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So... I wrote a lamon, lamon for me means a lame lemon so lamon... Anyways I tried something new with this lemon and it took a dire turn. Just look for the first picture to know where it begins and the last picture to the safe zone...
Just skip it, itll save time XD

I stared at Doffy, he leaned in closer and I put my hand on my lips. "Playing hard to get?", he smirked. "Oh? Have I unlocked a hidden side of you?", i teased.

I knew Doffy wanted me and vice versa, but everytime we tried to do it. One of the kids would bust down the door with something they had trouble with and I being the great mother I am, went with them to solve it.

"Tired of my kids cock-blocking you?", i giggled under my hand. "Yes, but that doesnt mean i hate your kids.", he admitted. "Such an honest man.", i whispered and kissed him. The kiss started to become heated that we need to part for air. "Shall we continue this in my room, my queen?", he asked, his husky voice sending shivers down my spine as I proceeded to nod.

He opened his door and placed me on his bed. "D-Did you lock the door?", i asked suddenly becoming nervous. "Hmm, yes. Nervous, my queen.", he asked, grinning. "Yes, but i have to use the bathroom. So I'll be back.", i whispered and kissed him on the cheek.

Vergo P.O.V.

I sat on the sofa, watching (y/n)'s kids destroy the place up. I was eating when I received a message.


The Sassy Mingo: Vergo....

Me: Where are you? (Y/n) was looking for you...

The Sassy Mingo: Distract her kids for me. Im getting laid...


The Sassy Mingo: NO! Im with (y/n)!

Me: What will i get rewarded for sacrificing my life to distract these kids?

The Sassy Mingo: A burger, a strawberry milkshake, and some fries...

Me: Roger, commander... Dont do anything she doesnt want...

The Sassy Mingo: Thanks, Vergo


Law approached me and sat on the sofa. "Where's Doffy and (y/n)?", he asked. "They went on a date...", i said not taking my eyes off the younger kids. "Alright. Thanks, Vergo-san.", said Law and sat on the conjunct bed.

Good luck, Doffy! (T~T)/

Reader P.O.V.

I walked out in my bra and underwear, Doffy turned around to look at me, i looked down. For the first time in a long time, I was about to give myself to a man voluntarily.

What if I look wierd? Am I not to his expectations? He isnt saying anything... What if he regrets it, now?

I heard the bed creak, signaling that Doffy was walking towards me. "Why did you take your clothes off?", he whispered. "I-I...", I stuttered. "Saves me the trouble... Even if I wanted to rip your clothes off myself.", he grinned. I blushed and kept my gaze on the floor, i saw his shirt fall on the floor and my face couldnt get any redder.

"It would be fair if youre the only one half naked, would it?", he smirked. His shorts also fell to the floor and now, I felt less nervous. "Youre beautiful...", he murmured in my ear, he started kissing me, a long lustful one. "D-Doffy...", i mumbled. We landed on the bed; making out until, Doffy reached back and in one swift movement, he unhooked my bra. "Ah!", i cried. He threw my bra across the room and looked at me.

Red Tulips  *Doflamingo X Reader*Where stories live. Discover now