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Crocodile P.O.V.

I watched (y/n), after the move from the hospital, her condition was in no state for fighting. I watched her get hooked up to some machines. "Mr. 0...", said Bones. "What?", i sighed, turning away from the beautiful woman on the bed. "She doesnt seem to have much time left... Thats what the doctor reported...", said Bones as he looked at (y/n). I sighed and motioned him outside.

Maybe if i hadnt taken her...

My thoughts interrupted by Ms. Doublefinger; she asked for orders, i told her to take care of the mansion while I went somewhere.

I walked to my car and drove to (Store Name), i parked acrossed the street and saw the brats (y/n) adopted outside. Their faces showed sadness, my chest cletched at what I had done.

Why! Why the hell do I feel this way! I shouldnt regret what I did!

I turned the car on and drove away, back to the mansion. I slammed the door to my car and went to (y/n)'s room. She was still fast asleep under the sheets; her (h/c) hair on her chest and those (e/c) eyes hidden due to her sleep.

I, couldn't possibly return her to that bastard Doflamingo! That would be a wound to my pride.

(Y/n) slowly opened her eyes to look at me. "Crocodile...", she whispered. I gritted my teeth, and answered her; she asked me about the contract. I ignored her and looked out the window.

Reader P.O.V.

"Im taking you back, Crow.", said Crocodile. I looked at him, he was probably joking and wanted to fuck around with me. "Nice one, Crocodile.", i growled. He looked at me and grabbed my shoulders, pulling me up from the bed. "Im not fucking around, Crow.", he growled back. I looked at him in total shock; i felt relief and happiness to know that. "R-Really?", i stuttered. He nodded and told me to rest; he got up and left the room, leaving alone to look at the ceiling.

A few days passed, i looked out the window and looked at the view. I heard the door open and close, i kept looking out the window. "So youre leaving, Crow?", asked Mr. 1. "I suppose... Its all going too fast... I need a heart transplant but Im sure they can give me that soon. It was nice working with you.", I smiled, not taking my eyes off the scenery.

Mr. 1 chuckled and asked if he could stay and watch the scenery with me; I obliged and he stood against the window sill, looking out. I didnt hate any of them, I never did hate Crocodile either. Yes, he had taken me away from Doffy and the kids but I felt no grudge for him.

Mr. 1 excused his self, after a while of looking out the window. I decided to sleep, since tomorrow was my last day in this mansion. I grabbed some clothes and walked into the bath; as i sunk into the tub, my thoughts wondered to my king and children.

I smiled at the thought of finally being with them, back to bothering Mihawk and Shanks. Back to selling bouquets and attending the familiar costumers. Maybe even take the kids to finally meet my siblings, i smiled.

Yes... Maybe (sis/n) and (bro/n) wouldnt mind me going to see them at Dawn City....

I got up and grabbed the black fluffy towel, wrapping it around my body. I opened it and everything started to go black.

Shit... No... Not now...

Crocodile P.O.V.

I walked down the hall to (y/n)'s room, i walked in and saw no one. I walked over to the bathroom and saw water all over the floor and then I saw (y/n), carefully I picked her up and ran down the stairs.

Fuck... (y/n), dont go dying on me, dont die on your family...

"BONES!", I shouted as I ran down the stairs. Bones ran to me and saw (y/n) in my arms. "Turn the car on! You know where we're going...", I stated. Bones nodded and ran out the door; the other fighters came out and started to go with us. "Mr. 0! Your orders?!", shouted Ms. Doublefinger from a motorcycle. "If anything happens make sure Bones and (Y/n) get there ....", i growled.

We had to drive past the old man's territory. We drove peacefully for the first 5 miles until three cars hightailed behind us. (Y/n) was mumbling and held onto my coat; i sighed and motioned Valentine and 5 to deal with a car. "Its the old man, right?", grinned Bones. "Yeah...", i growled.

We kept driving until we got to the open desert, a car exploded and Valentine and 5 didnt appear. "Mr. 0?!", shouted Ms. Doublefinger, she jumped into the passenger seat of the car and let the motorcycle skit onto the desert road.

More cars appeared, i sighed and looked down at the small woman in my arms.

We had fun, Crow...

She clutched my coat harder and opened her eyes. "C-Croc-", i silenced her and looked through the back window to see the cars a few kilometers away. "Stop the car, Bones...", I said. "Mr. 0....", said Bones as he looked at me. "Thats an order. Stop the car!", I shouted. He flinched but stopped the car. "Now get out and Ms. Doublefinger get to the drivers side.", i ordered. They both obeyed and i got out of the car with (y/n); I faced Bones and pried (y/n) off of me, handing her over to Bones. "Now get in with her...", i stated and moved so he could climb in with her.

"C-Crocodile...", whispered (y/n). "You may never forgive me for what I did... I sure cant... Hopefully after all this is over... You can forgive me.", i grinned. "Your orders, Sir...", said Ms. Doublefinger. "Drive.... Dont stop.", I ordered. Bones nodded at me and that made me grin even wider. "It was nice working with all of you. Take care, (y/n).", i smiled. I patted the trunk of the car and they drove away, I could hear (y/n) scream my name before they were out of view.

Did I do the right thing at the end?

"Croco-brat... You broke your end of the agreement and crossed my territory... Why?", growled the huge intimidating looking man. I grinned and faced him; noting that the car had all surrounded me and none went after the car.

"Needed it so my friend could leave this place...", i grinned. Newgate pulled out a gun and pointed it at me; his frown told me that this was the end. "Not a good enough reason, you cocky brat.", growled Newgate. He pressed the trigger and pained exploded in my chest; i fell over, looking up at the stars. I laughed and closed my eyes.

Sorry... (Y/n)...

2 weeks later

Doffy P.O.V.

"Mr. 0 died.", said Mihawk. I slammed my hands on the counter, my glasses drooping down my nose. "Says who? Who killed him? What about (y/n)?", I asked. "Witnesses said that Edward Newgate killed him and disposed of the body. We located his mansion by asking the locals, but no one was there... All we know is that (y/n) is still alive...", he sighed. "As long as shes alive. We wont stop looking for her...", i grinned.

Updated... Time to sleep for a year...

Apologies for errors
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