2.5k Special

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4 years later

Law P.O.V.

I sat in my apartment, waiting for Doffy and (Y/n) to come over with (d/n). "I wonder why they want to come to my humble apartment...", i thought out loud. There was a knock on the door; I got up and opened the door to my surprise it was just Zoro and Luffy. "LAW!", shouted Luffy as he tried to hug me, i stopped him with my palm. "Hey Law.. Did you forget that we were all going to hang out today?", smiled Zoro. "Yeah, I forgot, man.", I sighed and let Luffy hug me. We all walked over to the living room and put Netflix; then there was a knock on the door.

"Ill get it!", shouted Luffy and he ran to answer the door; we heard him scream and Zoro and I went to invistigate. At the door was Doffy and (Y/n), and (D/n) tickling Luffy. "Hey Mom, Hey Dad... Come in..", I smiled and picked up (D/n) from Luffy. "Onii-chan!", she hugged my neck and snuggled close. "Law, we wanted to ask you if its alright for (d/n) to stay here for a bit.", smiled (Y/n). "Sure, for how long?", I asked. "An hour or two.", said Doffy. "Sure I dont see the harm.", I smiled. "Onii-chan! look!", whispered (D/n). She held out some shades, they were exactly like Doffy's except that these were sliver framed and blue lenses. "Cute.. Who got them for you?", I asked. The little girl smiled and point at her parents.

"Mama and Papa!", she squealed and tried to get down. I placed her down and she ran to (Y/n) and Doffy; Doffy picked her up and kissed her cheek, (Y/n) grabbed her and kissed her forehead. "Be good, okay? Dad and I are going somewhere, but Onii-chan will take care of you, (D/n).", smiled (Y/n). "Okay!", smiled (D/n), she walked over and reached for my hand. "Well be back! Thanks, honey.", smiled (Y/N), as she messed my already messed up hair up.

"So, (d/n)? How old are you?", grinned Zoro. "FOUR!", she grinned and held her little hand in the air to show us four fingers. "Woah, shes so smart!", smiled Luffy. We were all in the living room; then (D/n) saw Netflix and asked if we could watch a movie.

Probably a kids show...

"That one!", she laughed excitedly at a scary movie. "No, youll get nightmares...", I warned. (D/n) pouted but that didnt change my mind, so we searched for another movie. "Lets play hide n seek!", screamed Luffy. (D/n) agreed, Zoro sighed but then smirked, and I just stared at the ceiling. "Guess Ill count..", i sighed. Luffy and (D/n) ran out, while Zoro stood up and left quietly. "1...2...3..", I started.

"50. Ready or not here I come!", I shouted at the quiet apartment. I got up and looked all around the living room, then the kitchen. "Found you... Luffy.", i growled as I noticed my fridge empty. "Shishishi, lets go find Zoro and (D/n)!", he shouted. We looked in my room and in the guest room but found nothing. I walked out on the balcony and found Zoro sleeping in a chair. "Found you, Zoro-ya.", i smirked. He growled in his sleep but didnt seem to wake up. I walked back in and looked for (D/n); she was a small kid, she could hide anywhere. "Any luck?", I asked Luffy. He shook his head and walked around. "Why is the front door open?", yawned Zoro. I turned and indeed the front door was open; i ran over and opened it but saw no one. "Oh...no...", i mumbled. Zoro and Luffy also started panicking, I grabbed my keys and ran down stairs.

"Oi! Coby!", I shouted. The boy ran over and asked what was wrong. "Did you see a small girl, (h/c) hair, blue eyes?", I asked. "Honestly, lots of kids run in and out of the apartments, Trafalgar-san.", sighed Coby. "What about the surveillance cameras?", asked Zoro. "They have been down since this morning...", explained Coby. "Shit...", i growled and ran out with Luffy and Zoro behind me.

Author P.O.V.

(D/n) heard her brother counting. She looked at the door; she walked over and opened it. In the hallway she saw a pink feather. "Papa!", she giggled and ran down the hall. She walked to the elevator, she stared and pushed the button like her father had taught her. She grabbed her shades and put them on; she pressed the button with the number 1. She looked at the metal walls of the elevator and giggled at her reflection.

The ding of the elevator startled her but she walked out into the lobby. At the desk a boy with lavender hair and a blond were fighting, (d/n) ran to the doors that opened. She walked through and with feather in hand walked down the street.

Soon the child had made it to a park a few feet from the apartment complex. She walked to the sand box and started making a hill and placing the feather as a flag. She grinned triumphantly and walked to the swing set. "My... Hello there, sweetheart.", smiled a woman. (D/n) frowned and ignored the woman.

"Thats rude, (d/n).", rumbled a familiar voice to the child. (D/n) looked up to see the big man behind the woman. "Coco!", she squealed and raised her arms up in a 'pick me up' motion. The man chuckled and picked up the child, the woman next to him smirked. "Coco?", she giggled. "She refuses to change it to Crocodile...", he sighed, making the child laugh. "Its been a while. Here with your mama?", asked Crocodile. The child shook her head and smiled. "Im with Onii-chan!", she giggled. Crocodile frowned, the park was empty.

"Did you escape?", he sighed. (D/n) laughed and nodded, making Crocodile chuckle and his wife laugh. "(D/N)! (D/N)!", shouted someone in the distance. "Theres the search party.", giggled Crocodile's wife.
"Dont doubt it... Darling, could you-", started Crocodile, but was silenced with a kiss from his wife. "I know.", she smiled and took the child. (D/n) hugged the womans neck and waved at Crocodile. "Bye bye, Coco..", smiled (D/n). Crocodile smiled back and walked to a bench. "She looks a lot like you, (y/n)...", he said as he took out another cigar.

Law P.O.V.

"Mom's gunna kill me

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"Mom's gunna kill me...", i sighed. Zoro patted my shoulder while Luffy hugged me. "We'll find her, Law!", smiled Luffy. I nodded and spotted something pink in the distance. I ran to the sand box at the park we were in and found a pink feather. "(D/N)! (D/N)!", i shouted.

A woman walked towards us with (D/n) in her arms. I ran to her and she handed me back my sister. "(D/n)! How could you leave the apartment! Do you know how mad I am at the moment!", i shouted at the child. I heard her sniffle and tears ran down her face, I sighed and hugged her close.

"Thank you...", i thanked the woman. She smiled and walked away, she disappeared without another word. We all walked back to my apartment and watched a movie; soon (y/n) and Doffy picked up (d/n). "Everything good?", smiled (y/n). "Yeah Mom. Everything was okay.", I waved as they walked down the hall. "Next time... (D/n) comes over.... Ill lock the door.", i chuckled. Zoro and Luffy agreed, we all laughed. We sat and drank some sake, talking about new thing in life, until we all passed out.


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Ta-da... 2.5k special. Hoped you enjoyed. I tried not to make it too long but meh, i try... Lol
Enjoy Life... See ya...


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