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1 month later

"(Y/n)! Kid hit me again!", cried Shachi. Bepo growled from the kitchen, Killer was pinning down an angry Kid, while Law comforted Shachi and Penguin.

"You guys, are impossible!", i laughed as i fell dramatically on the floor. "(Y/n)!", they all exclaimed as the circled me. I grabbed two legs and everyone ran away, except for Kid and Law. "You two will amend all the sins the others have caused.", i smirked as i pulled them onto the floor. I hugged the life out of them; Law was laughing while Kid looked like he was going to shit his pants.

"What's wrong,Kid?", I asked. "I was scared...", he confessed. Law for once looked at Kid with some kind of empathy. "Sorry, Kid.", i said running a hand through his fiery red hair. "Its okay, you arent like them.", he mumbled as he slowly fell asleep. I smiled and picked him up; I took him to his bed in the room he shared with Shachi and Penguin. Killer and Law both had their own rooms, for their privacy not to be disturbed.

"Hello, (y/n).", said Doffy as he nuzzled into my neck. "D-Doffy! H-He'll wake up!", i squeak. "Fufufufu, let him.", he smirked. "Bad mingo.", i said as I pulled him out of the room. He pouted and hugged my waist. "You're very clingy today, love.", i smiled. "Thats because work keeps me away from my queen.", he mumbled into my neck. "Hehe, stop! That tickles!", i whined. "Mmm, no...", said Doffy as he started to tickle me.

We sat on the sofa when i noticed him staring at me. "Sorry im not her...", i smiled sadly. He leaned in and kissed me; gently. He treated me so delicately, almost as if he was scared to hold me too tight. "Never apologize for not being Lucia... I used to love her, my brother beat me to her and it was meant to be that way, dont you think?", he whispered. "No... Why was it meant to be?", i asked not looking at him. He lifted my chin and looked me in the eyes. "Because Im here with you... You captived me and im here at your mercy.", he smiled and kissed me. "The mighty Doffy at my mercy?", i gasped dramatically. He chuckled and Killer walked into the living room, giving us a small smile. "(Y/n), im going to the store to buy the groceries.", he said.

All of them were very dedicated and very grateful for my help. Apparently i had done a 360 on their lives; if I asked them for something, they did it as soon as I finished my sentence. Law explained that they didnt want to anger me, which was strange because I never got mad that easily. "Ill go with you, Killer. I'll be back, love.", i smiled at Doffy. He kissed my hand and I walked with Killer to the store.

Doffy P.O.V.

(Y/n) left with Killer, I laid my head on the sofa; thinking of (y/n). She was kind, beautiful, and so fragile. On the outside, she was a warrior but I knew inside she didnt allow people in that easily. The kids were in their rooms, she loved them quite alot probably more than me.

Those kids are really something.... Maybe I'll take a break from all this work...

I closed my eyes and let the stress flow out of my mind.


I opened my eyes to see Corazon, i saw him crying above me. "Corazon! Whats wrong?", i asked. "Onii-chan...", he cried. I got up, walked over to him, and grabbed his shoulders. "Hey! What happened? Who did this to who?", i asked, anger building up from the thoughts that someone hurt Corazon. "Why didnt you tell me that you loved Lucia?", he asked. "I... I saw how happy you two were and decided that I'd find someone right for me.", i replied looking down. "Onii-chan!", sobbed Corazon. I chuckled at his childish behavior. "Gross, Corazon. You leaving snob and tears all over my shirt.", i joked. He stopped hugging me and dried his tears. "Onii-chan, why are you at (y/n)'s place?", he asked. I sweatdropped and shook my head. "(Y/n) and I have been dating and i come over on the weekends.", i explained. "Oh okay!", chimed Corazon. "So why were you looking for me in the first place...", i asked. "I wanted to hang out with you and (y/n).", he smiled.

Law came out of his room, he came and sat on the sofa next to me. Corazon was sleeping on the other side of me. "Are you serious, Doffy?", asked Law. "Hmmm?", i hummed looking at him. His golden orbs focused on me, almost ready to kill. "Are you serious about being with (y/n)?", he asked, a bit more serious. "Yes, I am.", i answered honestly.

"What about us?", he asked. "What about you guys?", i asked back. "Aren't we a bother if we live with her?", he asked looking down. I ruffled his hair and he hissed at me while trying to move my hand away. "You guys are her kids... That means you guys are part of her life... Which is something that makes her happy... As a result, that makes me happy.", i tried to explain. Law looked at me and then started laughing,

New chapter!
I tried my best!
Anyways, thanks for the reads, votes, and comments! Have a good morning/day/evening/night!

Tada! New chapter!I tried my best! Anyways, thanks for the reads, votes, and comments! Have a good morning/day/evening/night!

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Here some Shachi and Penguin! ^~^

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