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We drove back to Dressrosa, everyone was exhausted. The kids all had packed their bags and waited for Doffy and I to say the word; after daylight broke out, we jumped into our cars and booked it back to Dressrosa.

He's coming for you, Crow...

I gritted my teeth and grabbed the steering wheel so hard that my knuckles went white. After 4 years of not seeing that vile man, he finally decided to appear like a sandstorm, determined to destroy everything I loved...

I looked into the rear view mirror and smiled at the two younger children in the back. "(Y/n)...", whispered Penguin from the passengers seat. "What is it, Penguin-chan?", i smiled.

He reached over and dried my tears, tears that i hadnt noticed and probably would have kept falling if it wasnt for him. "Oh... Im sorry.", i smiled once again. He frowned and grabbed my hand, for a mere child, his hand gave me the support I needed. "Thanks, sweetheart.", i smiled and kept driving.

We stopped at a rest stop and got some lunch; the kids ran around, trying to stretch their legs out before getting back in the cars. "They really recovered from the scare...", sighed Doffy, grabbing my hand. "Yeah... Theyre strong.", i mused. We sat on the cars, watching the kids play around; i loved my life. I was glad that we left that resort; Doffy suddenly walked over to the store and i kept watching the kids.

"Here.", said Doffy, he handed me a single redtulip. I smiled and carefully took it between my fingers, too scared it would wither at my touch. "Thank you...", i smiled. I brought it up to my nose and smelled its sweet fragrance; tulips didnt usually have strong fragrances but this one was perfect. "I love it...", i smiled looking at him.

He leaned down and kissed me, until there were groans of protest

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He leaned down and kissed me, until there were groans of protest. "Cock-blockers...", grinned Doffy. "Doffy!", i laughed, smacking his arm.

We all got into the cars and drove once again to Dressrosa. When we got there, everyone took turns showering, the kids changed and all we to bed... Doffy was laying next to me when he started kissing me on my comfy bed....

Guess we arent sleeping...

"Beautiful as always, my queen.", mumbled Doffy as he kissed my shoulder. He arms around my waist made me forget everything that had happen.

"Damn...", i growled as pain shot from my waist. "Im sorry...", frowned Doffy as he saw my waists stitches bleed. "Its okay, i just have to clean them and not move that much...", i giggled. He nodded and brought my a first aid kit.

"(Y/n), where did you learn how to fight like that?", asked Doffy as he placed a gentle hand on my shoulder. "The streets...", I sighed. Doffy didnt press anymore into the issue and started helping me clean my stitches.

Red Tulips  *Doflamingo X Reader*Where stories live. Discover now