~~~~Chapter 6~~~~

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I felt a gentle hand shake my shoulder. I force my eyes open and sit up.

"What-" I ask.

It's Sans, he was in the driver seat, reaching over to me. The dim orange light leaked from the roof of the car over his face.

"Hey, bud, it's time to wake up." He whispered. I turn towards the dash and check the time. It's 5 am. Jeez.

"Uh..." I groan, sitting up fully and opening the door, and he steps out of his.

He helps me out of my side, and hoists my arm over his shoulder. I direct him sleepily to my apartment. Unfortunately, not thinking twice about whether Travis would be home or not.

I unlock the door and nearly fall in, Sans following pathetically. He throws his hat onto the table, and enters the apartment.

"Hello?" I whisper, and immediately search for him.

"He's not here." I walk towards Sans, defeated.


"Travis, my boyfriend. Well... Yeah. Pretty much." I mumble, and plop down onto the couch. "We have some turmoil."

"Whaddaya mean?" He sits beside me, leaning back into the couch, both hands on his knees.

I lean back too, tucking my knees under my arms and looking at the silent television.

"Me and Travis have been together for a long time. I thought he was gonna propose to me, since he has asked for my ring size, like 3 times. I found the ring, but just earlier today he disappeared with it. Am I thinking too much into this?" I bury my face into my hands. "I don't even know why I'm telling you this stuff..."

"Nah. I know what you mean. We all have baggage. Just... Some more than others." I observed his face. The lines under his eyes, how his white pupils disappeared.

"Well, what's your story?"

"Heh. Not very interesting. Just lazy skeleton- born and raised. I've got a brother, a few friends. That's about it." He shrugs.

"Anyone named Alphys?"

"Yeah, actually. You know her?" He asks. I nod. "MMKC?" I nod.

"I'm sure there's more to you than just that. Cmon, what else you've got?" I tease, elbowing him.

"Nope." He shakes his head. I bite my lip.

I nod, and my eyes wonder around the room. I lean back and throw my legs over Sans' lap, closing my eyes. He looked down at me, one eyebrow raised.


"What? I'm tired." I chuckle before drifting off to sleep so easily.

Upon waking up, I found that Sans had left, and Travis was still gone. I decided to call him.


"Hello, Travis?" I freak out.

"-this is the voice mail box of-"

I stop. What the fuck, dude? I throw the phone down and storm into the bathroom to shower, finding a note laid out on the toilet.

"Why did the skeleton want a friend? Because he was feeling bonely. " it read.

I have no idea what it was, but there was something about that that made it super familiar. I smile.

"Oh Sans..." I whisper, running a thumb up and down the writing on the paper. My eyes widen. Shit. I cannot like him. Not happening.

I crumble the paper up and toss it in the trash bin beside the toilet.

I hear the front door open, and I immediately rush into the hallway.

It was Travis. He has a jacket pulled over his button-up shirt. His gelled hair slightly knotted.

"Hello." I leaned against the wall, staring at him. "I called you."

"What happened to your hand?" He asked.

"Don't change the subject. I know about the ring, Travis. Why didn't you answer my call?"

He didn't reply. He slowly hung his jacket up by the door, and he placed his suit case against the wall.

"I'm going to bed."

"No. No you're not." I jump in front of him as he tries to push past me. "Where's the ring, Travis? Don't you love me anymore?"

He continued to try to push past me. I get extremely fed up.

"I'm gonna fucking move out!" I scream, clenching my fists. "Actually, no, fuck it! I pay for this apartment! You move out!"

That's when he stopped and placed a hand on my shoulder, to which I smacked off.

"Frisk, Frisky... Babe. It's just work." He says. I step back.

"No. That's not gonna cut it anymore. Tell me the truth."

"Fine, fine! Okay, (y/n), you want to know? I lost my job, I lost my job 2 months ago and I've been desperately searching for one since. The ring.. I had to sell it." He explained.

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