~~~~Chapter 9~~~~

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Sans put the car in park, allowing Em to climb out, and run into her home. I waved her goodbye.

"So, you excited to meet my friends?" Sans asked, keeping his eyes on the road. I nod my head, and assume that he can see it from the corner of his eye.

He stole a quick glance, and I made an "OK" sign with my hand.

"So, I'm sorry about your job. You can always get another one. Plus, Travis is still there to help you." He spoke.

I hug my knees to my chest, and Sans uses one hand to tap my feet off of his seat. I allow my legs to fall.

"Yeah, I guess you're right. I just wish he didn't also lose his job. Right now, we're both royally fucked." I sigh, and tap the window. "I don't care that he had to sell the ring. I just wanted to marry him, even if that meant no ring."

"Yep. It's hard. Shoulda seen how tough things were the first few weeks monsters were set free. Papyrus and I had such trouble finding jobs that even accepted monsters for the positions. But I had eachother and made things worse." He explained.

"So, your brothers name is Papyrus?" I ask, to which he nods. "And, did you just tell me some of your life story?" I raise an eyebrow and smirk. He smiles wider and nods. I clap my hands together and start laughing, he does too.

He laughed mostly at my reaction.

We pulled into a drive way, which was surrounded by cars. One was a nice red mustang, and I completely gawked at it. Sans stepped out of his plain black car, and over to the mustang, placing a hand on it.

"This is Pap's." He said, running his hand up and down on the windshield.

We walked further and I stared at the house. It was slightly larger than nor all, with only two stories, but very wide, and very comfortable. They had pumpkins sitting out, all carved and lit.

"Papyrus carved 'em." He spoke, pointing.

If further inspection, I notice they're of all of the same guy.

And, upon stepping inside, I notice that guy is himself.

He is a tall skeleton, a bit taller than Sans, but overall not so much. As Sans and I walked in, He turned and practically ran at us. I flinch at his voice.

"SANS, AND... HUMAN! HELLO! I DO NOT BELIEVE THAT WE HAVE MET!" He holds his hand out, and I take it. He shakes me hand vigorously.

"Pap here made spaghetti." Sans said, nudging his brother.

"Cool, I love spaghetti." I smile, and walk further into the house. I noticed a rock sitting on the table, with a small pile of sprinkles on it.

I look further into the house. It is very modern. The walls are accented a dark red here and there. And there is a very nice light hanging from the ceiling That's not quite a chandelier, but a hella fancy lamp-thing.

The couches are a dark brown and are pushed against the walls, and past the living room is the kitchen. The smell of pasta fills the house.

I slide my jacket off and feel the warmth.

"Where are the others?" I ask Sans, who's been following me around on my little adventure.

"Toriel is on her way with Asgore and Kay." He says. "Toriel and Asgore wee King and Queen of the underground. Kay is a kid who fell into the underground and freed us all. They kinda adopted him. "

Just then, a woman bursts into the house. She has blue skin and long red hair, that laid down against her back and shoulders. She had a long black dress on.

Behind her, was Alphys, who also wore a dress.

"Hey punks!!!!!" She yelled, yielding a large blue spear.

"H-hello..." Alphys waved. "This is u-Undyne."

Undyne was fucking scary. She had muscles. She had muscles on her muscles. She even had muscles on her eye balls.

I bit my lip, trying not to laugh at the internal SpongeBob reference.

Sans noticed, and just stared over at me without turning his head. He winked. I felt my heart flutter.


Behind them, What I assume are Toriel and Asgore enter, holding a small child by the hands.

"Hello! Is this Frisk?" Toriel rushes over to me, after shoving a container of pie in Asgore's hands.

"I've heard so much about you!" She ruffled my hair. She looks at Sans for a moment, and when I look at him too, he freezes.


"Oh, nothing." She laughed.

This felt very comfortable. I was a little offset by Undyne, but I'm glad she isn't a very touchy-feely type like I originally had thought.

I heard another knock, and a very flamboyant voice from behind it.

"Daaaaarrreelings! The party has ariived!"  He.... Yeah, he called out, entering.

He was a very tall robot. Wait... Robot? I'm not going to question it anymore.

He had short black hair, which covered one eye. Amazingly shaped eyebrows, and eyeliner. My eyes drifted.

Hot pink boots and a chest piece. Tight leather pants. He had a nicer ass than me.

He caught a glimpse of me.

"Who is this beauty? I think I'd remember seeing a face like -" he rushes over to me and grabs a hold of my face. "Thisssss."

"Mettaton, let her go." Sans groans. "First Papyrus, now (y/n)."

Mettaton lets go and pouts.

"But Papy is so cuuuute."

" 'papy' is also my brother. Leave him alone, too."

Mettaton glares at Sans before walking away to Alphys and chatting with her.

Sans and I exchange looks, and exhale. He chuckles, and I join in.

We both thought it was funny. Not Mettaton, but that we were both falling for each other so quickly.

I have a fucking boyfriend.

Not Alone - A Reader(Frisk) x Sans FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now