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"So you have a son?", asked Doffy. He nodded his head towards Law as the teen fixed some flowers. "Hmm, more like a younger brother but yeah i kinda consider myself his adoptive mom.", i giggle as i serve the food. "Law! Come sit down.", i shout. Law left the flowers and sat next to Doffy; occasionally staring at the man. I smack him lightly and he continued to eat. "So, (y/n). What does the flower mean?", asked Doffy as he lightly pats his blazer pocket. "It means 'cheer up'. She gave you a flower with that meaning because you seemed sad.", said Law as he continued to eat. I was so proud of Law because he was learning so fast; but i also wondered how Doffy would react. "Fufufufufu..", i looked over and Doffy was laughing. I expected for him to abruptly leave and yell or something but he was laughing. "Thank you, (y/n). Same for you, Law.", said Doffy as he smiled. After a while of chatting, Doffy had to leave so he help put the dishes away and walked towards the door. I followed him, while Law went upstairs to shower. "Tonight was really nice. Thanks for the dinner, (y/n)...", said Doffy. I smiled at him, still hoping he wasn't upset over the flower deep down inside. "Anytime.. Good night Doffy.", i said. "Night...", he replied. I closed the door and walked upstairs to wait on Law.

Doffy P.O.V.

"Hey, Vergo. Im done, uh, yeah the flower shop. Thanks.", i said into the phone. I looked up and the stars shined in the sky. Had i really stayed with (y/n) and Law for so long? Those stars sure are beautiful tonight...


12 years back

"Doffy! Catch me!", shouted Lucia. I sighed as i read my book, completely ignoring the red head. "Doffy!", she insisted. "Go find Rocinante... Leave me alone.", i growled. Lucia then pushed my book and sat in my lap, green eyes sparkling with vigor. "Get off, you're fucking heavy...", i announced but she just hugged my neck. "Hey Doffy. Lets get married?", she asked. I felt my face heat up from her sudden request. "We're thirteen, Lucia.", i replied looking away from her eyes. "Alright then! When were older!", she announced. She got off and ran into the woods near the vacation home. "Lucia! Come back or you'll get lost!", i shouted. I looked outside but it seemed that everyone else was inside, including Vergo. I ran after her, she kept running deeper into the woods until i tackled her down. "You finally caught me!", she cheered. "Ugh... We aren't five anymore, Lucia. Lets go back...", i said, while pulling her behind me.

"Its getting dark, Doffy..", whispered Lucia. "Well we would be home by now, if somebody had just stayed where they were instead of running into the woods.", i scolded her. She just whimpered a response; her parents would be worried by now just like mine. "Lets just wait here...", i said as i sat in a clearing. Lucia sat next to me, i looked up and saw the sky illuminated with bright stars. "Wow...", i breathed. Lucia looked up and also complimented the stars. "Onii-chan! Lucia-chan!", i heard Rocinante. I looked at the trees and could make out lights. "Lucia! Doffy!", shouted my mother and father. "Over here!!", shouted Lucia. She got up, grabbed my hand, and ran towards the lights. "Come on, Doffy!", she shouted. We ran and found everyone searching for us; we received a major scolding from both pairs of parents but they still hugged us. A few years after that I graduated and went to study abroad; forgetting our promise...


I looked down from the stars and saw the black sedan parked in front of me. "Doffy...", said Vergo. I climb into the back and waited for Vergo. "So whats wrong?", he asked. He knew me better than anyone, even my own family. "Its about their wedding, right?", he pressed. "Yes...", is all i could reply. "You'll find someone else... This is just a sign that she wasn't the one, Doffy.", said Vergo as he tried to comfort me. I sighed and nodded my head.

The next day

"Doffy! Lets go!", shouted Lucia from the other side of my door. "Go fuck off!", i shouted into my pillow. The banging stopped and then i heard the door open, then the person sat on my bed. "Im not in the mood, Lucia.", i stated, bed sheets covering my head. "Please... Are you mad about my wedding with Roci?", she asked. I jolted from my bed and sat to look at her; her green eyes pleaded for an answer. "No, Im glad you and Corazon are getting married. You know i hate when you knock at my door so loud in the morning.", i answered. "Corazon?", she asked. "Thats my nickname for Rocinante. He's my brother, i love him. He's like my heart, if you hurt him; ill never forgive you, Lucia.", i said menacingly. "Should you say that to 'Corazon'.", she said mockingly. "Don't use that nickname with him, Lucia.", i growled. "Geez, fine. I get it, you don't have to go all bipolar. All i wanted to tell you is that we have to go to the flower shop with (y/n). Remember?", she said. I sighed and signaled her to leave, she left and closed the door. While changing, my mind remembered the beautiful (h/c) hair woman. Her (e/c) eyes shining with happiness, and her smile. I shook my head and continued to change; once i was done, Corazon was waiting outside in the hall. "Onii-san... Good morning!", he smiled. I went over and caressed his cheek, he giggled and grabbed my hand. "Looks like you had a good time with (y/n)-chan.", said Corazon as we went down the stairs. "Who said i was with (y/n)?", i said trying not to sound too surprised. "Vergo-san told me!", he smiled. I scoffed at the idea of Vergo spreading rumors like that; but he at least wasn't telling everyone about how i truly felt about this wedding. I climbed into the passenger's seat while Corazon and Lucia rode in the back. I glared at Vergo but he just chuckled and said I'd feel better once we arrived at the flower shop; to which i responded to with another glare.

Here a small *smile* update!
And a pic to make your life a lil better!

Red Tulips  *Doflamingo X Reader*Where stories live. Discover now