~~~~Chapter 17~~~~

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The other shelf was filled with spaghetti left-overs.

I reach past it, and grab a beer, which must have been hidden.

"Wait-" Sans said.

"I think I need a drink." I snap, looking at him.

"No, I mean, that's pretty strong. It's from Ireland, and it's like, 12%."

"Even better." I crack it open and the foam from it oozes over the opening.

Sans furrows his brow and takes it from me.


"Nobody gets drunk under my roof." He starts pouring it into his mouth. "Except me."

I laugh, and grab another one from the fridge, and he finishes the one he was chugging. Crushing the can, he tossed it to the side, and I turn around to open this one. He laughs and reaches around me, taking it from me once again.

"Come on!" I groan, and turn around, jumping up to get it. He, being greatly larger than me, had no problem keeping it from me. I kept jumping up.

"Ugh!" I hiss "stop!" I grab his shirt and pull him down. He leans over closer to my face, and we both stop.

Just standing there, we both stare into each others eyes.

I lean in to kiss him, and his face glew bright red. He closed his eyes.

After a second, he opened his eyes to see me, reaching for the drink and snatching it from him. I run away.

"N-no fair!" He stuttered, chasing me.

I jump onto the couch and quickly toss the blanket over me.

I hear footsteps, and his voice.

"Here kitty, kitty, kitty, kitty."

I tried to hold back a laugh, and his voice got closer.

"I wonder where she could be." He laughed. "Oh well? I guess I give up."

For a moment it was silent, and I almost sat up, when suddenly a large weight came down on me.

I yelped and started groaning out loud. Sans was laying on me, and oh my GOD he was heavy.

"Oh, looks like I found ya." He said, pulling the blanket off of my face. He laughed aloud at the sight of my red, sweaty face.

"If I don't get up, you'll start turning blue." He slid off of me, and I sat up.

"Hehee.." I cackle, sitting up beside him.

"So, what you did was just mean." He spoke.

"Mean? How?!"

"I dunno, but... It's not nice to do that." He looked away from me. "To pretend to kiss someone? You can hurt their feelings."

Okay so, like, I may not update for a little. I just watched the episode of the walking dead with Negan and who he kills. I'm literally in grieving at the moment, and I literally cannot focus on anything. I'm so sorry guys.

Not Alone - A Reader(Frisk) x Sans FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now