~~~~Chapter 15~~~~

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I left the house, only to find my car gone. The rain fell down onto me and everything beneath it, but I didn't even notice.

Shit, that's right. They took my car, didn't they?

Screw it, I guess. I'll have to teleport. I groan and allow myself to disappear and reappear a mile away. I continue this until I'm a block from her building.

I stand by a stop sign, and lean on it. That took a LOT of work to do, it was worse than running, but I need to be fast.

I wipe sweat off of my forehead, take a deep breath of air. I couldn't teleport anymore, so I just run.

People stared as I began running as fast as i can. But, I was used to people staring at me. They wouldn't stop until about a year after monsters were freed.

It did bother me, in the back of my head. But... I can't worry about that right now.

It didn't take too long to get to her apartments, but the elevator was out of order, so I had to run up the stairs. For someone who's lazy, this is hell...

The apartment was torn up. Was she ransacked. I was afraid to enter. Standing in the hallway outside of her apartment, I notice clothes scatter all over the place. Papers, hair gel, tooth brushes, a clothes iron... It was all over the place. What the fuck...

I feel my heart speed up. I call her name out before entering .

"(Y/n)..." I step inside. "Eh... Frisk?"

Nothing. I step over to the table, and notice a series of vibrant red papers. I scoop some up into my hands.



Your POV

I run down the hallway and quickly turn the corner. My lungs burned, and my heat raced. I stop and look behind me, and there was nobody. Exactly.

I, being hopeless, slam my hand on to the elevator button in an attempt, but it was still out of order. I rush up the stairs.

Nobody was following me. I was starting to think that I really DIDN'T matter, did I?

My feet jump from stair to stair, and I fell sweat start to trickle down my forehead. I force my hair out of my face and continue. When I would say that exercise would be the death of me I didn't expect this.

I feel like I am going to faint by the time I get to a door, and the stair ended. This door was a dark gray, and had a push handle on it. There was a vertical, thin window that had thin wire  checkering across it. Through it, i could see the rain and dark clouds.

I push out of the building, and onto the roof. 

The soft, moldy shingles beneath my feet nearly crumble. My shoes sink into them. It was probably the rain, but... ew.

I walk to the edge, and there is a very sad looking railing. It wasn't gonna keep anyone on here. It was about 3 feet high and it couldn't do anything, expect maybe trip someone.

I stepped over it, and sat on it. My legs dangle over the edge, and I feel my chest flutter. Oh, GOD this is terrifying.

I didn't try to look down, because I know that if I did, I'd fall. And that's not what I want. I don't want it to be an accident.


I leave the building. Where else could she be?? Ugh.

I rush out into the crowd and start desperately looking everywhere. The bar? The bar.

I started running in that direction.

A scream erupted from the crowd, and everyone gathered together. I stared at them, skidding to a stop in my tracks.

"There's someone up there! Someone's gonna jump!" She screams.

I follow everyone's points and eyes to find the figure of someone sitting on the edge of the building. I run up to everyone else.


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