~~~~Chapter 14~~~~

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"What the fuck is this?" I scream, gesturing to her hand.

"(Y/n), leave." He stepped towards me.

I stopped, and everyone else did as well.

"Okay." I grab my sweatshirt and stare at it. I hadn't even noticed that it was his.

It read Denver on the back of it. I ball it up, and chuck it at him. It gets his dress shirt clearly wet. He smacks it away, an wipes his hands off onto his jacket.

I go to leave, but stop by the woman in the process.

"You know he's been with me for 3 years?"

She looked pissed before I left.

The walk home was freezing now that I had no hoodie, but I didn't care.

In fact, I didn't care about anything.

I didn't have friends, and now I didn't have a boyfriend. In a few days, I won't have a place to live. So, FUCK it.


I sit on the couch. Pap has everyone over again, but I can't stop thinking about (y/n). Was I too harsh?

Papyrus lead Alphys, Undyne, and Mettaton through the living room.


"Yep. I'm gonna hang here." I reply, not breaking my stare at the television.

"A-are you sure you d-don't want (y/n) to j-join?" Alphys suggested.

My head snaps towards her.


"You're still mad at her?" Mettaton asked, stepping up to Papyrus, wrapping his arm around his shoulder.

"I know what you think she d-did.. But she d-did say t-that wasn't the case. I think you should talk to her.." Alphys said, rubbing her arm. Undyne nodded with her.

"I agree." Mettaton said.

"Look, I don't want to. She's just someone I met a month ago. I don't think she, or I, care enough yet." I say.

That's when they all silenced. Undyne and Papyrus exchanged glances for a moment, before storming out and yelling "COME ON, GUYS, WE'LL BE LATE!"

Mettaton grabbed Alphys and pulled her out of the room. Alphys stared at me worriedly, before shutting the door.

I sigh, and flip the television channel once more.

Why do I care? I do feel kinda bad...

I suddenly see me, standing over her with my eye flashing in an explosion of blue. Shadows ravished my face, and I looked deadly.

Did I really look like that? ... Oh, God..

I cover my face, my eye beginning to flare once more.

I can't stand it when this happens. I did what I did, and I can't change it. Why wouldn't my mind stop showing me these images? I know what I looked like...

She cowered in the corner, tears spilling from her eyes, and her mouth spread out in fear. She was terrified for her life.

I stand up, and slam the remote onto the coffee table.

"GOD!" I growl, clenching my eye to force it to calm down.

Maybe you are a monster?

I sat in front of her. She was very small again. We were in the dinner restaurant at MTT's, in the under ground again.

My pupils had disappeared, and she was scared.

You'd be dead where you stand.

I remember saying it. And I remember her cowering. So, of course I played it off as a joke.

Now, I was standing before her. She was clenching a knife tightly in her hand, and a smile plastered on her face.

It was strange, because she was crying.

These were all different worlds, different times. Each before she reset, and each before she forgot. She'd always remember.

And, now she didn't. She was someone entirely new now. I'd have thought she was someone else had I didn't know better.

I am back in my house now, and it feels cold. I have a sinking feeling in my chest as I nearly fall. Something was wrong.

I have to go see (y/n).

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