~~~~Chapter 2~~~~

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I climbed the long flight of stairs due to the elevator being out of order. Only... 20 more stories to go.

By the time I got to my floor, I was huffing and puffing for dear life, so I rushed to my apartment and quickly entered. Upon entering, I saw my boyfriend, Travis, laid out on the couch. I get myself some water and sit on the couch beside his.

The phone rings, and I hurry to answer it.


"Hey, wanna go get a drink?" It was my friend.

"I guess I could go for a drink." I reply, looking around the apartment. Trash and clothes clutter every surface. "Lets go tonight, I've gotta clean up around here."

After I finished cleaning, I flung the rag over my shoulder, and placed a hand on my hip. With a sigh, I decide to get dressed in the other room.

I pick out a short black dress, only to discover it had a hole in it. I just go with jeans and a light blue button-up blouse. Pulling my hair into a ponytail, I struggle to dial my friend's number.

After a few rings, I finish my hair, and they pick up.

"Hey, I'm ready. We can head out whenever." I suggest. They get on their way to me, and I hang up.

She drove in her car, I sat in her passenger seat, staring out the window at the stars. I smile.

"The sky is so big." I say, grinning.

"Did you drink already?" She laughed.

We walk into the bar, and a large crowd of people clung together in the middle of the room. Music plays very loudly, and I nearly have to hold my ears.

We push past the crowd and sit at the bar, which nobody stood behind.

"Where's the bartender?" I watched my friend mouth. I shrug.

Just then, I see someone drag a guy out of the bar, and kick him out.

"Don't think 'bout comin back!" He yelled. Wait! That voice?

He walked behind the counter, dusting his hands off. It was Sans.

He leaned on the counter, and looked at us.

"What can I getcha ladies to drink?" He asks, before his eyes widen. "Wait, you're (y/n)!"

I laugh.

"Yeah, it's me. But, you know, call me Frisk." I laugh, and my friend gives me a oooooh, who's this fella look.

"Anyway, can I get a Bloody Mary?" My friend asks.

"Uh, could I just get some scotch?" I ask.

"One bloody m, and one scotch. Gotcha." He turned around and began working his magic on the counter behind him. I turn to my friend.

"So, who's he?" She raises an eyebrow.

"He's just someone I met while buying a hotdog, and don't give me that look." I frown. "You know I have a boyfriend."

She giggles.

"I know, don't be so serious. But, hey, you haven't tied tee knot yet." She winks. I feel my chest tighten.

I've been waiting for him to propose. He's even asked my ring size, like, 3 times already.

I sigh. He turns around just in time, sliding my scotch across the counter, and gently places her Bloody Mary in front of her.

I immediately sip mine and place my purse on the counter.

"So, do you come here often?" He asked, resting his elbow on the counter, and his head in his hand. Was... He flirting with me?

"Eheh, I'm sure you'd see me around if I did." I smile and swirl my drink around in its class. My friend looks at me wide eyed, and I could tell she was screaming in her head. She really had a thing for shipping me with monsters. I'm not gunna lie, he was cute, but I have a boyfriend. I'm happily in my relationship.

"So, Sans, how long have you been bartending?" I ask, taking another sip.

"Eh, I took lessons from a pal of mine. He was very hot-headed, I'll tell you what." He chucked. If that was a pun, I wasn't getting it. My heart skips a beat.

I take a big gulp of my drink, feeling the liquid burn the back of my throat, and my face get hot. I had completely emptied my glass.

I slide glass back to Sans. He refills it.

"Please don't tell me you're drunk already." My friend laughed along with Sans. My face must have been bright red, the way it gets when I am, indeed, drunk. I bite my lip and glare away from them.

"Just gimme the damn drink." I say seriously, but they laugh anyway.

Not Alone - A Reader(Frisk) x Sans FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now