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I woke up the next morning with Law in my bed; i had a mini heart attack but remembered the events from yesterday. I carefully ran my fingers through his messy black hair and smiled, i got up making sure not to wake the sleeping teen and did the usual routine.


"The boy needs to sleep, his muscles are really bruised. His tattoos are fine, as long as he washes them, the tattoos will be alright, (y/n).", smiled the doctor. "Thanks Doc!", i smiled. "Remember! He has to eat well, he seems to have gone through malnutrition. If anything else goes wrong, bring him back right away, okay?", implied the doctor. I nodded and paid the bill at the front desk. "Okay, let's go, guys!", i said, looking at Law and Mihawk. We drove back home in a comfortable silence; some customers were waiting outside the store, so i opened the shop and told Law to go upstairs. Once i was done with all the orders; i walked upstairs to see Law looking at my picture frames. "Thats my family, they live in Dawn City.", i said. Law jerked into the furniture knocking off some picture frames and other trinkets i had on the shelves. Some of the glass for some frames broke and glass shards skidded around the boy; he quickly tried to pick the glass but he cut his fingers in the process. "Law! Wait! Leave it, its okay, kid. I'll clean it..", i said as i pulled him to the couch. I saw that his gold orbs were dull looking, i touched his cheek. "Hey, Law. Im not mad... This happens all the time.", i smiled. I saw his eyes go back to normal, he looked at me and then at his bloody fingers. "I'll go get the first-aid kit. Stay put!", i ordered as I walked to get the white box in the kitchen. "I'm sorry...", mumbled Law as I finish wrapping his fingers. "Don't be, I can always go buy more frames.", i said nonchalantly. "Why are you so nice to me?", asked Law. "Cuz I wanna. Lets go have dinner down stairs with Mihawk.", i suggested, holding out my hand. Law carefully took my hand and we walked down stairs with Mihawk.

'He's slowly trusting me', I thought.

End of Flashback

"Hows he doing?", asked someone as i placed the last flower basket outside. "Oh! Mihawk! Hello, hes still sleeping but he is doing fine.", i told Mihawk. He nodded and walked inside, i walked inside and served him some coffee. "This place gets more flowers everyday, belleza.", he said. "Thats because i need new flowers to attract more customers, Mihawk-chan.", i explained. We had our little nicknames and we had our usual quarrels; but both of us considered ourselves siblings.

"Wow! This place is amazing!", shouted someone from outside the store. Mihawk winced and signaled that he was going upstairs; i nodded and walked outside. "Good Morning! How may i help you?", i chirped. The woman noticed me and gasped. "Your store is amazing! And you're so beautiful!", she complimented, i blushed and thanked her. "Sorry! Im rambling, my fiancé and his brother should be here any moment now! You see, i want some flower decorations for my wedding party and my fiancé's brother bought flowers here!", she exclaimed happily. I admired her, she had said i was beautiful but she was gorgeous. She seemed to have a great personality, i invited her inside while her fiancé arrived along with his brother.

"So your name is (y/n)! Its beautiful just like you!", she smiled. I thanked her again, i felt someone tug my shirt; i looked back to see Law along with Mihawk. "Dont leave me with your scary ass friend...", whispered Law. I smiled and messed his hair up. "(y/n)! You have a son?!", asked Lucia. Law smirked and looked at me, I sighed and shook my head but went along with his plan. "Lucia, this is my son, Law. Law meet our new customer, Lucia.", i said sarcastically. Lucia face went pale, she then faced Mihawk; he sighed and went upstairs. I looked at Law and we both started laughing at her reaction. "Lucia! You in here?", called a voice from the store section. We all walked to see two tall blonde men looking around. I recognized one of the men; he had bought that beautiful arrangement yesterday.

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