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Hello hello,
This chapter has a lemon... I cant deny a request lol
Not a good lemon but its eh, so no high expectations please... The gifs will signal the beginning and end of the lemon for those who wish to skip... Without futher a do, please enjoy today's update.

Reader P.O.V.

I woke up and looked around me to see all the kids, i slowly got up and removed my shoes. I walked out into the living room and looked around once again; letting the surrounding soak into my mind.

I heard some commotion downstairs, probably a cranky customer. I walked down, hoping Mihawk wasnt on the verge of murdering someone. "Mihawk?! I hope you arent killing anyone as a welcome back gift becaus-", i stopped talking as I saw none other than Doflamingo standing in front of Mihawk.

He looked equally as handsome as I remember, nothing had changed from his face, those sassy shades still covered his amazing eyes to my annoyance. "(Y-Y/n)...", he stuttered. I heard footsteps running down the stairs and looked behind me to see all the kids.

"Guys... I think we should all go to my house while these two talk...", stated Mihawk as he motioned the kids to move towards the door. "See ya, Mingo.", said Law. Killer and the rest just waved and exited the store with Mihawk.

We looked at each other for a while; then I walked towards the door, he grabbed my wrist. I pulled away from him and kept walking towards the door to lock it and placed the 'CLOSED' sign, I turned to face him and pointed upstairs. He walked up and I followed him, he removed his pink fluffy jacket and waited. I locked the door and faced him.

"Doflamingo...", I said. He looked confused and tried to approach me, I swatted his hands away from me as my gaze remained on his face. The reflection on his shades revealed me, scowling at the tall man, he frowned as he saw I made no move.

"(Y/n), whats wrong?", he asked. "Did you miss me?", I asked, my gaze falling down to the living room carpet. "Of course I did, (y/n)!", he shouted and grabbed my shoulders. His grip was soft, nothing violent, his grip made me feel safe. But the questions that had inundated my mind for the time I had been absent, resurfaced and took over.

"LIAR!", I screamed and pulled away from his grip. Doffy looked at me with frown; obviously, I could not read his thoughts due to his sassy shades covering his eyes. "You were probably with one of your sluts. They probably kept you company, since you seemed to be with them even though we were dating.", i laughed bitterly.

Why am I bring this up? Why cant I just forget that and hug him? All I wanted was to see him and the kids, but here I am fighting... He isnt responding either...

"You lied to me too, (y/n)...", he said, I looked up but all I saw was his frown and nothing more. I did lie to him and left him here to care for my kids. He had no responsibility over them, yet he seemed to take care of them well.
"You left without telling me, you promised me that if anything went wrong that you would call but NO! You left! Didnt you trust me?!", he shouted. "YOU HAVENT DENIED THAT YOU WERE WITH OTHER WOMEN WHILE DATING ME! SO THAT MEANS THAT YOU OWN UP TO MY ACCUSATIONS?!", I cried.

"Yes... I was with other women while dating you..", he sighed. I gasped and sobbed, using my hands to cover my face, i fell to the floor and let the tears fall down my face. "But not in a way that you would consider cheating... Let me explain, (y/n)...", whispered Doffy as he removed my hands from my face.

Everyone deserves a second chance...

"Those women didnt mean anything to me because I only asked them for advice. I was so confused because you are the only woman I had been serious about, even more so than Lucia. I didnt want to fuck up our relationship... So I asked old acquaintances... but they all wanted something in return. A dinner or a movie was the payment that I had to pay and hearing their unstoppable yapping.", he finished.

Red Tulips  *Doflamingo X Reader*Where stories live. Discover now