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I woke up with Shachi and Penguin on both side of me but I couldnt find Kid, sending me into a search in the room. I looked under the bed and found him, i pulled him out.

"Hey, Kid... What's wrong?", i asked as I pulled him into my arms. "I had a nightmare...", he whispered. "Tell me about it...", i whispered and hugged him closer. "Fire... There was alot of fire... There were screams and blood... You... You...", he sobbed. I comforted him until he fell asleep. The clock read 4:54 a.m.

I laid Kid in bed and i sat on the sofa, and looked through the channels. My phone started to vibrate, i walked over to the night stand and grabbed it before jumping once again on the sofa.


My Mingo: Are you up?

Me: Yes...

My Mingo: Need company?

Me: Vergo will cry...

My Mingo: Fuck it... He'll be fine

Me: Haha, okay...


After a while, there was a knock and I checked to see Doffy. I opened the door and he was leaning against the frame. "You called for me?", smirked Doffy. "No, I called for room service.", i grinned. He leaned in and kissed me, i pulled him inside and we sat on the sofa. "What happened?", he asked as he pulled me into his lap.

Can I tell him... I have to tell him...

"Doffy. What if Im not the florist you think you met a month ago?", i asked quietly. "Id still love you..", he whispered in my ear. "What if I told you I killed a man...", i said looking at him. "Then I would help you bury him.", he chuckled. "I love you, Doffy...", i said placing my hand on his cheek. "I love you too, my queen.", he said as he kissed me. "Now, tell me whats on your mind...", he whispered. "I just want to leave as soon as possible... I miss my shop...", I lied, cursing myself for not telling him anything once again. "Very well. How about tomorrow in the afternoon?", he mumbled. "Thank you, love.", i smiled and hugged his neck. "Anything for you, (y/n)... Never forget that...", he smiled.  

We stayed on the couch, finally finding something interesting on a channel. "Doffy... How much do you love me and my kids?", i smirked. He looked at the ceiling and then at me; he crashed his lips onto mine, nibbling on my lower lip. He bit it and that caused me to moan lowly and granting him permission into my mouth. Once we parted, i glared at him and he just gave me his devious grin.

"Thats how much I love you.", he said smugly. "What about my kids?", i pressed. "I love them, too. Just hate how they cock block me...", he mumbled. "Then, can you promise me something?", i whispered. "Anything...", whispered Doffy back. "If something happens to me, can you please take care of them...", i asked. I knew it was selfish, he had no responsibility over them but...

"Of course, my sweet.", he answered giving a small smile. "But dont talk like your going to die...", frowned Doffy, caressing my cheek. "Of course not! I cant die that easily...", i laughed. We stayed on the sofa, watching some crappy soap opera.

6:45 a.m.

"Doffy, Im hungry~", i whined.

"Wake them up.", said Doffy, pointing at the three kids on the bed. "Nooooo! Let them sleep.", I said as I puffed my cheeks up. "Very well, then you have to wait until you starve.", he whispered and grinned. "KIDS! Doffy wants breakfast!", i shouted. Penguin stood up running and saluted us sleepily, Shachi rolled out of bed and saluted from the floor, as for Kid, he sat on the bed and glared at Doffy.

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