Chapter 27

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Life often gives surprises!

It was eleventh day of Ramadan. We were on fasting and so was Dev. Whenever I read Namaz, I used to keep my phone in hold so that DEV can listen it. Sometimes he used to wake up late and miss the Suhur then complain to me whole day.

We were doing everything according to our plan but still nothing was working.
I shuddered in those memory of being together.
My phone rang. It was Dev's call.



"I have one surprise for you. "

" Really. What is it? "I asked excitedly.

" Well, it's a surprise. I will say tomorrow."

"Dev Please tell me what's that.? I can't wait till tomorrow. "I requested but he didn't and hung up the call.

Now I have to wait till tomorrow . Surprise? What it may be? God I really don't have patience!

Next day he revealed the surprise. Sharukh Khan was coming to our city, Bangalore. And he told me that we will go to see his show.

"Dev, I have an idea. Let's take my family to the show. "I said excitedly.

" What? Zee, I have booked the ticket so that we can spend some time together and also he is your favorite and you are saying to take everyone. "
He said convincingly and added sugar in his coffee.

" I know that but listen, it's a good chance to impress my mom."

"Impress her. How?"
He took his second sip of coffee and glanced.

"See, My Mom is a big fan of him than me and if you propose her to go to his show then she will be so happy and we may get chance to talk about us too. "
I finished my sentence within seconds and blinked eyes.

" Okay but what about your Dad? Will he give permission. "

I smiled and said," I forgot to tell that our whole family is fan of Sharukh."I giggled.

"Oh God!even your Dad. I think it's heredity. " he laughed.

" Dev, what's funny? Everybody likes him so do we. Don't you like? "

" Not really."

"Then whose your favorite Indian actor ? "

" I really don't know. I rarely watch hindi movies."He smiled and said in proud tone.

At least he can take some actors name right? I found my question being neglected. I kept quiet.

"Okay fine then I will say my manager to talk and request them so that we can personally meet him . "

My mouth fell open.
" What did you say? We can personally meet him" I asked in surprise tone raising my eyebrows .

As he nodded his head, I shouted and jumped .
Dev kept his finger on his lip and gave a sign to be silent.
Everybody turned and looked at our table. I bowed down my head and made pity apologized face.

( can't I shout and cheer in my happiness. Stupid people!)

"But Dev, he is a star. Why will he meet us?you are joking right? "

"Don't you know my Dad is a popular businessman. He has met him several times and are good friends too . So don't worry. I will manage that."

I didn't know what to say. I never knew he is that much rich enough..

After iftar, I said to everyone about going on the show of Sharukh Khan tomorrow. Everyone got excited. But when I told that DEV is coming with us and we got ticket because of him . both dad and mom denied to come and even didn't permit me.
But I saw my mom's face upset. Haha,I understood. She eagerly wants to go. I talked more about the show to arouse her interest.

"it's okay if nobody wants to go. But please don't stop me. I don't want to miss this golden opportunity to meet Sharukh Khan personally."
I stood up and was about to go to my room.

"We can personally meet him"Mom shouted loudly like how I shouted in restaurant.

I turned and saw her. Her face was filled with excitement.
Now mom insisted Dad to go. Finally Dad was convinced after long request but he said that he won't come to the show but permitted us to go.

Mom, Nusrat, Dev and Me went to the show. It was awesome. And we met Sharukh Khan after the show. Oh my Gosh, it was the best moment. And I could see the happiness in my Mom's face.
Thanks to Dev. I felt lucky for the first time for being a girl of such a rich guy. 😆

But I wondered, she didn't speak properly with Dev after the show.
Uff.. Tired!!!


Once I had told to Dev that Mom doesn't only like Sharukh Khan but also adopts his every views regarding everything even it's true or not. I don't know from where he got old magazines written about Sharukh and gave it to me.

As Dev had told me to give magazines to Mom, I gave it to her. She took happily and started to turn the pages.
( Seriously, I have never seen such a crazy fan of her age)
She started to read the quoted paragraphs. I went near to her and saw what she was reading.

"Sharukh Khan is a spokesperson of sorts for both of Indian's major religions. He worries about violence and tension that occurs to this day between Muslims and Hindus. But he tends to defend Islam, saying these attackers are not true Muslims and that they misinterpret this 'religion of peace' "

"In my house, everyone is free to follow their religion. My kids were confused about whether they were Muslim or Hindu, I said why not CHRISTIAN?
Above all, the children should know about the value of GOD."

It was really a good thought. Mom was reading each and every pages curiously. I really hope something will be changed after this.

It was second week of ramzan, Mom told me to invite Dev for iftar today.I was shocked with this and happy as well. We finished our prayer and settled down for iftar.

Our door bell rang! It was Dev.
Dev greeted to Mom and Dad.
Dad was surprised.

"Dev come inside and take your seat."mom said with smile on her face.
Dev gave an obsequious grin and sat down along with us.
Dev and Me looked at each other but without expression.

Dad was still looking at him.
"Who invited you? "Dad asked looking at him.

" I have invited him."mom replied with out looking at dad and started to serve the food.

"Never informs me anything."he murmured.

Dev looked at me .I saw hesitation in his face. I felt sorry.

"He has kept fasting. That's why I called for Iftar." mom answered.

Dad mused.

"yeah. Ramadan "

" Being Hindu? "
Dad asked looking at Dev.
Dev nodded his and gave

" Don't talk about religions. It's his wish."Mom answered.
Dev and I glared at each other. I gave a smug smile to him.
I never thought that Sharukh Khan's show and that magazine would bring this much effect on her. Our first plan was succeed.
Dad didn't answer. He shook his head and started to eat.

We all started to eat food. Suddenly light went off. Everybody sighed as darkness engulfed us.


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