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We both looked at each other and then at the doctor. "How.... Many months?", asked Doffy. "1 month... Its very small, of course but its there.", laughed the doctor. I smiled and looked at Doffy; he was looking at his hands...

Still pretty shocked...

"D-Doffy?", i said as I nudged his shoulder; his head turned to look at me, his red shades obscuring his eyes from any emotion. He finally grinned like a madman and kissed me; the doctor coughed but cracked a smile.

After arranging appointments for the following months, we left the hospital. We drove and i held his hand; reminding me of the first time when we rode in his car together. "Are we telling everyone?", asked Doffy. "Of course! The kids need to know about their new sibling!", i laughed. "What if its twins?", grinned Doffy. "Lets not push our luck too much..", i giggled.

We parked across the street from the store and walked inside; I was immediately hugged by Kid, Shachi, and Penguin. "Hey, brats! Be careful!", growled Doffy as he shooed them off of me. "Shes our mom! We can hug her all we want, Flamingo!", barked Kid. "Now Now! (Y/n)! Mingo! Tell us what happened?", asked Shanks.

The only ones left were Shanks, Makino, Mihawk, Zoro, Kuina, and the kids.

"Well..", i started until Doffy sat me down. "I havent been feeling good over the past month or so... So, Doffy took me to the doctors... They made me take some test and well IM PREGNANT!", I grinned. Everyone was speechless, the kids all ran and surrounded me with questions.

Theyre happy! This is good...

"When will they be born?", asked Shanks. "By (any season or month you want, ex. Winter)! I estimated...", i smiled and touched my stomach. "Well you guys should go on and get your plane!", shouted Makino. "We can leave tomorrow. I already contacted my pilot so we're fine.", smiled Doffy

"Well we have to go pick up our son with my mom... So congratulations, (y/n)-chan! Bye everyone.", smiled Makino. We all waved and talked a bit more until Zoro and Kuina fell asleep on the couch.

"So does that make me an uncle of another child?", smiled Mihawk as he picked up the two kids. "Of course it does!", i grinned. He chuckled and kissed my forehead. "Cant be helped then.", he mumbled as he left with the two kids.

Doffy and I laid on my bed and looked at the ceiling. "What if its another boy?", smiled Doffy. I hummed at the thought of another boy. "That'd be nice.", i grinned.

"What about a girl?", chuckled Doffy. "You would spoil her rotten!", i laughed. "Maybe, maybe not.", he grinned. "If its a boy youll probably buy him some sassy shades!", i laughed. Doffy laughed as well and put a very thoughtful face on. "Dont consider it!", i yelled. "I would buy them even if it were a girl!", he grinned mischievously. We looked at each other and laughed.

4 months later...

"(Y/n).... Are you serious?", asked Doffy. "Yes! I want (f/f), now....", i pouted. "Its three in the morning... Wait a few hours...", yawned Doffy. I huffed and sat up to go to the kitchen; i grabbed everything and started making myself something to calm my cravings. "Mom?", yawned Killer.

"If you wanted something you could have woken me up, Mom.", sighed Killer. "Sorry... I just get these cravings soo early...", i whined. "Dont you have an appointment today with Dr. Kureha?", asked Killer. "Ugh, I had forgotten... Yeah, shes nice but she drinks while on duty.", I giggled. Killer sweatdropped and then started laughing.

"What's going on?", yawned Law. Killer and I looked at Law and began to laugh again; Law growled and turned the coffee machine on. "Awww coffee..", I whined. "No, its bad for the baby, Mom.", scolded Law. I stuck my tongue out at him and crossed my arms; suddenly the two eldest looked at me. "I know you guys have something to tell me, so go on.", I smiled. Law sat next to me and looked at Killer, who nodded and then looked at me.

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