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I ate with my head down, i felt Doffy's gaze on me.

Ugh! I fell asleep on him.... Ahh! I bet he thinks i was trying to seduce him or something! No no, i fell asleep... I doubt i said anything stupid in my sleep.... But... Why does he keep staring at me!

Law cleared his throat, making me look up at him. "Are we going to open at 8?", grinned Law. I ran to my room and grabbed some clothes. "Law, open the shop!", i shouted and ran into the shower.

After i showered i head down to be greeted by Mihawk. "Morning, belleza. I heard you slept with that man.", he chuckled. I felt a blush creep onto my face and i punched him lightly; i glared at him with my cheeks puffed up. "Well, i wanted to make sure you were okay. Now, im off to work, belleza.", he said, pinching my cheeks and kissing my forehead.

"Law!", i shouted. I went to the counter and saw Law laughing behind Doffy. Doffy grinned at me, which made me look away. "Good Morning, (y/n).", said a calm voice from the shop entrance. I looked over to see Rouge and the boys standing there, waving at me.

"Good morning, Mrs. Gol., Boys!", i smiled. "(Y/n)! Can i come over today?", asked Luffy as he hugged my legs. "Sure! Just tell your parents!", i suggested. He smiled and walked back with Rouge; the other two boys waved and walked out. "Thank you for making that bouquet yesturday, (y/n)!", smiled Rouge as she grabbed Luffys hand. "Anytime, Mrs. Gol!", i shouted as they walked out.

"Those kids sure do love coming here...", said Doffy. "Yup! They're fun to have around..", i responded. "Would you have kids?", asked Doffy. "Sure, I love kids. So why wouldnt i have some of my own!", i smiled.

Before he could ask me something else, Corazon and Lucia walked into the store. "Morning, (y/n)-chan! Onii-chan! I found you!", shouted Corazon as he hugged Doffy from across the counter. "Morning, Lucia. Morning, Cora-san.", i giggled.

Lucia smiled at the brothers but frowned at me; i shifted under her gaze before asking her what was wrong. "Cora-san?", she asked. "Oh thats the nickname, i told her to call me by!", smiled Corazon. Lucia nodded but her frown remained on her face.

After showing her the table decoration sample; she reluctantly agreed and asked me to decorate the room where the wedding was going to take place.

"Well, lets go, (y/n)!", smiled Lucia. Corazon and Doffy stayed at the shop, while Lucia, Law, and I went to see the room she wanted decorate; on our way there, i called Mihawk.

"Hey, Mihawk-chan.. Can you go see that my store stays in one piece?", i asked. "Sure, belleza.. As soon as i get my break... Did you leave Law alone?", he asked. "No, i left the Donquixote brothers.", i sighed. Mihawk chuckled and said he was on his way; Law was in the back looking out the window, after our little conversation he seemed happier.
"We're here!", cheered Lucia. Law walked next to me and looked at Lucia like she was the most annoying thing on earth. "Law... Stop staring like that..", I whispered into his ear. Law sighed and looked at the building as we entered; a man received us and took us to a large room.

"Well this is it, (y/n). Im sure you can finish decorating this place by friday...", she smiled. I nodded and Law just stared, Lucia then received a call on her phone and left us there.

"So lets start planning, Law!", i smiled. the teen nodded and started to pull out a sketch pad from a bag he had brought along. "She really is annoying...", said Law as i examied the room. I laughed and looked at Law. "She is overly happy most of the time but so am I.", I stated as i continued to check the room.

"You have charm, your smile isnt stretched out like hers, and people are attracted by your beauty.", inquired Law. I blushed at his words, i looked at him but he was looking at me with his stoical expression. "Thats what Doffy said.", smirked Law and now i knew my face was completely red. "L-Let's c-continue to get ideas.", i said as i sat next to him.

After a hour of planning, we had decided on an idea that made the room a little more lively than this austere room before us.

"I think this idea is really good.", said Law. I smiled at the idea, he had worked hard to draw it and show me. "Yeah, I agree with you!", i replied.

"Can I see?", asked someone behind me, when i turned around Doffy was leaning in between me and Law. I yelped and scooted away from the mans face; both Law and Doffy laughed at me reaction.

"D-Doffy! You scared me!", i glared at him. He patted my head and smiled at me; Law showed him the idea and agreed it was a good one. "Well then, i came to take you guys home, so shall we?", asked Doffy. Law nodded and started packing his sketch book and pencils; when we arrived we found the three brother standing in front of the store.

"(Y/n)! Law-onii!", shouted Luffy. Ace and Sabo waved; i ran up to them giving them a hug. "(Y/n)! Let go!", growled Ace with a blush on his face. Sabo and Luffy hugged back eagerly; i heard Doffy chuckling behind me.

"So, I assume that all of you asked your parents to come over?", i asked. The three kids nodded their heads and walked inside, once I had opened the door. "Well, I'm off, (y/n).", said Doffy as everyone headed upstairs.

"Bye, Doffy.", i said. He turned around and walked up to me, he leaned in and whispered, "If you ever need to sleep in my arms again, you can just ask."

He walked away, and I felt my face heat up at that comment. He turned to show me he was smiling, i looked down and walked inside. "Did something happened, (y/n)?", asked Ace, once i sat on the couch with the boys. "N-Nothing...", i stuttered and watched a movie with them.


The questions taunted my mind until the boys parents came to pick them up. "Did Doffy say something to you?", frowned Law. "N-Nope! Why would he! Wanna what! I'm still up for another movie! Wanna join me, Law?", i said trying to sound convincing but I knew i had blown it. Law nodded and sat next to me; suddenly he started tickling me. "Law!", i laughed. "Stop!".

"Not until you tell me whats wrong!", he grinned. "Never!", i screamed. At the end, we both were laughing too hard to move. "Lets go to sleep, Law.", i laughed. Law nodded and headed to his room. "Goodnight, Law.", i said. "Night, (y/n).", said Law as he entered his room.


I updated! XD
Can i have a cookie? Lol
Im dying.... Fuck cramps and life, right now... But not you guys XD

Please tell me if theres anything that needs editing, ive been writing and too tired to edit anything... Thanks as always for everything

This new update for RoseDracul
Because you ask me nicely X3

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