~~~~Chapter 12~~~~

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"Ya sure you don't want me to walk you to your apartment?" He asked.

I leaned in through the open door to his car.

"If you want," I say. "I just don't like wasting people's time.

With that said, Sans hopped out of the car and shut his door, as did I.

"You're not wasting my time." He said, and I felt my face flush. I had to do something.

Once we arrived at my apartment, Sans stood across from me as I opened the door.

"Ight, bye." He said. "Have a good night."

"Wait, Sans..." I say, grabbing his wrist gently. "I have to talk to you about something."

He stares at me with furrowed brows.

"What is it?" He asked.

"Today was great, like I said. I feel a way I haven't felt in years... But. I don't think I can see you anymore... I mean... I don't know." At this point, my cheeks are burning and tears brim my eyes.

"What..?" He said, his expression changed to grief quickly. It made me feel worse.

"Sans, I can't explain it, okay? It's dangerous..." I bite my lip.

"Literally like an hour ago you were telling me how great we are. Wait. Is that it? Do you think monsters are bad..?" He seemed to scramble through his thoughts and absolutely lose himself. "Is that it? Is it?"

That's when I noticed something terribly wrong. His eyes had no white pupils in them as they had before. They were just black. My eyes widen, and I slightly walk back into my apartment. He steps towards me.

"N-no! It's really not that, Sans. It's not..."

His eye lit up big and blue. The smile usually plastered onto his face had turned into a frown.

"Then what?" He snapped.

"Sans! I can't tell you, get out!"

I slam the door shut, pushing him out in the process, and he stumbles out. He knocks on the door sickly, I hold it shut.

Until it also lit up blue, and swung open effortlessly, throwing me to the side.

Looking up, the open doorway reveals a person I don't even recognize. He was covered completely in shadows, and the only thing to be seen was the glow of his eye, and a steaming hand.

"Please... D-don't..." I crawl backwards into the wall, and cowering.

That's when Sans stopped, and so did i. His eye returned to the blackness, and his hand stopped steaming. He simply turned towards the door, and spoke.

"Don't talk to me or my friends ever again."

The door swung shut.

The apartment was filled with a sickly silence. It made me uneasy and lonely.

I'm also guessing that Travis isn't home because he'd hopefully had been out by now.

That night, I cleaned up, changed into my night gown, and got into bed. But, I couldn't sleep.

Don't talk to me or my friends ever again.

I messed up big time. I felt so bad. The words kept replaying in my head. Where was Travis when I needed him.

I decided to call him, only to get no reply. I called again. Nothing. It rang twice before going to messages.

I tried not to think too much about it, and cried myself to sleep that night.

I tried not to think too much about it, and cried myself to sleep that night

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