~~~~Chapter 8~~~~

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Rushing onto my desk, I filed through all of the papers of mine, making sense of them.

A few people checked in with me as they would walk by, this way and that. I'd direct some newbies to where they have to go, and assist some important meetings.

I finally get to take a seat at my desk once again, and pop open a bottle of water to take a drink of. The phone on my desk rings, and I cringe before picking it up.

"Hello, this is desk and employee 427, what's up?" I answer.

"Yes, hello. Could you report to office 114 please?" The voice of another woman replies.

"Of course, I'll be right there."

Hanging up, I stand and wipe the sweat off of my hands and onto my shirt, and also straightening my skirt. I begin walking to the elevator, and go to the 3rd floor.

I knock on the door, which opens a few seconds later, allowing a thin man with dark hair and a sad face to walk out as I walk in.


My boss sits behind his desk. He has dark salt and pepper hair, that is gelled back. His beard is just starting to grow back, but somehow he makes 5 o'clock shadow look professional. His eyes squint at me, but his mouth is in a thin-lipped smile.

"Come in, take a seat." He says, gesturing over to the chair across from his desk. I oblige.

Upon sitting down, I notice just how large this man is. His broad shoulders are a good 2 feet higher than my head when i stepped closer.

"How are you?" He asks.

"I am well. And you?" I reply.

"As am I." He wheels his chair back, tapping it against the window, allowing the shining sun into the small modern room. "I'm gonna get to the point. I didn't call here to have a little chat, talk about the weather and such. No, it's bad news, (y/n)."

I adjust myself in the leather chair, having a sudden uncomfortable realization that this could be very bad, especially if the boss says so.

"Well, uh... What IS it?" I ask, very obviously shaken.

"(Y/n), we have to lay you off."

My chest tightens, and I dare not say a single thing- otherwise, the tears would start. I also knew my boss, and that he wasn't one to argue. So I didn't.

"Please, gather your things and go. You get a 6 month pension until you can get another job." He spoke. His voice was very quiet and nearly a whisper, yet so deep and it sounded like a growl.

I stood, and walked to the door, turning around to shut it. When I do I bite my lip.

"Have a nice day." I choke out, before rushing to the bathrooms, and locking myself in a stall.

I step beside the toilet, and rest my hand on the cool tile wall, pressing my eyes shut. I haven't had a panic attack in years, but when I did, they got very ugly.

I felt myself about to throw up, but I bit my tongue and washed my face. I felt decent enough to exit the bathroom, so I did. I could walk home, I'm sure I'd make it, so I headed out, clearing my desk in the process.

Dropping all of the files off at the service office, I then left the building. The tall glass doors shimmered as I turned them, the bright sun shining through them.

It was warm outside, but with a cool breeze. I'd be able to enjoy it if I wasn't trying to get home before thing get very ugly.

People stared at me like I was some sort of mutant when I jogged. Probably because nobody in their right mind would jog in these clothes.

It just made me even more anxious. I tried shaking it off, as I usually do, but since I was already in an attack, it was so easy to let these small things get to me.

After what felt like forever, I made it home. Travis had gone job hunting for the day, and wasn't supposed to be home until late, so I immediately ran a shower, and without undressing stood in it.

I let the cool stream of water run over me like relief, and it gave me exactly that.

I sat there for a long time, eventually the cold water made the skin on my back go numb.

I opened the curtains with the intent to finally climb out, but the mirror level to the tub made me stay. Glaring into it, I saw someone small and pathetic, with their makeup running and their hair in knots. Someone who had worn white when it rained, someone who was way thinner than they usually were.

The darkness under my eyes were made apparent.

I didn't know what to do with myself.  Travis and I were both unemployed now. Living in the city isn't exactly cheap, either.

I must have sat there for hours. My phone was constantly vibrating at this point. But I just couldn't muster up enough motivation to even move.

That was, until people started relentlessly banging on the door to the apartment. I felt like i should have been startled, though I wasn't.

The door flung open, and the voice of Em echoed through the apartment.

"Frisk? Frisk!!" She desperately searched my apartment, and ended up at the bathroom door, and I heard Sans' voice as well, though much more calm than hers.

"Buddy." He just said. It made me calm. It made me want to open the door for to hem.

So, I did.

I didn't care that I held a stupid little towel over my naked body. They stared at me, wide-eyed.

"Oh, (y/n)." She mumbled. She entered the bathroom and wrapped the towel around me properly, and then walked me into my bedroom, leaving Sans out I the hallway.

I just stood there as she dried me off and dressed me.

I look down in the process, and see that she has chosen a matching black bra and panties. I never matched my bra and underwear. It felt good.

She then slipped a plain black T-shirt  over my torso, and some dark jeans with way too many buttons than are necessary.

"There." She wiped her hands together, looking at my outfit, and loving it.

She and Sans sat on either side of me, both waiting to listen.

"Okay. I lost my job. They laid me off." I say. This time, I had only a small bolt of anxiety shoot through my chest.

"Oh, Frisk..." Em grumbled, and Sans rubbed my back.

"Buddy, do you want a job at the ba-" Sans started asking, but stopped mid sentence, looking at my hand.

Not Alone - A Reader(Frisk) x Sans FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now