law P.O.V.

We dragged Shanks outside and called an ambulance. "We should call Mihawk.", said Killer. I nodded and dialed Mihawk, (y/n) was strong and hopefully she could hold them down while Mihawk arrived. "Hello?", answered Mihawk. "Mihawk! Its Law! Shanks was injured and theres these dangerous people inside the house with (y/n)!", i shouted. "Im on my way. Make sure they dont take (y/n)...", growled Mihawk and hanged up. Shanks was breathing slowly and I applied pressure on the wound; that man inside was Mr. 0.

Why does he want (y/n)... Hes not taking our mom.... Damn Doflamingo.... Where are you?

We heard the sirens in the distance, Mr. 1 and Ms. Doublefinger walked out of the store. I tensed up and Killer pulled out his knife from his back pocket; I couldn't remove my hands from Shanks. "Bye bye, kiddies.", laughed Ms. Doublefinger as she walked towards a car. (Y/n) came out with Mr. 0 close behind her; she walked towards us and Killer put away his knife, running towards her. (Y/n) suddenly punched Killer in the abdomen, he toppled over but she caught him, she seemed to have whispered something before throwing him towards me. I looked at him and then at (y/n), her eyes were dull and their shine was gone; she walked towards me. "(Y/n)?! Whats-", she punched me too. My vision started to fade.

Take care, honey.... See ya...



Well shit... Lol


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