Chapter 19

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I have realized that I am nothing without him. He gives me meaning. Life's worthless without him and I want my life back!

" You are looking beautiful" Sumiti said with smile in her face.
"You too"I replied and smiled.
We both were feeling awkward as it's the first time that we were talking.

"Can I talk to you right now. I have something to say." she said.
"Yes of course" I replied.
"Come with me "
She grabbed my hand and took me out of the hall near to the garden.
I was confused and surprise to see her this behavior.

We sat in the floor.
" Zeemah, you love Dev right? "she asked without looking at me.
I didn't answer.
" I know that You love him a lot. And he loves you too. So take him! "( What kind of sentence is this? "take him")
I was shocked after hearing this.

" He loves you not me "I answered.
" who said? "
" I know that "
" You are mad Zee! You can't recognize his love. "
" He himself had told me that he loves you and you two are in relationship right? Then why you are saying this to me? "
" Yes I know he had told those things but you never tried to know why he said so. "
" I have tried...
"No. You didn't. You were just in pain by thinking that he left you! How could you think that he can leave loving you? "
" Sumiti! What do you want to say actually? Please come to the point. "
I said angrily.
(How funny is this., she is telling me that I haven't tried. She can't even imagine what I have been through)

" Zee, I have a heart problem. "she said.
I turned to her. She continued to talk
" I can't bear extreme pain and happiness too."she sighed.
"The day he said that he accepted my love. I was so happy. But silly me I actually thought., he really loved me and left you.But..."
"But what?". I was waiting for her answer.
"But he never loved me. Although he was with me every moment., but I never felt his love. His eyes used to look into mine but I was not there in his eyes. "
I didn't know what should I say and how I have to react.

" You were surprised that how Dev got to know about Salim right? "
" Huh. Yeah"I said, brimming my eyes
"You even don't know that he use to follow you everywhere. "
" what? "I said raising my eyebrows.
" You had gone with Salim somewhere right?He had followed you wherever you had gone. "
" oh"I was shocked and happy at the same time.
"But how did you know? "I asked.
" Because I used to follow him "
I raised my eye brows with surprise.
" Yeah, he used to follow you and I used to follow him. Isn't that funny? "she laughed herself for seconds and stopped.(I can see her eyes filled now)

I didn't know what and how I have to react upon this., whether to show happiness by knowing he still loves and cares me or to show sadness after knowing that Sumiti is hurted and is in pain.

"But why he did this to us? "
I asked angrily looking at her.

" Because my Dad said to him "
" I didn't get. ".
" Did you notice.?., I am sick Zee. I already told you that I have a heart problem. My dad knows that I love Dev. And I always used to be in pain. The day on which I used to be hurted more., is the day I had to struggle more for my life. Dad couldn't see this .And do you remember your accident and Dev's home?Dev's driver had dropped you to your home right? Because my Dad had called Dev to our home. Dad told to Dev about my condition and made him to leave you. And Dev couldn't deny to accept me after that., as he respects my Dad like his own and may be after seeing my condition.,he took that decision. And he sacrificed his love. But believe me Zee., I was unaware of all this. Dev and Dad both had not told to me. "
She swiped her eyes and looked at me.
Meanwhile, tears were already rolled down to my cheeks. I nodded my head and embraced her.
She continued.,
" when I was sick again yesterday, I got to know all this. I heard Dev and Dad talking about this. "
I didn't reply. I rubbed her arms.
" I realized that he isn't meant for me. "she was sobbing.
" I am sorry.. "I said. (but I don't know what I was sorry for.)

she removed my hand from her arms and said.," why you are saying sorry? I am the one who came between you two. I should feel sorry for that."

" No don't say that "
She laughed.,looked away and said.,
" Now go and talk with Dev. He needs you. He may be tired on showing fake love to me. "

" But what about you? I mean., you are not well. You will not be fine sumiti! You will be hurted. What's with that? "I said.

" what's the difference in being and not being with him? I will be hurted anyway. "so it's better to be alone. She murmured but with smile.
I didn't know what to say.
She looked at me and said again., you know Zee? Loving him could take my life, but when I look into his eyes., I realise that he is worth that sacrifice. So don't worry about me. I loved him since my school period, I love him now and will be loving him till the end. "

I can't even convince her by saying that he loves her because she is already aware of the truth. I remained silent.
I actually should feel happy by knowing the truth but I was not.

" Hey Girls "Salim called from behind.
We swiped our eyes and went towards him. I heard music. I saw Dev and Nebika talking with each other.
And some people were dancing and some were on their own world.
I saw Sumiti getting inside the car. I couldn't say anything. I even didn't have courage to stop her.

"Can I have a dance with you? "Salim asked teasingly.
I denied but he requested again. So we went in dance floor and danced.
I swear., this Salim would surely win if he participate in comedy show. He was making me laugh.
I saw Dev and Nebika staring at me. I didn't want to look at him. I didn't want him to hurt Sumiti.. I don't know what I want now...

Dev kept his glass in the table and came towards us. But I acted like I didn't see him.
He came to us, grabbed my hand and pulled me to his side from Salim.
We both were shocked with his behavior.
"Dev what are you doing? "
" You can't dance with others. "he shouted.
" what? "
He grabbed my hand and pulled me. He took me to the garden.
I turned back at Salim., he was standing there, looking at us., his face was red.

I removed my hands and said.," Dev what happened to you?"
"You can't dance with anyone other than me. Do you understand? "

Dev kept both my hands in his neck by himself and his hands on my waist . I couldn't resist. I was melt inside. I didn't remove my hands from his neck. Instead., I grabbed him and went close to him.

" why? "I asked.
" because you are only mine. "
" but you don't love me right? "
" I am sorry". He kept silent .
"Sumiti told me everything., Dev"
"I am sorry Zee for everything. I was afraid by thinking something might happen to her and I couldn't deny to her Dad too., and now Sumiti doesn't want me to do so. I don't know what should I do? "

" I understand Dev. It's not your fault . I am sorry that I had hurted you a lot."

"I am sorry Zee., I went away from you. "His grey eyes were filled with tears.
Tears rolled down the cheek but with happiness this time.

Now like in my dream.,
His left hand touched my right cheek and his right hand was still on my waist, was holding me from backside. He pulled me more closer. He leaned slight forward down to me. I closed my eyes. His lips touched mine!we kissed!!

I wish this moment never end.
I wish I would be around your arms for forever.


I felt bad for Sumiti :(

But finally., Dev and Zeemah are together. Are you happy?


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