Chapter 8:

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Dad hugged us both and whispered softly....

(Truly! To Allah we belong and truly to him, we shall return)

.. We started our journey to Delhi. We reached there at 5pm.

(Forget us and forgive her.,O Lord of all the worlds
And expand her grave and illuminate it for her)

Everyone was there,. My families and all the relatives. They were praying.
I saw my mom there sitting near Grandma's body. Her eyes were swollen. May be she had cried a lot.
Again my eyes filled up by seeing the whole situation., my Grandma, mom and everyone present over there.
I went near to her. I remembered all the moments that I had passed with her. I satred at her.,Tears rolled down the cheek.

One of the uncle said that they need to take the deceased to bury now. It's being late..
Then all men went for the funeral. And we stayed back in home. We read Quran, prayed Allah, and asked dua (supplication) for peaceful rest of her soul in heaven.

We stayed back for one more day and we returned back to our home.
Mom had not got over from all these,,. nor I. I hadn't seen her smiling since that incident. She needs some time and I too.
(if anything happens with me., it takes a lot of time to get over from I am always afraid of being hurt thinking that I will never get over from that like how others do.)

Phone rang!
It was Nebika's.
"Zee"she started shouting.
"where are you? Why were you not picking my call? And how's everything? "
" I am in home now.Nebi., I will call you later okay? "
" you tell me whether you will be coming college tomorrow or not?
" yeah I will "
" Okay see you tomorrow then "
" bye"

Next day..

I went to the college. Nebika was already there in her place. Dev was with his friends at back.
(Oh I forgot to mention, Dev had texted me 10-15 times when I was in Delhi . once I had replied also.)

Nebika asked me about everything and I was describing her..
Dev saw me. He came hurrily towards us. I didn't have mood to argue and listen his stuffs today.

"Hey Zee. How are you? Are you okay now?"
("how can someone ask that how we are when they have already seen us broken?")
"I am fine." I replied.
"I am sorry, I felt so bad for whatever had happened with you, your family. Her soul may rest in peace."
My face fell off.
He was continuously saying something but I didn't respond.
To be true I didn't have mood to listen to anyone today.
We attended classes and break time came. As usual we went to the canteen. And Dev was with us, of course as usual.
"Zeemah, I will treat you your favorite cappuccino today." Dev said to me.
"I don't want. "I replied.
" please don't be like this. Sadness in your face doesn't suit. "
I didn't reply.
"please smile, smile,.."
I got irritated and walked out of the canteen.
"Zee stop "Nebika said.
But I continued walking.
Dev followed me.
" Zee smile. "he said again with his smiling face which had dimple on both side of cheeks.
" why? Why should I smile? "
" because you can! "
I should smile because I can. What kind of answer is this? . I got confused.
" Zee "
He was coming behind me. I turned back to him and replied..

" listen Dev. I am not in good mood today. So please leave me alone. "
" No, I can't. "
" why you can't? What you will get by following me?"
"you can't understand."
"No seriously, answer me. I have already rejected you months back. I can't accept you and I even don't want. You always Irritate me.
Do you think that I enjoy all your taunts. Never. I hate you for that. "I finished it saying in half of a minute."

"hey you can't say that. You know that how much I love you. "
" why? Why you love me.?have I told you to love me? There are many girls who are so beautiful and who loves you. Go after them. Why are you after me? "

" There are reasons behind everything in this world,except love. Understand this. And I know you are gonna accept me one day. "
" This hope which you are living with is never gonna happen. Forget it. And don't follow me now. "
I went from there to the classroom. He didn't follow me now.

I was alone in class room. I don't know why but my heart was aching. I was suffocating and everything in front of me was seen blurred as my eyes were filled.
I sighed. May be I hurted myself too while saying him to leave.

"Zee.. Zeemah. "Nebika called me.
I swiped off my eyes and face.
" what happened between you two huh? What have you told to Dev? He was looking so furious and his eyes and face was full red. He was getting into his car. "Nebika said.
I described all things to Nebika. She scolded me for what I did with him.

" Did I really hurt him? "
" Yes of course you did. And I know you are also are mad Zee! "
I sighed and picked up my bag and came out of the class.
" hey where are you going? "Nebi followed me.
" home"
"why? We have classes. "
" I don't want to attend."
"what happened to you? "
" I am sorry Nebi. I will talk to you later. Bye"
"Okay fine. Go safely. Take care. "
" bye"

I reached home. Mom asked me that why I came so early today . I told her that I got headache and couldn't listen the class. So I came back.
She gave me a paracetamol and told to take rest.
I went to my bedroom. I took out my diary and opened Dev's letter.
I felt bad that I hurted him today. To be true., the reason behind rejecting him wasn't that I don't like him.
It's just we can't be together. I am Muslim girl and he's Hindu. There's no future of us in this kind of societies and country. We can never be together.

"Just because I ignore you., I don't talk with you doesn't mean that I don't think about you. I am just trying to make distance myself because I know I can't have you."

I checked my mobile. There was no text from him. I thought of texting him but I couldn't.


Hey did you feel bad for Dev?

Don't worry Dev. I am here for you.. Haha

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