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2 years later... (Outfit ** dont like? You can choose, sorry)

 (Outfit ** dont like? You can choose, sorry)

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The car stopped a few blocks from the store. "Do you want us to come along?", asked the driver, as he pulled down his shades. "Nah, you guys helped me a lot already. Plus Spider Cafe wont run itself.", laughed the woman as she walked away.

She walked down the streets, looking at the city she once knew. She laughed once again and kept walking, her eyes wondered to the changes that had occurred during her absence. She was so abstracted she bumped into a woman on the street. At first, she didnt recognize the black hair woman but when she looked at her closely, she saw it was Makino. The younger woman was holding a toddler in her arms, the toddler looked at the woman and back at his mother.

Reader P.O.V.

"Sorry, are yo-", she apologized but gasped once she saw me correctly. "(y-y/n)....", she cried and hugged me, making sure the toddler didnt get in between. I giggled and hugged her back carefully; she was more mature looking and she had a wedding ring.

"How are my children?", i asked her. She let go and gave me a sad smile, I also knew they hated me with all their guts. After all I did hurt them, she said they missed me but I knew she was lying.

"So, how are you?", I asked. We were now sitting at a park a few blocks from my store; she smiled and looked at the sky. "Ive been great, Shanks and I got married. This is our child.", she smiled, and like on cue the toddler laughed.

The news made me cry. Makino panicked but I smiled and congratulated her for everything that had happened. She let me hold her son and we talked a bit more about the time I had missed in Dressrosa.

"Doflamingo is still looking for you, (y/n).", smiled Makino. I smiled, glad to know he still had some kind of interest in me. "I came back to stay...", i grinned. Makino started crying and laughed as she got up and pulled me to the store.

My hair was different, my body was a bit slimer and i had grown a bit; we entered the store and were greeted by a handsome young man. "Back so soon, Makino?", smiled the man. "Yes Killer... My friend wanted to see the store.", giggled Makino.


My floppy black hat hid my face, i smiled and tipped it a bit forward. "Sure thing. Well miss, welcome to (Y/n)'s. We make bouquets, decorate for any parties, weddings, and anything you can think of.", smiled Killer. Makino said she had to take her son back home, leaving me with Killer in the store; i took off my hat and looked at Killer.

"Hi, Killer..", I smiled.

He looked shocked, he hugged me and I couldnt help but hug him back. "You're alive!", he sobbed, i rubbed his back. "Of course I am. Did you want me to die?", i joked. "Killer whats going on?", said Law. He looked taller and he had a goatee growing; at first he didnt say anything after seeing me.

"M-Mom!", he shouted and tackled Killer and me. I laughed and then I heard foot steps from upstairs. Law picked me up and twirled me around; then he stopped and I saw Penguin and Shachi looking at us. "Mom!", they shouted and hugged me as Law put me down.

I hugged them and my tears couldnt stop running down my face; I looked over the boys and saw Kid, his hair was a bit longer and he was taller. "Kid... Im sorry... Im sorry, all of you.", i cried. They all smiled and nodded then I looked at Kid, he was the youngest, I didnt expect him to forgive me. "Its okay if y-", I didnt finish because he tackled me. "K-Kid...", i whispered, he clutched onto my cardigan with all his might.

"You came back! Im sorry, Mom!", wailed Kid. I hugged him tightly; the store door opened and in walked Mihawk. He looked at the kids and then he saw me, he walked up to me and hugged Kid and I. "You came back...", he whispered into my hair. "Yeah, Im sorry I left...", i whispered. After we separated they all sat me down, asking where I had been.

"I was taken to the city of Flevance, there they quickly operated me and i was given a heart transplant. I spent a good two months in that city before moving to Lougetown. I stayed there because the doctors from Flevance said I would have a better chance for recuperation. After I fully recovered, I found out Mr. 0 was killed by Edward Newgate. I spent the next year fighting the last champions and won the prize money. And now Im here....", i smiled.

They all said I should rest and took me upstairs; the house looked different. I opened the front door and was tackled by Bepo. "Hiya, Bepo! I missed you too!", i laughed. I went to my old room, i sighed when i noticed nothing had changed. The boys all walked in and asked if they could stay with me.

I bet they think ill disappear or something...

I nodded and they all sat where ever they could and slowly fell asleep, with me following in suit.

Doffy P.O.V.

I sat in my office stressing about other posssible locations where (y/n) could be, when i recieved a phone call from Mihawk.

"What happened?", i asked. "Law broke his arm at the store. He refuses to go anywhere...", sighed Mihawk. "What! How?!", i growled, those kids always found ways to worry me. "Also... (Y/n)'s here...", he chuckled and hanged up. "Mihawk!", i shouted at the phone but to no avail since the line was long cut off.

"This better not be some sick joke...", i growled as I threw my coat on. "Doffy... Your meeting with Kaido is in 30 minutes.", said Vergo. "I leave everything in your hands!", i shouted as I ran to the elevators. I heard Vergo shouting but I grinned and closed the elevator doors.

Im going to kill those guys....

Yosh! Finally updated!
Apologies for errors
Hope you enjoyed, as always
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Have a good morning/day/afternoon/evening/night!


Doffy leaving his office like:

Doffy leaving his office like:

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