~~~~Chapter 1~~~~

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The sounds of horns, sirens, and chatty voices echo through the atmosphere around me as I walk down the street. The smell of food hits my nostrils, and my stomach immediately growls. What was that?

My eye caught the glimpse of a small food truck that was selling hot dogs. I could really go for some right about now.

I step into line, and i start to wait. I watch the busy sidewalks.

Both monsters and humans alike strolled around casually in the day. I smile. I remember as a child we were taught about how dangerous monsters were and to never trust one. That is why they were all bound under the earth.

But, with my experience, they've all got good motives, some just have bad executions.

Somebody walks behind me and joins the line.

"Heya." I feel a tap on my shoulder. I look around my shoulder. A skeleton stood behind me. A.... Fat skeleton?

"Oh, hey." I say, turning fully around.

"Do ya know how much a hotdog costs here?" He asks. His voice is very deep, and he must be a local, cause he's got a Brooklyn accent.

"Uh, im not too sure. I think- " I lean around a few people to try to see the price, " it's $4."

"Crap. I've got 'bout $3." He pulls out loose change from his pocket. "Must've forgotten my wallet."

"Oh..." I tsk, and pull out my wallet, handing him a dollar. "Here you go."

His expression changes to surprise.

"Oh, no, I can't." He says, scratching the back of his head.

Then, I shove it in his hand, and smile at him. The line moves up, and it's now my turn. I order a hotdog, and then step to the side to add condiments.

The skeleton stepped up and ordered his. I finished adding ketchup, and I looked at him.

"I'll ketchup with you later." I say, holding my hotdog. That earned a chuckle.

"I'm Sans." He introduces himself, grabbing the ketchup bottle and squeezing some onto his hotdog.

"I'm (y/n), but people call me Frisk."

He smiles, and I'm on my way home.

I was a block away from my house, and the sun shone in between buildings and reflected on the windows. I loved the city, but the city didn't love me.

Things were really difficult until I moved here. I was born in a small town, but always had the urge to run away and go to a big city. I didn't belong in a little town like that. I couldn't.

So, as soon as I turned 18, I went job hunting in the city. I found a decent paying accountant job, and was enough to get myself an apartment.

I've been living here for a good 2 years, and my job has become more and more stable as time went on. But, the more time that passed, the more I've felt wrong. I needed to have a family? At least, that's what my mother said it was. I didn't believe her. It wasn't even a big thing. It was, like an itch in the back of my mind... To run away.

But, of course, I couldn't. I had a job, a boyfriend. I couldn't any of that behind. He had a job as well, so, together we had about $107,000 coming in a year.

 He had a job as well, so, together we had about $107,000 coming in a year

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Hey! Hope y'all like my new fanfiction I'll be working on for now on. I'll be adding drawings on some chapter cause I like drawing. Enjoy!

Not Alone - A Reader(Frisk) x Sans FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now