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The month that followed was complete and utter panic and stress. Cora-san and Lucia were planning our wedding since we planned theirs, their excuse, so Doffy and I could go pick out our attire.

"Hey!", shouted Shanks. I smiled and ran to hug him, Doffy just waved. "What are you two doing here?", asked Makino. "Looking for our wedding attire.", replied Doffy, rather lazily. Makino and Shanks looked at us in completely shock. "YOU GUYS CANT SEE EACH OTHERS ATTIRE!", they both yelled. Doffy and I looked at each other and sighed.

Makino dragged me away and Shanks took Doffy; we decided to go see Bell-mére, since she did own a cloth shop. "(y/n)! Welcome, let me guess you need a wedding dress.", she grinned. I nodded and looked around her shop; I was interrupted by one of her daughters. "(y/n)-chan!", said the orange head. "Nami.. How are you?", i smiled.

"I heard mom and your friend talking about a dress... I know where theres a beautiful one...", she grinned. "How much?", I smirked. I knew that if I wanted to know the specific location of this dress, Nami would know but not without a price. "1,000 beri!", she screamed. "NAMI! YOU BETTER NOT BE PESTERING (Y/N)!", shouted Bell-mère. "Im not, Mom!", shouted the girl.

Nami showed me a beautiful white dress, (you choose the design).

I handed the dress over to Bell-mère; Makino and her were excited and complemented my dress. "Actually Nami helped me find it.", I smiled. "Then she deserves some money.", winked Bell-mère. After she placed it into a box, Makino and I said good-bye and went to look for Doffy and Shanks.

After walking a few blocks we found them, sitting down on a bench. "Did you find what you needed, (y/n)?", asked Doffy. "Yup, what about you?", I smiled as I sat next to him. "Yes, Shanks wouldnt stop bothering me with the design...", growled Doffy. I laughed and we all walked to my shop.

"So? What do you guys think?", asked Lucia after we looked over the ideas. "Very.... Flamboyant...", i mumbled. "Too much?", asked Lucia. " A bit...", i nodded. "Darling, i told you not TOO flashy.", smiled Cora-san. Doffy sighed and said he had to go check on his office. "See you later, my queen.", he smiled, he kissed my forehead and walked out the store.

"Mom!", shouted Penguin as he ran down the stairs. "Yes?", i answered. "Do we have to wear these for the wedding?", he asked, pointing at the pink tuxedo. I laughed and looked at Cora-san and Lucia with a glare. "What are those?", i asked, beckoning Penguin over. "The kids suits.", said Lucia. "A lighter pink might be best, the blazer should be blue.... I dont want a bunch of flamingos at my wedding.", i giggled as I helped Penguin with the tie. "Like this?", suggested Cora-san.

 "Like this?", suggested Cora-san

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"Ummm, yes thats much better.", i smiled. (AN: But if you guys want flamingos at your wedding be my guest lol) Lucia pouted, sometimes I felt like she wanted my wedding to be full of pink and fluffiness. Yes, my fiancée had a huge fluffy pink coak but sometimes that isnt the way to go.

3 days until the wedding...

"Mihawk!", i chimed as I entered his office. "(Y/n)... You're too loud.", he sighed. "But... But...", i pouted, making him sigh but crack a smile. "Well what do you want, belleza?", he smiled. "I... I wanted to ask if you c-can walk me to the alter...", i looked down.

Red Tulips  *Doflamingo X Reader*Where stories live. Discover now