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I was laying in bed with Kid and Shachi, this whole week was slow so we closed up the shop the whole week. "Oi! (Y/n), do we have homeschooling this week?", asked Kid. "Hmm, nope. I called Ms. Nico and said that you guys needed a break. Plus her daughter needs to spend time with her too.", i smiled. "Yes!", cheered Shachi.

"Can we go somewhere this week?", asked Kid. "Hmm, where do you guys wanna go?", I asked. "To the park!", cried Shachi. "Boo! No way! Lets go to an amusement park!", shouted Kid. "How about the aquarium?", suggested Killer from my door. I grinned and motioned him to come over with us. "No! No! An amusement park!", cried Kid. "Lets go camping!", suggested Penguin as he entered and sat on the bed. "Yeah!", grinned Shachi. "Sounds okay.", smiled Killer. "How about a museum?", said Law. He walked over and sat on a chair. "Ugh! No! An amusement park, (y/n)!", cried Kid, shaking my arm. "No! Camping!", cried Penguin and Shachi. "No comment...", sighed Killer. "Same here.", said Law, looking at the younger children with annoyance.

"How about a beach resort?", said Doffy from the door, we all looked at him. I had given him a spare key last week, since then he was always sneaking on us.

"Next time, knock!", cried the kids. I laughed and thought about the chance to go to the beach. "Im down for it.", i said looking at the kids. They all stood there kinda hesitating to agree, at the end they all said yes. "You guys dont have to agree just because i said Im down for the idea.", i told them.

"They dont know to swim...", sighed Killer. I looked at all of them, to my surprise even Law nodded. "Well, Ill just have to teach all of you, wont I?", i grinned. They all piled on top of me, hugging the life out of me.

"You guys are going to suffocate my girlfriend...", growled Doffy as he ripped me from under the pile of kids. I laughed at the faces they were putting; Doffy offered to invite Mihawk but he was too busy due to work he missed. (AN: I wonder who caused that for poor Mihawk... Lol)

Monday morning, Mihawk dropped off his z28 and Doffy brought his GR-T. I drove Mihawks car while taking the small children; Doffy and his friend Vergo, drove with Law and Killer. After what felt like days, we all arrived at the resort and headed for the front desk. "Welcome Donquixote-sama, heres the keys to your rooms.", said the lady at the front desk, giving Doffy a seductive smile followed with a wink.

Thirsty bitch...

I ignored her obvious flirting; focusing on my children. They all were amazed by how large the resort was, I, on the other hand, was unfazed by the luxurious resort. "You guys enjoying the view?", i smirked. "Yeah! Its so cool!", smiled Penguin. "Yeah! This place is huge!", grinned Shachi.

"Im glad to hear youre enjoying the view.", smiled Doffy. "Please this way, Donquixote-sama.", said the lady from the front desk. "Ill be your guide throughout this week.", she smiled, mainly at Doffy.

Vergo walked next to me and asked about what i thought on the resort. "Its okay, I suppose.", i smiled, trying to hide my boredom. "(Y/n), look!", said Kid as he tugged my shirt. I looked at what he was so excited about; the ocean. "Its beautiful.", i breathe.

We follow the stupid slutty guide to our rooms; 3 rooms, each with two beds. "Ill sleep with the younger ones.", i pointed at Penguin, Shachi, and Kid. Law and Killer shared the room next to ours and Doffy and Vergo got the last room, closest to the elevator. "Well, enjoy your stay at Alabasta Water Resort.", smiled the slutty guide, winking again at Doffy. "Im tired, lets go, guys.", i sighed taking the key Vergo offered. I saw Doffy frown but decided to ignore him because i was literally tired.

"Okay, lets take a nap...", i said as I grabbed Kid and dropped in the bed with him in my arms. "(Y/n)!", he protested but after a few minutes he snuggled closer to me. "Thats not fair!", cried Penguin. "Whats not fair?", i asked sleepily. ""KID GETS TO SLEEP WITH YOU!", both Shachi and Penguin scream. "Suckers!", grinned Kid. "I know, just bring the beds together...", i yawned.

After bringing the beds together, we all laid there and took our little siesta...

"(Y/n)!", shouted someone, they were knocking on the door like a fucking psychopath. I trudged towards the door, completely annoyed at this point. "What!", i hissed from behind the door. "Oh! Sorry its Law.", he said. I sighed and opened the door; he walked in with Killer following behind.

"Sorry, i feel grouchy today.", i apologized. "Its okay. Wow you guys were all sleeping?", asked Killer, observing the sleeping children on the large bed. "We were bored, so we decided to come over here..", said Law, plopping onto the sofa.

"What about Doffy and Vergo?", i asked. "They came and knocked but then they said they were going to buy food.", explained Killer. "Mmm, you guys wanna go to the pool?", i asked. Both of the older teens nodded but agreed not to enter yet. "Well, Ill wake the boys up and then we can go and explore the resort.", i smiled.

We all walked around, seeing lots of different people and seeing lots of things. "Can we go to the pool now?", asked Shachi. "Sure.", i said and we headed for the pool. After a while of hanging around the pool, we found Vergo struggling with boxes of food; the boys helped and we headed for our rooms.

"Where's Doffy?", i asked. "I dont know... He was behind me..", sighed Vergo. "Well, Ill go find him, Ill be back. Vergo-san. Boys.", i said and walked to the elevator.

Before I could press the button, the doors opened with Doffy inside and a slut hugging his arm. "Donquixote-sama! Lets go to a bar.", whined the guide. They walked past me and I stood there dumbfounded. "I told you, already. I have a girlfriend and shes way more interesting than you.", he growled, clearly annoyed. "That ugly, plain girl with all those brats. She probably slept with alot of guys to have all those stupid bastards.", she scoffed.

Thats it, bitch...

I walked up behind her and put her in a headlock. "What did you say about my kids, bitch.", i growled. Doffy stood there, shocked; the guide was crying. "Fuck with me, my kids, or my boyfriend and ill rip your transplants out.", i sneered.

The guide was now begging for her life and Doffy was now ripping me away from her. "A word about this and Ill fucking find you!", i said as i managed to land a punch. She nodded and ran down the stairs; I was still struggling in Doffy's arms.

"(Y/n), calm down.", he whispered. "I AM calm.", i growled. "Fufufu, I never knew you were so feisty, my queen.", he chuckled. "Doffy, Im calm now... Can you put me down?", i asked, trying to hid my dark aura. "You almost killed someone... I believe you need some kind of punishment, (y/n).", he whispered. I shivered as his warm breath tickled my neck. "Oh? Do I? What did I ever do to get a punishment?", I asked innocently.

Dedicated this chapter to Luffy in his attempt to make curry and leaving everyone on the brink of starvation! XD

Also to my senpai (Donquixote_Joker) because she gave me chocolates and sweets! And my friend RoseDracul soon i will write what was promised XD

Thanks for reading and you know the usual! Take care!

Red Tulips  *Doflamingo X Reader*Where stories live. Discover now