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I woke up and walked over to Law's room; i knocked before entering the room. The teen was half way off the bed and half way still on the bed; i smiled and walked over to wake him. "Law..", i giggled. I started poking his face gently while try to keep my giggling to a minimum. "Mom... Stop...", smiled Law. I frowned, he was probably dreaming with his family, i moved slowly away and exited the room. I showered and changed before starting breakfast, i had recently discovered that the teen also despised bread.

"(Y/n)?", yawned Law from his bedroom door. I smiled and placed a plate of bacon and eggs on the table. "Morning, Sunshine. Have a good sleep?", i asked. Law smiled and sat on a chair. "Yeah, thank you for everything, (y/n).", said Law as he started eating. I nodded and sat next to him and ate.

Mihawk walked in with a friend. "(Y/n)-chan!", shouted an all too familiar red head. "Shanks! Long time no see!", i exclaimed as i hugged him. "Oh? You guys had a kid? Mihawk! Way to score, man!", laughed Shanks. Mihawk sighed, Law looked at the man curiously, and I smacked Shanks. "Shank! Thats rude! *clears throat* This is Law, my adoptive son. Law, meet Shanks, he works with Mihawk.", i stated. Shanks smiled and offered his hand, Law shook it and walked back with me.

"What are you doing today?", i asked. "Mihawk begged me to come help him out with the store on my day off, (y/n)-chan!", smirked Shanks as i playfully glared at Mihawk. Mihawk chuckled and walked over to get some coffee. "Well me and Law have to go! Take care of my store!", i shout. Mihawk shouts my name and he throws the keys to his black z28.

"Ahh, hello belleza! I finally get to drive you!", i said dramatically as I ran my hand on the black sleek hood. "(Y/n), you can drive this?", chuckled Law as he went to the passager side and buckled up. "Oh sweet innocent Law-chan! You better be prepared for whats to come.", i smirked while i put on some shades Mihawk kept in the glove compartment, throwing some shades to Law.

Law put them on and chuckled at my threat. I booked it to the place Lucia wanted; Law holding onto the belt as i sped threw the streets. I finally parked at the place and red and blue lights flashed.

Great... Mihawk's gonna kill me...

I got out with Law on my side and smirked at who had followed me. "You were speeding again, (y/n)...", growled the officer. "Law, you can start without me, the materials are in the trunk.", i smiled at Law as i placed the shades on top of my head. Law nodded, doing the same with his glasses and unloading the materials.

"Yo! Smoker-chan!", i chimed. The man took off his helmet and glared at me; but i shrugged it off. "(Y/n), whos the kid?", asked Smoker while lighting his cigar. "A kid that i let into my home... He works for me...", i replied as he handed me his cigar. I took it and puffed out little rings; I handed it back.

"Does he know?", asked Smoker. I glared at him and spat on the pavement. "No... I hope he never finds out.", i sighed and looked at the building. "Well, I'll let you go this time, Red Crow.", smirked Smoker. I scoffed at the old name; I walked inside to find Law moving the benches around.

"Hey Law, have any gum on you?", i asked. He threw me some mentos and looked at me. "What?", i asked. "Never knew you smoke...", he commented. "I dont, anymore.", i replied throwing some gum pieces into my mouth. "So, how much is the fine?", asked Law. "Nothing... But now i know that i have to drive carefully.", i sighed.

Law smiled and we started arranging the flower ornaments for the alter; Doffy appeared and brought us lunch. "Thanks, how much do we owe you?", i asked. "How about...", he hummed pretending to think about it, Law left to throw the trash. "How about i give you 2000 beri?", i suggested. "How about you attend the wedding party with me?", he asked. I blushed, thinking long and hard about it.

Why?! Im so austere... So many beautiful woman and he asks me?!

"So, you dont want to?", asked Doffy, sounding a bit disappointed. "I-I l-love to but I'm s-so plain.... Why invite someone like me?", i stammered. (AN: Reader-chan! You're beautiful! Never let anyone put you down! If anyone tries, Ill stomp their heads in!)

Doffy leaned in, smiling in the process. "Because you interest me, (y/n).", he whispered in my ear, sending chills down my spine. "W-what!", i exclaimed. He moved back and chuckled; Law came back in and looked at me rather confused. "Let's just go home, Law...", i said, trying to hide my stupid blush from the teen. Doffy left with us to the shop; after a small chat he declared he was going home. "Hope you decide to go, (y/n).", said Doffy as he walked out.

This man...


Doffy picked us up in the morning, and we chatted on the way there. "Thanks for taking us, Doffy!", i smiled. Law also thanked him from the back seat. "Anytime, so will you allow me to assist you with anything?", asked Doffy. "Sure! We could use help hanging stuff!", i said, trying not to make things awkward. Doffy agreed and we arrived at the building; we all got down and walked into the room.

"Its looking good!", i grinned. Law was laying on a bench while Doffy was on his phone, i sighed and sat next to Law. He got up slightly and placed his head on my lap, i giggled and ran my hand through his hair. "Hey, do you guys want to get some lunch?", asked Doffy. We all agreed even though Doffy and Law had a glare off, i sighed at their childish behavior but laughed at the end. We walked to a small restaurant and ordered something; when our orders were done, Doffy and Law went to pick it up. I noticed two kids across the street, begging for money along with a dirty dog. I frowned, they seem to notice me and the younger one ran towards me.

"Miss, can you spare some change? Me and my onii-chan are hungry...", he begged with large dull blue eyes.

A sudden flashback made me cover my mouth, stopping myself from letting out a sob. I nodded and signaled the other child over. The older boy had short dirty blonde hair and dull looking green eyes; the dog followed close behind. I handed them 4000 beri, before i could talk to them the restaurant owner came out shouting, scaring them away.

"What the hell, old man!", i shouted.

Doffy P.O.V.

I walked out with Law, taking our orders outside to the table where (y/n) was seated.

"What the hell, old man!", shouted (y/n). She was fuming, she was glaring at the old man, owner of the restaurant. "A young woman like you mustnt be fooled by those homeless brats! They lie, steal, cheat! Filthy scum coming from the scum of society, they-", i saw her slap the old man.

She was seething now, Law ran and grabbed her, while I restrained the old man. "Take it back! Take back everything you said about those kids!", she screamed. I looked at Law and he started to drag (y/n) back to the car.

"Sorry, how much for the damage.", i asked as I let go of old man; he said it was okay and left. I walked to the car to see Law hugging (y/n); i drove them home, seeing that they were in no shape to continue with the decorations.

I hardly know anything about her past... Yet, i want to help her anyway i can... I hope she accepts my help...

Yes... If you haven't already notice most characters are OOC...
Eshpecially Doffy XD
But i must remind everyone, this is a AU... ANYWAYS, thanks for reading and the works... Hope you enjoy...

Pst... You're awesome!

Special thanks to

Thanks for keeping me on my toes! You guys really keep me going! Your comments and stuff really help me out, thanks!

Red Tulips  *Doflamingo X Reader*Where stories live. Discover now