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Law nodded, i pointed upstairs and excused ourselves from everyone.

"Tell me about your past...", i demanded as i sat on the bed. Law sighed and sat in a chair, he started telling me about his family. How his parents and sister had died in a fire while he had gone out with some friends, how he joined random people in selling drugs and robbing people.

"I was a good fighter... A man saw this as a good opportunity for him in black market fights... One day, I lost against the weakest of the opponents because he was sick.... If i had fought him, he would have died.", explained Law.

He was now standing looking down, his hair hiding his face from me; i walked over and hugged him. I felt him jerk from the sudden contact, i rubbed his back and i felt warmth seep into my shirt. "Its not your fault, Law...", i whispered, i felt him hug me. He let out a loud heartwrenching sob, slowly falling on his knees as he shook from the sudden release of emotions, I hugged him tightly fearing he would shatter from the sudden emotional release.

After a while of consoling the teen, Law didnt cry anymore and i could tell he was asleep. I looked at him and slowly released him, this poor boy had suffered through hell and back.

"(Y/n)?", said a voice. I looked at the doorway and saw Doffy standing there; i smiled and asked him if he could help me put Law in bed. He lifted Law with ease and helped me up, my tears had not stopped falling and i began to dry them. "Hehe, sorry. Doffy-sa-", i didnt finish because i was engulfed into a hug.

"Its okay to cry, (y/n)...", he whispered. I felt the tears keep falling, and finally i clutched to his coat while trying not to sob too loudly. "H-He suffer-ed s-so m-much and I d-didnt k-know...", i said in between sobs. "I didnt think asking him would do this... I didnt want to force the truth out like that...", i sobbed. He moved us out of the room, he lifted my chin; slowly he began to dry my tears with his fingers.

"Is that the only reason why you shed those tears?", asked Doffy, frowning. I shook my head, and looked down. "He reminds me of myself...", i whispered. Doffy rubbed my back and slowly i fell asleep with his warmth wrapped around me...

Doffy's P.O.V.

A man left from the front of the flower shop as i walked towards it, he saw me and said if he could ask me something. "What?", i asked bluntly. "Have you seen a boy with black hair and golden colored eyes around here? You see hes my son, hes a real trouble maker...", grinned the man.

"Yeah, I have...", i responded. The mans eyes lit up at my response. "Where?!", he asked urgently. "He asked me for some money at the train station on Pica Blvd.", i said. The man ran towards the station not bothering to thank me; the description he gave me reminded me of Law. I shook my head, i knocked on the door and was greeted by Mihawk. "Is my brother still here?", i asked. "Yes, please come in...", he stated and opened the door so i could enter.

I found two children sleeping on the couch but no sign of Law or (y/n); Corazon was sleeping on a chair. "Ill be taking these two kids home. Can you promise me to tell (y/n) to lock the door, shes upstairs with Law.", said Mihawk as he picked up the sleeping kids. "Sure...", i said, he thanked me and left through the front door. I called Vergo and he arrived in a few minutes; i helped him put Corazon in the back and told him to wait for a bit. "Doffy... Could you be falling for the florist?", he smiled. "Tsk, just wait there.", i growled. I went upstairs and opened the door but no one was there, i walked in further.

Hope she doesnt punch me for trespassing...

I heard soft crying coming from a room and went to open the door; knelt on the floor, hugging each other was (y/n) and Law.

"(Y/n)?", i called out softly. The (h/c) hair woman looked up at me and smiled. My heart stopped for a while as i saw her (e/c) eyes filled with tears. "Can you help me put him in bed?", she whispered. I lifted Law, quickly laying him on the bed and helped (y/n) up, her tears had not stopped falling and she began to dry them.

"Hehe, sorry. Doffy-sa-", she began to apologize. I didnt let her finish as i wrapped my arms around her smaller frame. "Its okay to cry, (y/n)...", I whispered as i placed my chin on her head. I felt her tears keep falling, and felt her small hands clutch to my coat while she let out soft sobs. "H-He suffer-ed s-so m-much and I d-didnt k-know...", she said in between her sobs. "I didnt want to force the truth out like that...", she kept sobbing. I slowly walked her out of the room, so we wouldnt wake Law up.

I lifted her chin; and slowly began to dry her tears with my fingers. "Is that the only reason why you shed those tears?", I asked, not being able to stop from frowning. (Y/n) shook my head, and looked down.

"He reminds me of myself...", she whispered. I rubbed her back, trying my best to comfort her. I heard her slowly stop sobbing and looked down to see her sleeping; i sighed and picked her up.

"Dont leave me...", she whimpered and held onto my coat. I blushed but remembered she was asleep, I sighed and sat on the sofa, pulling out my phone, i called Vergo.

Vergo: Hello?

Me: Go lock the front door to the store...

Vergo: ....

Me: Just do as i say, Vergo...

Vergo: You're spending the night with the girl?

I could sense him smirking through the phone...

Me: Yeah... Just do as i say...

Vergo: Done... Have fun, Doffy...

He hanged up and i looked down at the woman, she looked soon defenseless in my arms. She made me completely forget about Lucia; she had changed me in just three days.

Am i falling for this girl? Does this mean i never really love Lucia? If i fall for her, will she fall for me?

All those questions spun in my head as i slowly fell asleep with the girl in my arms.

I woke up in the morning, looking down i still had (y/n) in my arms. I sighed and looked over at the kitchen to see Law making breakfast.

"Morning, Donquixote-san..", said Law. "Morning, Law..", i rumbled and carefully placed (y/n) on the couch. "Thanks for placing me in bed yesterday.", stated Law as he placed a cup of coffee in front of me.

"She asked me too..", i replied and pointed at (y/n). "So... Why were you guys so cuddled up like that?", asked Law as he pointed at us with a spatula. "She fell asleep while crying her eyes out, i didnt want to wake her..", i explained, taking a sip of the coffee.

"Thanks for that...", replied Law as he placed a plate of food in front of me. He then walked over to (y/n) and nudged her lightly. "Good morning, Law.", she said with a smile. Law smiled back and pointed at me; (y/n) turned to see me before yawning some more and rubbing her eyes.

"Morning, (y/n).", i smiled. Her face was priceless, her eyes widen and a blush spread across her face before she looked down. "M-moring, D-Doffy..", she stammered.


I caught myself thinking that about the girl and looked away. Law then pulled her to the table next to me before serving her breakfast; she thanked him and Law sat down.

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