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Thursday (Continued)

Doffy arrived in the room and said hello to the boys. "So... Youll bring (y/n) back after your date?", asked Shachi innocently. Kid glared and i felt a blush on my cheeks, Doffy, on the other hand was laughing. "Of course, I will...", smiled Doffy. "If you dont, ill smash your head in, pink man!", shouted Kid.

I laughed and calmed him down, after I did, Doffy and I walked out and got into his car. "So where are you taking me to buy this dress?", i asked. "Youll see..", said Doffy as he kept driving; i noticed one of his hands was resting on the side, next to my seat.

If we were actually dating, i would be holding his hand...

I shook my head at the thought and looked out the window. Dressrosa is a beautiful city in the evening; eventually Doffy parked in front of shop. He opened the door and we walked inside; beautiful, elegant dress decorated the mannequins in the shop.

"See anything you like?", asked Doffy. I shook my head and he prompted me deeper into the store where a saleswoman offered to help. "Oh, i have the perfect dress for you!", smiled the red violet hair woman. She ran to the back and two girls ran out looking for the woman.

"She went to the back of the store to get me a dress.", i smiled. "Thank you!", smiled the orange hair girl. The other older blue hair girl bowed her head and ran after the younger one. "Wherever we go, we find children.", sighed Doffy. "You dont like children?", i asked. Doffy blushed and looked away. "Im not use to them, is all.", he said. I smiled and then the woman came out holding a beautiful (f/c) dress.

"Woah...", i breathe. The woman handed the dress to me, i looked at it, Doffy told me to try it on so i did. "Well?", i asked. The woman and her daughters smiled and started to compliment me. "Well, Mister? Doesn't your girlfriend look gorgeous?", smiled the saleswoman. Doffy nodded and grinned at me, i smiled and walked back inside the dresser room.

Wait! The lady said I was his girlfriend and Doffy didnt protest! Shit... I didnt say anything... Hopefully he lets it slide... Or maybe... No! No... He... Can't... Can he...

I walked out and handed the dress to the woman, she placed it in a box and into a bag with other boxes. "How much?", i asked, pulling out my wallet. "Your boyfriend paid for it, he told me to tell you that he went across the street for something.", smiled the woman.

"T-Thank you, uh?", i stammered. "It's Bell-mère.", she smiled. "Oh, nice to meet you. Im (f/n).", i smiled back. I spotted the two girls, both were sleeping in a sofa behind the counter. "Two beautiful girls you got there.", i smiled. "Hehe, thanks. I adopted them, they arent my kids but i still love them with all my heart.", smiled Bell-mère. "I know what you mean. I adopted 5 kids.", i laughed.

"Wow! Thats alot of kids. Your boyfriend was okay with that?", asked Bell-mère, trying not to look too shocked. "Sadly, that man isnt my boyfriend. Were just friends.", i explained. "What the hell! What is he waiting for! You look like an amazing person! He still hasn't asked you out, the nerve!", exclaimed Bell-mère.

I chuckled and pointed at the two girls, Bell-mère quickly covered her mouth. "(Y/n), you ready?", asked Doffy from the entrance. I nodded and waved to Bell-mère; we entered the car and Bell-mère words echoed in my head.

What the hell! What is he waiting for! You look like an amazing person! He still hasn't asked you out, the nerve!

I chuckled, earning a glance from Doffy; we arrived at the hospital. "Well, thank you for everything. Ill pay you back for the dress tomorrow.", i smiled as i opened the door. Doffy grabbed my wrist, making my stop and look at him. "(Y/n)... I know its sudden. But I really like you... This past week, I noticed that you really changed me. So I wanted to ask if you want to go out with me?", asked Doffy.

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