~~~~Chapter 3~~~~

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After a very long night of drinking and partying, my friend practically drag me home. I just wanted to keep dancing, as tragic as it was.

She laid me out on the couch where Travis used to lay, having a spare house key. She started the coffee maker, and had left a bottle of ibuprofen beside me.

I was a sorry mess when I woke up. She wasn't there any longer, but Travis sat the the table and paid bills. That was nice. He did all of the technicals, all I had to do was work work work work.

I must have still had alcohol in my system.

I open my eyes, and I feel okay. I sit up.

"Really? No hang over?-"

I was cut off with a throbbing headache which shot through me, and I had to throw myself back onto the couch, desperately gripping my head.

"That's what you get for drinking when you know you can't handle alcohol." Travis chuckled from across the room.

"Yeah, yeah..." I groan. "Just get me coffee please."

He nods and goes into the kitchen and a moment later comes out with a mug of hot coffee. He opens the medicine for me. I pop a couple in my mouth and down it with coffee.

I immediately felt better, I just had to pee pretty badly. That's when my stomach started churning, and I almost flew to the bathroom and started throwing up every thing I just put into my body's my Including what I ate last night.

Travis walked in behind me, a piece of bread sticking out of his mouth.

"Are you gunna drink again?" He asks, leaning in the door frame.


"Of course, while you're throwing your guts up you still won't deny alcohol."

"I dunno. My friend works as a bartender at this bar, and he totally hooks us up with free drinks. I am taking full advantage of this."

He shrugs and walks away. I wipe my mouth off and rinse it with mouth wash, spitting in the sink.

"I'm feeling better now, though." I say,  following him.

"Yeah. You know, you really should have a fluent system when drinking. Alcohol, water, alcohol, water. You know. The reason you get sick is because you're dehydrated."

"You're right. From now on, be my designated baby sitter. Cause apparently I'm a child who constantly needs rules hounded at me." I bite my tongue and make me shut up.

"Okay, I'm leaving before you snap at me again." He says, annoyed. I frown.

"Like always." I spit. "You're always leaving, Travis. Every day you leave for at least 12 hours. Where are you going?"


"Every day?" I ask, crossing my arms.

"Yes. You wouldn't understand." He said.

I glare at him as he leaves the apartment. I was skeptical now.

I rush back into our bedroom, practically jumping over the bed, and swing open his dresser. I initially find nothing but clothes, but then a small black velvet bod sticks out to me. I gasp.

I hunch over, looking behind me to make sure he wasn't coming back. I grab the small box, and gently open it. My jaw drops when I see it.

It's a small silver ring, with clear, beautiful diamonds and pearls around it. I flipped it around in my hand, and saw it was engraved on the inside.
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I grin. So, that's where all his money went.

I flip it closed and put it back where I got it, and hear the front door open, so I get up, grab a book from the shelf? And open it to a random page, pretending to read.

"Forgot something." He groaned from the door way, walks  past me and digs through his drawer. I watch from the corner of my eye.

I can't see what exactly he pocketed, but he rushed out immediately after. I walked with him to the door wordlessly, and then grab his arm, stopping him from leaving for a moment.

He pauses and looks at me. I smile, as start giggling.

"I love you." I say, hugging his arm. He smiles, and pats my back.

"Love you, too." He says, before leaving.

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