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I woke up and shifted through the covers, i looked at the window to see the sun hitting the curtains. I sighed and tried to get up but stopped when i felt someone wrap their arms around and bury their face into my back.

"Ah!", i gasped. "Morning, my queen.", said Doffy. I relaxed and turned to face him. "Morning.", I smiled and ran my hand through his soft hair. "Do you really wish to get up?", he asked, blue orbs trained on me. "If we dont the-", I heard the store door open and close. "Guess thats a wake up call?", grinned Doffy. I laughed and grabbed some clothes, then peeked outside my room to run into the bathroom.

As soon as I closed the bathroom door, the front door busted open and I heard screams. "LOOK AWAY!", shouted Law. "CALL AN AMBULANCE!", cried Kid. "MY EYES BURN!", wailed Penguin and Shachi. "What are you guys yelling about?", i heard Killer ask. "Killer! Save yourself! Keep your bangs down!", screamed Kid. "Shut up you brats! Its not like you havent seen a penis before!", i heard Doffy hiss. I couldnt help but laugh, and clumsily turn the shower on.

I walked out of my shower and found everyone eating at the table. "Mom! Mingo was strutting his penis everywhere!", complained Kid. "Doffy!", I laughed as I hit his shoulder lightly. "Not my fault they have small ones...", whispered Doffy. "Mom! Did you hear him!", yelled Penguin. "ALRIGHT! No more penis jokes at the table!", i said as I slammed my hands on the table. "They started it...", mumbled Doffy.

"Hey Mingo?", said Law. Doffy looked at him, hashbrown in hand. "Wheres your shades?", asked Law. Doffy turned his gaze from Law and onto me; i shrugged and continued to eat.

"Probably in (y/n)'s room

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"Probably in (y/n)'s room.", he sighed. "Ill get them!", said Kid as he ran into the room. "Kid! I kinda thre-", i shouted but we all heard a loud crack. I turned my head slowly to look at Doffy; his eyebrow was twitching.

"EVACUATION!", shouted Penguin; as he ate his bacon and ran down to the store. Everyone followed his example and ran for it; Kid sprinted for the door, but sadly, Doffy grabbed him by the head.

"Running away, huh?", grinned Doffy. "M-mom.", whimpered Kid. "Nuh uh uh... Dont call for (y/n).", said Doffy. "Just apologize, sweetheart!", i shouted, since Doffy decided to block me from Kid's view. "W-what?!", said Kid, sounding surprised. "It was an accident!", shouted Kid. Then it dawned on me. "Kid, did you give him the present you guys bought?", i smiled. There was a silence and then Doffy turned to look at me pretty confused.

I smiled and Doffy let go of Kid, Kid shook his head and looked down. "Its in the second drawer, Kid.", i smiled. Kid ran into my room again and i heard him rummage through my poor drawer. He ran back and gave Doffy the black slick box; he opened it and saw the red tainted shades.

"They arent blue but hopefully you like them!", I chimed as Doffy placed the shades on.

Same damn sassy design but a tad sexier with red tainted lens

"They're perfect...", smiled Doffy, a genuine smile. Kid also noticed and looked at me; i grinned and prompted him to apologize. "So, M-Mingo, we all pitched in to buy those because you make (y/n) happy... Also sorry about breaking your other pair....", mumbled Kid.

Red Tulips  *Doflamingo X Reader*Where stories live. Discover now